alias and technique for troff

peters at cubsvax.UUCP peters at cubsvax.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 03:40:06 AEST 1987

Several people have been kind enough to suggest improvements to my technique.
I tried to thank some of them, but email didn't go through.  The two simple
changes that I've incorporated are as follows:

	(1) use ".\", not ".." to start the line;  I was wrong:
	    ".\" in fact introduces the troff comment sequence.

	(2) use "sed -e 1q", rather than "sed -e 2,\$d".

So the alias now looks like this:
	alias roff 'sed -e 1s/\.\\// -e 1s/@/!*/ -e 1q !* | sh &'

And the first line in the source file looks like this (for example):
	.\ eqn @ | ltroff -me

If you missed the posting first time around, what this buys you is the
ability to record all the preprocessor and macro-package information in the
source file;  the alias reads the first line, substitutes the "@" with the
file-name, and passes the result to /bin/sh for execution.  To use, simply say:
	roff fname


Peter S. Shenkin	 Columbia Univ. Biology Dept., NY, NY  10027
{philabs,rna}!cubsvax!peters		cubsvax!peters at columbia.ARPA

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