Help : access to BITNET and ARPA-Net via UUCP net?

Dan Ehrlich ehrlich at psuvax1.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 00:55:52 AEST 1986

In article <610004 at hpsrla.HP.COM> tiwary at hpsrla.HP.COM (Ashutosh Tiwary) writes:
>>Me too.
>>	I am looking for a way to get to BITNET, CSNET, Internet etc. from 
>>unix mail. Can anyone out there be of help.
>>Ashutosh Tiwary,

	The Computer Science departmet here at Penn State acts as a UUCP
	to BITNET/CSNET gateway.  Use an address of the form:

		...!psuvax1!host.BITNET!user		uucp <-> BITNET


		...!psuvax1!host.CSNET!user		uucp <-> CSNET

	The host WISCVM.BITNET is an Internet <-> BITNET gateway so the
	following should work to get to the Internet:


	If you have any problems send me a message and I will try to

--Daniel Ehrlich
CSNET:	  ehrlich at penn-state.csnet	USPS: The Pennsylvania State University
INTERNET: ehrlich at	      Department of Computer Science
UUCP: 	  ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!ehrlich	      333 Whitmore Laboratory
BITNET:	  ehrlich at psuvax1.bitnet	      University Park, PA   16802
					BELL: (814) 863-1142
"The sky is blue so we know where to stop mowing."  Judge Harold T. Stone

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