vn 12/86 (part 2 of 4) - vn.c & header files

Bob Mcqueer bobm at rtech.UUCP
Fri Jan 2 05:47:05 AEST 1987

Bob McQueer
{amdahl, sun, mtxinu, hoptoad, cpsc6a}!rtech!bobm

cut here
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	vn.c
#	config.h
#	head.h
#	reader.h
#	tty.h
#	tune.h
#	vn.h
# This archive created: Thu Jan  1 11:15:25 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'vn.c'" '(25993 characters)'
if test -f 'vn.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'vn.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'vn.c'
vn news reader for visual page oriented display of news
aimed at scanning large numbers of articles.

Original program by Bob McQueer in several versions 1983-1986.  Released
into the public domain in 1986.  While no copyright notice appears, the
original author asks that a history of changes crediting the proper people
be maintained.

Bob McQueer
{amdahl, sun, mtxinu, hoptoad, cpsc6a}!rtech!bobm


	(bobm at rtech) 5/86 - first "public" version

	(bobm at rtech) 12/86 - version incorporates:

		bug fixes:
			str_store NULL string bug
			not picking up first article in newsgroup
			RESTART terminal reset for exit to editor.
			skip whitespace in "empty" digest lines while unpacking
			DISTRIBUTION line in followups.
			:100%: prompt on last line in reader.
			interpretation of multiple negations -w -t options.

			Many thanks to several people who noted the first
			two bugs as well as fixes.

			Thank you to Karl Williamson for helpful information
			tracking down the "concept terminal" bug (RESTART).

		SYSV ifdef's adapted from those done by Larry Tepper
		at ATT Denver - sent in by Karl Williamson, drutx!khw.
		Many people submitted SYSV ifdef's - thank you all.

		print capability from reader from Karl Williamson,

		Changes to use alternate header lines for mail, from changes
		by Andy Marrinson, andy at icom.UUCP (ihnp4!icom!andy).  Ifdef'ed
		to allow local configuration (bobm at rtech).

		"author_copy" file for followups, prevention of multiple
		"re: "'s, insert blank line and original author line
		before excerpted text from Andy Marrinson, andy at icom.UUCP

		Search string capability in reader, from Lawrie Brown,
		seismo!munnari!cdsadfa.oz!lpb (Australia).  Somewhat
		modified by interaction with the :100%: bug.

		Arrow key support, adapted from changes by Lawrie Brown.
		Modified to simply not allow control keys for arrows (allowing
		SOME controls is too prone to problems, esp. with .vnkey), and
		to allow the PAGEARROW ifdef (bobm at rtech)

		prevention of followups to "mod" and "announce", from
		Lawrie Brown.

		OLDRC ifdef adapted from changes by Lawrie Brown.  ADDRMUNGE
		added to allow OZ domain addressing changes from Australia
		to be grafted back in, and provide a hook for anybody else
		wanting to do something similar.

		Bob McQueer, bobm at rtech:

			a menu selection from the % command to jump to
			a new newsgroup

			linked list on hash table - no longer a compiled
			in limit for number of newsgroups

			.vnkey keystroke mapping file.

			options to get the % command list on entry, and to
			change how unsubscribed groups are handled for updates.

			allow configurable use of vs / ve pair for terminal

Known bugs:

	non-erasure of stuff on prompt line when the new
	string includes an escape sequence (like PS1 maybe)
	because it doesn't realize that the escape sequence
	won't overprint the existing stuff

	control-w and update on exit may not update pages which have been
	scanned in funny orders by jumping into the middle of groups

	inaccurate numbers on '%' command results - reflect ranges, not
	actual numbers of articles.

	no arrow keys recognized which don't begin with <escape>

	doesn't know about the version 2.11 'm' in active list, or
	use the 'y' / 'n' either.

	crash due to embedding $\(\) type substring specifiers in regular
	expressions.  Obscure and hard to fix in a proper and portable way.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "vn.h"

/* UNIX error number */
extern int errno;

extern NODE **Newsorder;
extern char Erasekey, Killkey;
extern int Rot;
extern char *Ps1,*Printer;
extern char *Orgdir,*Savefile,*Savedir;
extern int Ncount, Cur_page, Lrec, L_allow, C_allow;
extern int Headflag;
extern PAGE Page;
extern int Digest;
extern char *No_msg;
extern char *Hdon_msg;
extern char *Hdoff_msg;
extern char *Roton_msg;
extern char *Rotoff_msg;
extern char Cxitop[], Cxptoi[];

extern char *Aformat;

extern char *Contstr;

extern char *Kl,*Kr,*Ku,*Kd;

extern int Nounsub, Listfirst;

static int C_info;
static int Dskip, Drec;

static char *Unsub_msg = "Unsubscribed";
static char *Egroup_msg = "Entire newsgroup";

