MM, nroff, troff needed for PC (MSDOS)

Bill wjr at rayssd.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 10:47:50 AEST 1986

> I am looking for a package that is functionally identical to the
> MM (Memorandum Macros) package available on UNIX that I can use
> on a ATT PC 6300 running MSDOS. I would also need the nroff or troff that the
> macros produce code for. Examples of these macros are:
> 	.TL   for title of a document.
> 	.P    for the beginning of a new paragraph
> 	.H 1  for the beginning of a new header line 
> Is anyone aware of such a package for the PC that would be available
> commercially or otherwise?
> -- 

Yes, I have had one for a PC for several years although I haven't used
it yet. The package is called "Carousel Tool Book" and works on IBM PC
and compatables. The "toolkit" is a series of UNIX-like tools with one
of the programs being called "format" which is very similar to nroff.
However, you will have to generate some of your own macros to use with "format".
The companys address and phone are taken from the documentation I have:

	Carousel MicroTools Inc.
	609 Kearney Street
	El Cerrito, CA 94530


I don't even know if they are still in business...but good luck anyway.

Bill Ramey

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