Download RBBS for PC-VT and LPTx

markd at wolf.UUCP markd at wolf.UUCP
Mon Feb 9 03:31:00 AEST 1987

I have set up a home base for the distribution of my programs PC-VT and
LPTx. PC-VT is a VT-100/102 emulator for the IBM-PC and LPTx is a printer
output capture to disk program also for the IBM-PC. The Alpo-Net FIDO RBBS
at 619-741-3412 has copies of the latest versions of these programs. It is
an open board. You can call and download any time 24hrs a day. It runs at
300/1200/2400 baud.

Here is what the file areas display looks like. The programs are in file
area 17. There are two readme files in plain ASCII and three different
versions of XMODEM. The XMODEM program were not written by me and are
public domain. Of the four versions of LPTx, the beta release version 6
works best under DOS 3.x.

----- File Areas -----
 1 ... General MS-DOS Utilities
 2 ... Printer utilities
 3 ... EGA & Graphics               [last update 7-86]
 4 ... "C" Language
 5 ... Pascal Language 
 6 ... Basic Language
 7 ... Other languages, Sys. programming
 8 ... Communications programs
 9 ... Business, Word processors
10 ... Games and Entertainment      [temporarily off-line]
11 ... Basic Games (*.bas)	     [temporarily off-line]
12 ... Recent Uploads
13 ... Old Uploads, get 'em while you can
14 ... Fido features, newsletters, text files, misc.
15 ... Fidonet attached file area
16 ... Self-help and tutorials	     [new]
17 ... PC-VT / Other Mark Divecchio programs
File Area, or Quit: 17

File Area #17: PC-VT / Other Mark Divecchio programs
A)rea-Change  L)ocate       F)iles        
T)ype         G)oodbye      U)pload       
D)ownload     S)tatistics   M)ain-Menu    
File: A L F T G U D S M R or ? for help: f


  FILE AREA # 17 -- Pc-Vt & other Mark Divecchio programs   [1-29-87]


PC-VT84.ARC   141184 VT100 Term. emulator for PC, latest version (8.4)
LPTX301.ARC    19712 Line Printer Capture program (best for Dos 2.1)
LPTX401.ARC    23296 Line Printer Capture program (best for Dos 3.X)
LPTX501.ARC    25728 Line Printer Capture program (Dos 3.X)
XMODVMS.ARC    23680 Xmodem for VAX VMS Hosts
XMODSYSV.ARC   24576 Xmodem for Unix system V Hosts
XMODBSD.ARC    30336 Xmodem for Unix BSD Hosts
LPTX60B.ARC     7680 Line Printer Capture program, ver. v6.0B (Beta release)
README.LPT      3456 Read all about LPTX (Download or use Fido type command)
README.VT       6528 Read all about PC-VT (Download or use Fido type command)

Mark C. DiVecchio 10435 Mountain Glen Terrace, San Diego, CA 92131
K3FWT			Home of PC-VT and LPTx		619-566-6810

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