Help : access to BITNET and ARPA-Net via UUCP net?

John Plocher plocher at
Thu Oct 23 01:59:36 AEST 1986

jon at nsc.UUCP (Jon Ryshpan) responds to:
> tiwary at hpsrla.HP.COM (Ashutosh Tiwary) who chimes in with:
>> (someone who is more than 2 weeks old) who pleads:
>> Me too...
>>	I am looking for a way to get to BITNET, CSNET, Internet etc. from 
>>unix mail. Can anyone out there be of help.
 <sorry I'm doing it too...>


  This seems to happen every month or so; what can a person do about it?

  This is net.sources.   SOURCES    S O U R C E S   can *you* say "source code"?
  Discussions about programs should go in net.sources.d
  This reply should go in net.sources.d, but I don't know if the above
    people even know net.sources.d exists!
  Requests should go in net.wanted.sources

  PLEASE!  The noise to signal ratio is getting MUCH TOO HIGH in this group!


"Never trust an idea you get sitting down" - Nietzche
------------	{harvard,seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!uwhsms!plocher        (work)
John Plocher    {harvard,seismo}!uwvax!puff!plocher                 (school)
------------	decvax!encore!vaxine!spark!121!0!John_Plocher       (FidoNet)

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