Another kind of su program (source)

diamant at hpfclp.UUCP diamant at hpfclp.UUCP
Tue Feb 3 13:52:28 AEST 1987

>   Here at rutgers we have a local hack that is called slide.  Slide
> is a program that can be as simple as
> main{}
> 	{
> 	setuid(0);
> 	system(/bin/sh);
>  	}

I hope in the real thing you use some variant of exec instead of system.
This is creating an extra shell every time you run it.

John Diamant
SCO				UUCP:  {hplabs,hpfcla}!hpfclp!diamant
Hewlett Packard Co.		ARPA Internet: diamant%hpfclp at hplabs.HP.COM
Fort Collins, CO

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