kd, a keyed database desk manager (sort of)

Mark P. markp at valid.UUCP
Sun Oct 26 08:06:03 AEST 1986

Some time back, someone posted a program called 'kb', a quick keyed
database manager.  I looked it over and tried to use it, but found it
rather awkward and non-intuitive.  This is my first attempt at this
problem, called 'kd'.  (short, home-row, and vaguely 'keyed database.'
Essentially, it allows you to enter, index, query, and delete text
files using one or more keys.  I use it to store ideas, phone messages,
my current calendar, lists of things I have to do, and other things which
are too easily lost when just written down.  For instance, my calendar
file has the keys 'calendar' and 'events', so I say 'kd -Q events' or
'kd -Q calendar' to look at it, and 'kd -e events' or 'kd -e calendar' to
edit it.  If I want to see what's cooking with a particular vendor that
I am dealing with (like phone number of rep, verbal specifications), I
say 'kd -Q vendor', or just 'kd -x vendor' for a list of entries with
all the other keywords.

Advantages of kd:
	'friendly' user interface
	single program
	allows simple editing of text and keywords
	fairly 'robust' database-- key file can be fully reconstructed from
	  data files, all ASCII files with obvious format

Disadvantages of kd:
	only does 'AND' keyword search (I haven't found this to be a
	  significant limitation yet)
	requires explicit specification of keywords (in some ways a bonus,
	  since you don't get keys you didn't want and you always get the
	  ones you thought you were going to get)
	not excruciatingly fast (but neither was kb, for that matter)

To install, unroll the shar file using /bin/sh, modify the first line
of the Makefile to match your home directory, and type:
	make			(compiles kd)
	make initialize		(makes null key file and data file directory)

As currently written, kd will create a file called .keys in your home
directory and a subdirectory called .kd in your home directory.  Each
entry is a separate file in .kd.  When editing a new entry, it creates a
temporary file in /tmp.  The program uses the <sys/dir.h> directory functions,
which I believe are BSD 4.1c and beyond-specific.  It should be fairly
straightforward to construct equivalent functions for other Unixes.  It also
refers to "/usr/ucb/vi" explicitly.  If you prefer a different editor, or your
vi is located elsewhere, you should change these occurrences.  Yes, I know
I should have checked getenv("EDITOR"), but I didn't.

Usage is explained in the header comment of kd.c, and most of this
information is given when kd is invoked with no arguments.  No attempts
have been made to instill great robustness to the program, but it has
behaved fairly well so far for me.  I would appreciate any bugs, fixes or
improvements (since some of you undoubtedly have more time than me for
dabbling in these things *sigh*).  Thanks and have fun.

	Mark Papamarcos
	Valid Logic

(no warranty, either express or implied, and all that other legal stuff--
 if you use this program to maintain anything important, BACKUP YOUR
 DATABASE OCCASIONALLY!-- simply copying the .kd directory to somewhere
 else is sufficient)

