MM, nroff, troff needed for PC (MSDOS)

romwa at utcs.UUCP romwa at utcs.UUCP
Tue Oct 21 22:46:34 AEST 1986

I, too, would be interested in having an nroff for the PC.  We
do a lot of work on PC's and then move it to XENIX for
typesetting.  It would be great to be able to preview the
typeset text on the PC.

Another alternative which we have begun to look at is to
rewrite the PD "roff" program so that the use of the dot
commands is directly parallel to mm/ms or n/troff.  The code
is available in C from many BBS's.  There are many limitations
with roff and there is no use in reinventing the wheel
however, if a "real" nroff for the PC is available.

Mark T. Dornfeld               The Royal Ontario Museum
                               Toronto, Ontario Canada

utcs!romwa          -or-       utcs!romwa!mark

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