	Help message table.  Character for command, plus its help
	message.  Table order is order of presentation to user.
static struct HELPTAB
	char cmd, *msg;
	int dig;
	char *amsg;
Helptab [] =
	{ QUIT, "quit", 1, NULL},
	{ UP, "(or up arrow) move up [number of lines]", 1, NULL},
	{ DOWN, "(or down arrow) move down [number of lines]", 1, NULL},
	{ BACK, "(or left arrow) previous page [number of pages]", 1, NULL},
	{ FORWARD, "(or right arrow) next page [number of pages]", 1, NULL},
	{ BACK, "previous page [number of pages]", 1, NULL},
	{ FORWARD, "next page [number of pages]", 1, NULL},
	{ DIGEST, "unpack digest", 1, "exit digest"},
	{ READ, "read article [number of articles]", 1, NULL},
	{ ALTREAD, "read article (alternate 'r')", 1, NULL},
	{ READALL, "read all articles on page", 1, NULL},
	{ READSTRING, "specify articles to read", 1, NULL},
	{ SAVE, "save or pipe article [number of articles]", 1, NULL},
	{ SAVEALL, "save or pipe all articles on page", 1, NULL},
	{ SAVESTRING, "specify articles to save", 1, NULL},
	{ ALTSAVE, "specify articles to save (alternate ctl-s)", 1, NULL},
	{ PRINT, "print article [number of articles]", 1, NULL},
	{ PRINTALL, "print all article on page", 1, NULL},
	{ PRINTSTRING, "specify articles to print", 1, NULL},
	{ UPDATE, "update .newsrc status to cursor", 0, NULL},
	{ UPALL, "update .newsrc status for whole newsgroup", 0, NULL},
	{ UPSEEN, "update .newsrc status for all pages displayed", 0, NULL},
	{ ORGGRP, "recover original .newsrc status for newsgroup", 0, NULL},
	{ ORGSTAT, "recover all original .newsrc status", 0, NULL},
	{ SSTAT, "display count of groups and pages - shown and total", 0, NULL},
	{ GRPLIST, "list newsgroups with new article, updated counts", 0, NULL},
	{ NEWGROUP, "specify newsgroup to display and/or resubscribe to", 1, NULL},
	{ UNSUBSCRIBE, "unsubscribe from group", 0, NULL},
	{ MARK, "mark/unmark article [number of articles]", 1, NULL},
	{ ART_MARK, "mark/unmark article [number of articles]", 1, NULL},
	{ UNMARK, "erase marks on articles", 1, NULL},
	{ HEADTOG, "toggle flag for display of headers when reading", 1, NULL},
	{ SETROT, "toggle rotation for reading", 1, NULL},
	{ REDRAW, "redraw screen", 1, NULL},
	{ UNESC, "escape to UNIX to execute a command", 1, NULL},
	{ HELP, "show this help menu", 1, NULL}
int argc;
char **argv;
		initialize environment variables,
		scan .newsrc file, using any command line options present.
	term_set (START);
	envir_set ();
	sig_set (BRK_IN);

	scan_newsrc (argc-1,argv+1);
	tty_set (BACKSTOP);

	if (Lrec >= 0)
		session ();
		new_groups ();
		fprintf (stderr,"\nNo News\n");

	tty_set (COOKED);
	wr_newsrc ();
	term_set (STOP);
	main session handler processing input commands
		count - count attached to command
		highrec - highest line on current page
		crec - current line

	NOTE: this is where a setjmp call is made to set the break reentry
		location.  Keep the possible user states in mind.
session ()
	char alist [RECLEN], c;
	int newg, i, j, count, highrec, crec;
	jmp_buf brkbuf;

	tty_set (RAWMODE);
	newg = new_groups();
	find_page (0);
	Digest = 0;

	/* reentry point for break from within session interaction */
	setjmp (brkbuf);
	sig_set (BRK_SESS,brkbuf);
	Headflag = FALSE;
	Rot = 0;

	/* done this way so that user gets "really quit?" break treatment */
	if (newg > 0)
		printf ("\n%s",Contstr);
		newg = 0;

	/* list preview option - clear after first time for long jumps */
	if (Listfirst)
		/* tot_list settings will be overwritten in this case */
		Listfirst = 0;

	/* if breaking from a digest, recover original page */
	if (Digest)
		Digest = 0;
	show ();
	crec = RECBIAS;
	highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
	term_set (MOVE,0,crec);

		handle commands until QUIT, update global/local status
		and display for each.
	for (count = getkey(&c); c != QUIT; count = getkey(&c))
		for (i=0; i < (j = sizeof(Helptab)/sizeof(struct HELPTAB)); ++i)
			if (Helptab[i].cmd == c)

		if (i >= j || (Digest && !Helptab[i].dig))
			preinfo (UDKFORM,Cxptoi[HELP]);
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);