------------------------- cut here -------------------------------
: This is a shar archive.
: Remove everything above this line.
: Run the file through sh, not csh.
: (type `sh this_file')
echo extracting - Makefile
sed 's/^X//' > Makefile << 'SHAR_EOF'
Xkd: kd.c
X	cc -o kd kd.c
X	-mkdir $(DATADIR)
X	cp /dev/null $(KEYFILE)
echo extracting - kd.c
sed 's/^X//' > kd.c << 'SHAR_EOF'
X   Mark P.'s keyed database manager for miscellaneous notes and stuff
X		October 25, 1986
X		uucp: hplabs!ridge!valid!markp
X   kd [-h]
X		Prints help message
X   kd -R
X		Rebuilds the key database
X   kd -x [key ...]
X		Prints index of all stuff, or corresponding to keys
X   kd -a [-f file] key ...
X		Adds more stuff.  The given keys are attached to the entry.
X		more keys may be added by prepending the special lines to
X		the input.  If no file is specified, goes into vi.
X   kd -q key ...
X		Queries the database for the given keys (logical AND).
X   kd -Q key ...
X		Queries the database.  Prints full text of database entries.
X   kd -e key ...
X		Queries the database.  Enters vi on only 1 entry.
X		Alters name of entry.
X   kd -E key ...
X		Queries the database.  Enters vi on several entries.
X		Alters names of entries.
X   kd -D key ...
X		Deletes things (with confirmation).
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sgtty.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/dir.h>
Xstruct	sgttyb tty;	/* Tty information */
Xint	ttyflags;	/* Tty flag image */
Xint	goodtty;	/* What it was upon entering */
Xint	iocount;	/* Characters read */
Xint	ospeed;		/* Baud rate */
X#define savetty() (gtty(ttyflags,&tty), goodtty = tty.sg_flags)
X#define fixtty() (tty.sg_flags = goodtty, stty(ttyflags,&tty))
X#define cbreak() (tty.sg_flags |= CBREAK, stty(ttyflags,&tty))
X#define nocbreak() (tty.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK, stty(ttyflags,&tty))
X#define usage() \
X   {fprintf(stderr, "\007usage: kd -R|-x [key ...]|-a [-f file] [key ...]|-{e|E|q|Q|D} key ...\n"); \
X    exit(1);}
X#define MAX_FN_LEN	40
X#define KEYSTRING	"<$>"
X#define KEY_FN		".keys"
X#define NEW_KEY_FN	".keys.tmp"
X#define BACKUP_KEY_FN	".keys.old"
X#define KD_DIR		".kd"
Xtypedef struct hts
X   char *fn;
X   struct hts *next;
X} matchstruct;
Xint Rebuildflag = 0;		/* Command-line options */
Xint queryflag = 0;
Xint addflag = 0;
Xint fileflag = 0;
Xint indexflag = 0;
Xint printflag = 0;
Xint editflag = 0;
Xint editmanyflag = 0;
Xint Deleteflag = 0;
Xint allflags;
Xchar *homedir;			/* HOME environment */
Xchar keyfn[MAX_FN_LEN];		/* Key file name */
Xchar newkeyfn[MAX_FN_LEN];	/* Newly generated key file name */
Xchar backupkeyfn[MAX_FN_LEN];	/* Backup of old key file name */
Xchar datadn[MAX_FN_LEN];	/* Data directory name */
Xchar cshcommand[80];		/* Buffer for system() */
Xchar addfn[MAX_FN_LEN];		/* File name for add */
Xmatchstruct *basematch = NULL;	/* Beginning of list of matches */
X   Main program (finally)
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X   int i;
X   argc--;			/* Process command-line arguments */
X   argv++;
X   while ((argc > 0) && (**argv == '-'))
X   {
X      (*argv)++;
X      while (**argv)
X	 switch (*(*argv)++)
X	 {
X	    case 'R' : Rebuildflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'Q' : printflag= 1;
X	    case 'q' : queryflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'f' : fileflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'a' : addflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'x' : indexflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'E' : editmanyflag= 1;
X	    case 'e' : editflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'D' : Deleteflag= 1; break;
X	    case 'h' : break;
X	    default:
X	       usage();
X	 }
X      argc--;
X      argv++;
X   }
X   /* Check consistency of command-line arguments */
X   if (fileflag)
X   {
X      if (argc == 0)
X      {
X	 fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: no file specified with -f\n");
X	 exit(1);
X      }
X      if (!addflag)
X      {
X	 fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can only specify file with -a\n");
X	 exit(1);
X      }
X      strcpy(addfn, *argv);
X      argc--;
X      argv++;
X   }
