MM, nroff, troff needed for PC (MSDOS)

George DeVinney devinney at sunybcs.UUCP
Sat Oct 25 13:56:33 AEST 1986

The IBM Users group here in buffalo has what they call 'nroff' and
describe as aUNIX like text editor. It's not 'nroff' and I don't know
how good it might be.

Their board is at (716) 832-1398. You need approval to download but
it usually will not take long.

UUCP   : {cmcl2,hao,harpo}!seismo!rochester!rocksvax!sunybcs!devinney  |
         ...{allegra,decvax,watmath}!sunybcs!devinney                  |
ARPA   :  devinney%buffalo at csnet-relay                                 |
BITNET :  devinney at sunybcs                                             |

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