MM, nroff, troff needed for PC (MSDOS)

John Miller jrm at cblpe.UUCP
Fri Oct 17 23:42:05 AEST 1986

I am looking for a package that is functionally identical to the
MM (Memorandum Macros) package available on UNIX that I can use
on a ATT PC 6300 running MSDOS. I would also need the nroff or troff that the
macros produce code for. Examples of these macros are:

	.TL   for title of a document.
	.P    for the beginning of a new paragraph
	.H 1  for the beginning of a new header line 

Is anyone aware of such a package for the PC that would be available
commercially or otherwise?

            (o o)
             -v-       j.r. miller, at&t bell labs, columbus, oh
             |||    		(614) 860-4314

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