X   allflags= Rebuildflag+addflag+queryflag+indexflag+editflag+Deleteflag;
X   if (allflags == 0)
X   {
X      Help();
X      exit(0);
X   }
X   if (allflags != 1)
X      usage();
X   if (Rebuildflag && (argc > 0))
X      usage();
X   if ((queryflag || editflag || Deleteflag) && (argc == 0))
X      usage();
X   /* Generate constant file names */
X   if ((homedir= (char *)getenv("HOME")) == (char *)NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't get HOME environment\n");
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   sprintf(keyfn, "%s/%s", homedir, KEY_FN);
X   sprintf(newkeyfn, "%s/%s", homedir, NEW_KEY_FN);
X   sprintf(backupkeyfn, "%s/%s", homedir, BACKUP_KEY_FN);
X   sprintf(datadn, "%s/%s", homedir, KD_DIR);
X   /* Dispatch the appropriate procedure */
X   if (Rebuildflag)
X      Rebuild();
X   if (addflag)
X      Add(argc, argv);
X   if (queryflag)
X      Query(argc, argv);
X   if (indexflag)
X      Index(argc, argv);
X   if (editflag)
X      Edit(argc, argv);
X   if (Deleteflag)
X      Delete(argc, argv);
X   outputxlate(string)
X   Takes file name of a data file, and prints it out in an understandable
X   form.  Conveniently, the file name is just the ASCII version of time(0),
X   which is readily converted to ASCII date and time of entry/last change
X   of this datum.
Xchar *s;
X   long val;
X   val= atoi(s);
X   printf("%.24s", ctime(&val));
X   Rebuild()
X   Rebuilds the key file out of all the data files.  This is not necessarily
X   the most efficient way to do this, but it is extremely robust.  The new
X   key file is built in a separate file, then the old key file is moved to
X   a backup, and the new key file is moved to its place.  Directory
X   operations here are 4.1c/4.2-specific.  Each line in the key file is
X   just a file name, space, and one key.
X   DIR *dirp;			/* Directory stream */
X   struct direct *dirent;	/* Directory entry for current data file */
X   char datafn[MAX_FN_LEN];	/* Data file name */
X   FILE *dataf;
X   FILE *newkeyf;
X   char c;
X   int i;
X   fprintf(stderr, "Rebuilding...");
X   /* Create the new key file */
X   if ((newkeyf= fopen(newkeyfn, "w")) == NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "kd: can't create %s\n", newkeyfn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   /* Open up the data file directory */
X   if ((dirp= opendir(datadn)) == NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "kd: can't open directory %s\n", datadn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   /* Find keys in each file in directory, excluding . and .. */
X   while ((dirent= readdir(dirp)) != NULL)
X   {
X      if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.')
X      {
X	 sprintf(datafn, "%s/%s", datadn, dirent->d_name);
X	 if ((dataf= fopen(datafn, "r")) == NULL)
X	 {
X	    fprintf(stderr, "kd: can't open %s\n", datafn);
X	    exit(1);
X	 }
X	 else
X	 {
X	    for(;;)
X	    {
X	       for (i= 0; i < KEYSTRING_LEN; i++)
X		  if (getc(dataf) != KEYSTRING[i])
X		     goto endloop;
X	       fprintf(newkeyf, "%s", dirent->d_name);
X	       while ((c= getc(dataf)) != '\n')
X		  putc(c, newkeyf);
X	       putc('\n', newkeyf);
X	    }
Xendloop:    fclose(dataf);
X	 }
X      }
X   }
X   closedir(dirp);
X   fclose(newkeyf);
X   unlink(backupkeyfn);			/* May or may not incur error */
X   link(keyfn, backupkeyfn);		/* Make backup */
X   unlink(keyfn);			/* Kill old key file */
X   link(newkeyfn, keyfn);		/* Brand new one now */
X   unlink(newkeyfn);			/* Kill temporary */
X   putc('\n', stderr);
X   Add(integer, array of strings)
X   The arguments are as argc and argv, and are interpreted as a list
X   of keys.  If a user-specified file exists (i.e. -f file), then
X   write the keys to the new data file and append the user's file.
X   If the user didn't specify a file, then write the keys to a temporary
X   file, call up vi on this file, and copy the result to the new data
X   file (deleting temporary when done).  Finally, rebuild the key file.
XAdd(ac, av)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
X   FILE *f;				/* User file or temporary */
X   char datafn[MAX_FN_LEN];		/* Data file name */
X   FILE *dataf;
X   int i;
