wang7 apologizes

pingel at wang7.UUCP pingel at wang7.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 04:50:22 AEST 1987

I wish to apologize for an offensive guest posting.  The FASCIST option
of news 2.11 has been implemented as a result.  All postings will now
come from unique accounts.

The open guest account was a remnant of testing Sys V on Wang hardware.
The transition from test to production use was done without purging the
/etc/passwd file.

The guest user has been spoken to over this matter.  Please do not disturb
the rest of the net with further postings.  

Lee Pingel, M/S 014790			  harvard!vaxine!ima--+
Wang Laboratories Inc.			decvax!wanginst!wang--+---wang7!pingel
1 Industrial Ave.			  appollo!vaxine!ima--+
Lowell, MA 01851                            harvard!masscomp--+

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