Modified Turbo Pascal uudecode/encode. More user-friendly.

Pierre Darmon darmon at polaris.UUCP
Mon Oct 27 03:01:00 AEST 1986

I have made a slight modification to the TP sources of uudecode/encode posted
several times to the net not long ago. Instead of filling up the screen with 
periods, this modified version displays the count of the remaining bytes to
be processed. The two advantages are: 
     1) it does not scroll away the contents of the screen any more.
     2) it gives an idea of how much work is left to be done (handy for large

In order not to clobber the net I won't post. I'll just mail upon request.
But if I get too many requests, hum...   well I may consider posting to
net.sources only.   
To see how many requests I get, I'll wait a few days to decide to mail or post.

Pierre Darmon, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.                        
.....seismo!philabs!polaris!darmon. at csnet-relay  

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