X   int charsread;			/* Number of characters from read() */
X   char buf[1024];			/* Buffer for copying */
X   if (!fileflag)			/* No user-specified file */
X   {
X      sprintf(addfn, "/tmp/kd%010d.tmp", time(0));
X      if ((f= fopen(addfn, "a")) == NULL)
X      {
X	 fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: couldn't create %s\n", addfn);
X	 exit(1);
X      }
X      for (i= 0; i < ac; i++)		/* Make header and call up vi */
X      {
X	 fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", KEYSTRING, *av);
X	 av++;
X      }
X      fprintf(f, "*** Replace this line with your text ***\n");
X      fclose(f);
X      sprintf(cshcommand, "/usr/ucb/vi +%d %s", ac+1, addfn);
X      system(cshcommand);
X   }
X   /* In either case, addfn should be the user's file now */
X   if ((f= fopen(addfn, "r")) == NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: %s not found\n", addfn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   /* Magically generate the new data file name using time(0) */
X   sprintf(datafn, "%s/%010d", datadn, time(0));
X   if ((dataf= fopen(datafn, "w")) == NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: couldn't create %s\n", datafn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   /* Write header if user-specified file */
X   if (fileflag)
X      for (i= 0; i < ac; i++)
X      {
X	 fprintf(dataf, "%s %s\n", KEYSTRING, *av);
X	 av++;
X      }
X   /* Copy textual stuff to file */
X   while ((charsread= read(fileno(f), buf, 1024)) == 1024)
X      write(fileno(dataf), buf, 1024);
X   write(fileno(dataf), buf, charsread);
X   fclose(f);
X   fclose(dataf);
X   /* Remove temporary */
X   if (!fileflag)
X      unlink(addfn);
X   /* And rebuild... */
X   Rebuild();
X   int search(integer, array of strings, integer)
X   Does most of the work.  Passed the keys and a flag which selects either
X   silent lookup (for query) or a report (for index).  Compares keys against
X   the entries in the central key file.  Matches occur on exact compares
X   or when the specified key is a shortened version of the stored key.  A
X   linked list of matches is built, consisting solely of the file names
X   which contained matches.  If indexstyle is off, search() does no
X   reporting.  If it is on, search() prints one line for each file that
X   matched with all the keys occurring in that file.  If there are no keys
X   specified and indexstyle is on, then the entire index is printed.  This
X   is really just a nicer way of looking at the key file.  At any rate,
X   search() returns a value equal to the number of files which contained
X   matches.
Xsearch(ac, av, indexstyle)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
Xint indexstyle;
X   FILE *keyf;
X   int i;
X   char currentfn[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   char fnread[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   char keyread[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   char c;
X   int matches;
X   int lengths[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   matchstruct *oldbasematch;
X   int foundcount;
X   int firstline;
X   char datafn[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   FILE *dataf;
X   int keysinthisfile;
X   /* Initialize some things */
X   strcpy(currentfn, " ");
X   matches= 0;
X   foundcount= 0;
X   firstline= 1;
X   keysinthisfile= 0;
X   for (i= 0; i < ac; i++)
X      lengths[i]= strlen(av[i]);
X   /* Open up the key file */
X   if ((keyf= fopen(keyfn, "r")) == NULL)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't find %s\n", keyfn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   /* For each line in the key file, get the file name and key. */
X   /* Keep a count of the number of matches for each given file name, */
X   /* and add that file name to the list of matches if the count is */
X   /* equal to the number of user-specified keys.  Also, report in */
X   /* the appropriate fashion if indexstyle is on. */
X   while ((c= getc(keyf)) != EOF)
X   {
X      ungetc(c, keyf);
X      fscanf(keyf, "%s %s", fnread, keyread);
X      /* Check to see if we have advanced to a new file name */
X      if (strcmp(fnread, currentfn))
X      {
X	 /* Indexstyle is on and no keys- every file matches */
