GNUPLOT 1.1: part 1 of 6

black at black at
Mon Feb 9 13:57:16 AEST 1987

>  I have tried putting GNUPLOT together on my PC/XT using the MS C 4.0
> compiler.  The load string calls for a library called "EGA.LIB" which
> iss not avialable.  As a result there are several undefined addresses.


Extended Graphics Adapters are cards that XTs use to produce hi-res 
graphics output on terminals.  If you have such a card for your
PC, it should have included a floppy disk with EGA.LIB on it.
If you're using a Hercules or other non-EGA card, what you'll need
to do is establish a one-to-one mapping from EGA routines to yours,
paying special attention to parameters (one-to-two or even one-to-n
mappings are possible too, but one Hell of a lot less likely to

Hope this clears things up a bit.

Rex Black
black at                                          ARPA        
...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,sdcrdcf,trwspp}!ucla-cs!uclaee!black     UUCP

Disclaimer:  "It wasn't me, no no babe, it wasn't me,
              Yeah, it musta been some-other-body,
              No no child, it wasn't me!"  -- George Thoroughgood

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