Another kind of su program (source)

fred at mimsy.UUCP fred at mimsy.UUCP
Thu Feb 12 12:45:54 AEST 1987

	In article <9260001 at hpfclp.HP.COM> diamant at hpfclp.HP.COM
		(John Diamant) writes:

		Here at rutgers we have a local hack that is called
		slide.  Slide is a program that can be as simple
		as . . .

	I hope in the real thing you use some variant of exec
	instead of system.  This is creating an extra shell every
	time you run it.

Sorry for going off on a tangent which properly doesn't belong
here, but:

We considered installing something of this sort here at maryland
and decided against it. We considered the possibility of the ``wrong
person'' walking up to your tty and invoking a super-user shell
too great to allow.

Yes, of course you should keep a logged-in terminal guarded if
it's not in a secure area, but requiring the password each time is
a small price for a bit more security.
					Fred Blonder (301) 454-7690
					Fred at

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