X	 if (indexstyle && (ac == 0))
X	 {
X	    if (firstline)
X	       firstline= 0;
X	    else
X	       putc('\n', stdout);
X	    outputxlate(fnread);
X	    printf(" - ");
X	    foundcount++;
X	 }
X	 /* Perfect match?  Add to list and report if indexstyle */
X	 if (matches == ac)
X	 {
X	    oldbasematch= basematch;
X	    basematch= (struct hts *)malloc(sizeof(matchstruct));
X	    basematch->fn= (char *)malloc(strlen(currentfn)+1);
X	    strcpy(basematch->fn, currentfn);
X	    basematch->next= oldbasematch;
X	    foundcount++;
X	    if (indexstyle && (ac > 0))
X	    {
X	       outputxlate(currentfn);
X	       printf(" - ");
X	       sprintf(datafn, "%s/%s", datadn, currentfn);
X	       if ((dataf= fopen(datafn, "r")) == NULL)
X	       {
X		  fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't find %s\n", datafn);
X		  exit(1);
X	       }
X	       for (i= 0; i < keysinthisfile; i++)
X	       {
X		  while ((c= getc(dataf)) != ' ')
X		     ;
X		  do
X		  {
X		     putc(c, stdout);
X		     c= getc(dataf);
X		  }  while (c != '\n');
X	       }
X	       putc('\n', stdout);
X	       fclose(dataf);
X	    }
X	 }
X	 if (matches > ac)
X	 {
X	    fprintf(stderr, "\007:kd duplicate keys in %s\n", currentfn);
X	    exit(1);
X	 }
X	 strcpy(currentfn, fnread);
X	 matches= 0;
X	 keysinthisfile= 0;
X      }
X      keysinthisfile++;
X      if (indexstyle && (ac == 0))
X	 printf(" %s", keyread);
X      /* Do the actual key comparisons */
X      for (i= 0; i < ac; i++)
X      {
X	 if (!strncmp(keyread, av[i], lengths[i]))
X	    matches++;
X      }
X      /* Get rest of line from key file */
X      while ((c= getc(keyf)) != '\n')
X	 ;
X   }
X   if (indexstyle && (ac == 0))
X      putc('\n', stdout);
X   if (matches == ac)
X   {
X      oldbasematch= basematch;
X      basematch= (struct hts *)malloc(sizeof(matchstruct));
X      basematch->fn= (char *)malloc(strlen(currentfn)+1);
X      strcpy(basematch->fn, currentfn);
X      basematch->next= oldbasematch;
X      foundcount++;
X      if (indexstyle && (ac > 0))
X      {
X	 outputxlate(currentfn);
X	 printf(" - ");
X	 sprintf(datafn, "%s/%s", datadn, currentfn);
X	 if ((dataf= fopen(datafn, "r")) == NULL)
X	 {
X	    fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't find %s\n", datafn);
X	    exit(1);
X	 }
X	 for (i= 0; i < keysinthisfile; i++)
X	 {
X	    while ((c= getc(dataf)) != ' ')
X	       ;
X	    do
X	    {
X	       putc(c, stdout);
X	       c= getc(dataf);
X	    } while (c != '\n');
X	 }
X	 putc('\n', stdout);
X	 fclose(dataf);
X      }
X   }
X   if (matches > ac)
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: duplicate keys in %s\n", currentfn);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   fclose(keyf);
X   return(foundcount);
X   Query(integer, array of strings)
X   Does the -q (terse) or -Q command.  Calls search() with the number of
X   keys and the keys, and either summarizes its results or dumps the full
X   contents of all the files that matched.
XQuery(ac, av)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
X   char matchfn[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   FILE *dataf;
X   int i;
X   int found;
X   matchstruct *traverse;
X   char buf[1024];
X   int charsread;
X   found= search(ac, av, 0);
X   if (found == 0)
X   {
X      printf("No matches found\n");
X      exit(0);
X   }
X   if (!printflag)
X   {
X      printf("%d %s found:\n", found,
X	 (found == 1) ? "match" : "matches");
X      for (traverse= basematch; traverse != NULL; traverse= traverse->next)
X	 printf("   %s\n", traverse->fn);
X   }
X   else
X   {
X      for (traverse= basematch; traverse != NULL; traverse= traverse->next)
X      {
X	 printf("---------- %s ----------\n", traverse->fn);
X	 sprintf(matchfn, "%s/%s", datadn, traverse->fn);
X	 if ((dataf= fopen(matchfn, "r")) == NULL)
X	    fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't find %s\n", matchfn);
X	 else
X	 {
X	    while ((charsread= read(fileno(dataf), buf, 1024)) == 1024)
X	       write(fileno(stdout), buf, 1024);
X	    write(fileno(stdout), buf, charsread);
X	 }
X	 fclose(dataf);
X      }
X   }
X   Index(integer, array of strings)
X   Prints a synopsis of the key file, either the whole thing if no keys
X   are specified, or reducing it by matching the specified keys.  The
X   search() function does all the work for us.
XIndex(ac, av)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
X   int found;
X   found= search(ac, av, 1);
X   if (found == 0)
X   {
X      printf("No matches found\n");
X      exit(0);
X   }
X   Edit(integer, array of strings)
X   Implements -e and -E.  Matches the keys against the key file.  If
X   -e was specified and there is exactly one match, calls up vi on that
X   file.  If -E was specified, calls up vi on each matching file in
X   turn.  Each file edited has its name changed to correspond to the
X   current date and time.  Notice the sleep(1) hack to prevent the
X   not-particularly-nice possibility of two data files being created
X   with the same name.  Rebuilds the key file when done.
XEdit(ac, av)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
X   int found;
X   matchstruct *traverse;
X   found= search(ac, av, 0);
X   if (found == 0)
X   {
X      printf("No matches found\n");
X      exit(0);
X   }
X   if ((found != 1) && (!editmanyflag))
X   {
X      fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: -e specified but %d matches\n", found);
X      exit(1);
X   }
X   for (traverse= basematch; traverse != NULL; traverse= traverse->next)
X   {
X      sprintf(cshcommand, "/usr/ucb/vi %s/%s", datadn, traverse->fn);
X      system(cshcommand);
X      sprintf(cshcommand, "/bin/mv %s/%s %s/%010d",
X	 datadn, traverse->fn, datadn, time(0));
X      system(cshcommand);
X      sleep(1);
X   }
X   Rebuild();
X   Delete(integer, array of strings)
X   Deletes all data files which match the specified keys.  Each deletion
X   is confirmed before executing.  Rebuilds the key file when done.
X   Note that, in event of an interrupt, the user's terminal will be left
X   in cbreak mode.
XDelete(ac, av)
Xint ac;
Xchar *av[];
X   int i;
X   int found;
X   char matchfn[MAX_FN_LEN];
X   FILE *dataf;
X   matchstruct *traverse;
X   int charsread;
X   char buf[1024];
X   char c;
X   found= search(ac, av, 0);
X   if (found == 0)
X   {
X      printf("No matches found\n");
X      exit(0);
X   }
X   for (traverse= basematch; traverse != NULL; traverse= traverse->next)
X   {
X      printf("---------- %s ----------\n", traverse->fn);
X      sprintf(matchfn, "%s/%s", datadn, traverse->fn);
X      if ((dataf= fopen(matchfn, "r")) == NULL)
X	 fprintf(stderr, "\007kd: can't find %s\n", matchfn);
X      else
X      {
X	 while ((charsread= read(fileno(dataf), buf, 1024)) == 1024)
X	    write(fileno(stdout), buf, 1024);
X	 write(fileno(stdout), buf, charsread);
X      }
X      fclose(dataf);
X      fprintf(stderr, "\nDo you really want to delete this <y/n>? ");
X      savetty();
X      ospeed= tty.sg_ospeed;
X      cbreak();
X      while (c= getc(stdin), (c != 'y') && (c != 'n'))
X	 ;
X      fixtty();
X      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
X      if (c == 'y')
X      {
X	 unlink(matchfn);
X	 fprintf(stderr, "Deleted.\n");
X      }
X      else
X	 fprintf(stderr, "Left alone.\n");
X   }
X   Rebuild();
X   Help()
X   Prints help information.
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -a key ... : add a new entry with optional keys\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "                '-f file' after -a for existing file\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -x         : prints index of whole database\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -x key ... : prints index of selected items\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -q key ... : quick query of selected items\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -Q key ... : full print of selected items\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -e key ... : edit a single selected item\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -E key ... : edit many selected items\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -D key ... : deletes selected items (confirms) \n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd -R         : rebuilds the key database\n");
X   fprintf(stderr, "kd [-h]       : this message\n");

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