		switch (c)
		case HEADTOG:
			if (Headflag)
				Headflag = FALSE;
				prinfo (Hdoff_msg);
				Headflag = TRUE;
				prinfo (Hdon_msg);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case SETROT:
			if (Rot == 0)
				Rot = 13;
				prinfo (Roton_msg);
				Rot = 0;
				prinfo (Rotoff_msg);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case SSTAT:
			count_msg ();
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case GRPLIST:
			tot_list (&crec,&highrec);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case REDRAW:
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
			(>state &= ~FLG_SUB;
			wr_newsrc ();
			prinfo (Unsub_msg);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case UPDATE:
			(>rdnum = Page.b[crec-RECBIAS].art_id;
			wr_show ();
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case UPALL:
			(>rdnum = (>art;
			prinfo (Egroup_msg);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case ORGGRP:
			(>rdnum = (>orgrd;
			prinfo (Egroup_msg);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case UPSEEN:
			prinfo ("All pages displayed to this point updated");
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case ORGSTAT:
			for (i = 0; i < Ncount; ++i)
				(Newsorder[i])->rdnum = (Newsorder[i])->orgrd;
			prinfo ("Original data recovered");
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case UP:
			if (crec != RECBIAS)
				crec -= count;
				if (crec < RECBIAS)
					crec = RECBIAS;
				term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
				putchar ('\07');
		case DOWN:
			if (crec < (highrec - 1))
				crec += count;
				if (crec >= highrec)
					crec = highrec - 1;
				term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
				putchar ('\07');
		case MARK:
		case ART_MARK:
			count += crec - 1;
			if (count >= highrec)
				count = highrec - 1;
			for (i=crec; i <= count; ++i)
				if (Page.b[i-RECBIAS].art_mark != ART_MARK)
					Page.b[i-RECBIAS].art_mark = ART_MARK;
					Page.b[i-RECBIAS].art_mark = ' ';
				if (i != crec)
					term_set (MOVE, 0, i);
				printf ("%c\010",Page.b[i-RECBIAS].art_mark);
			if (count != crec)
				term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
			write_page ();
		case UNMARK:
			for (i=0; i < Page.h.artnum; ++i)
				if (Page.b[i].art_mark == ART_MARK)
					Page.b[i].art_mark = ' ';
					term_set (MOVE, 0, i+RECBIAS);
					putchar (' ');
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
			write_page ();
		case BACK:
			count *= -1;	/* fall through */
		case FORWARD:
			if (forward (count, &crec, &highrec) >= 0)
				preinfo ("No more pages");
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case DIGEST:
			if (Digest)
				Digest = 0;
				find_page (Cur_page);
				crec = Drec + RECBIAS + 1;
				highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
				if (crec >= highrec)
					crec = highrec - 1;
				term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
			Dskip = count - 1;
			Drec = crec - RECBIAS;
			if (digest_page(Drec,Dskip) >= 0)
				crec = RECBIAS;
				highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
				term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
			Digest = 0;
			preinfo ("Can't unpack the article");
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case NEWGROUP:
			if ((i = spec_group()) < 0)
				term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
			Digest = 0;
			crec = RECBIAS;
			highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case SAVE:
			genlist (alist,crec-RECBIAS,count);
			savestr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case SAVEALL:
			genlist (alist,0,L_allow);
			savestr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case ALTSAVE:
			userlist (alist);
			savestr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case READ:
		case ALTREAD:
			genlist (alist,crec-RECBIAS,count);
			readstr (alist,&crec,&highrec,count);
		case READALL:
			genlist (alist,0,L_allow);
			readstr (alist,&crec,&highrec,0);
			userlist (alist);
			readstr (alist,&crec,&highrec,0);
		case PRINT:
			genlist (alist,crec-RECBIAS,count);
			printstr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE,0,crec);
		case PRINTALL:
			genlist (alist,0,L_allow);
			printstr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
			userlist (alist);
			printstr (alist);
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
		case HELP:
			help ();
			show ();
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
		case UNESC:
			user_str (alist,Ps1,1);
			term_set (ERASE);
			fflush (stdout);
			tty_set (SAVEMODE);
			if (chdir(Orgdir) < 0)
				printf ("change to original directory, %s, failed",Orgdir);
				system (alist);
				tty_set (RESTORE);
				term_set (RESTART);
			printf (Contstr);
			getnoctl ();
			cd_group ();
			show ();
			term_set (MOVE, 0, crec);
			printex ("Unhandled key: %c", c);

	Digest = 0;
	for (i=0; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if ((Newsorder[i])->rdnum < (Newsorder[i])->pgrd)
	if (i < Ncount)
		user_str (alist,"Some displayed pages not updated - update ? ",1);
		if (alist[0] == 'y')
	sig_set (BRK_OUT);
** update status of Newsgroups to all seen pages
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if (Nounsub && ((Newsorder[i])->state & FLG_SUB) == 0)
			(Newsorder[i])->rdnum = (Newsorder[i])->art;
		if ((Newsorder[i])->rdnum < (Newsorder[i])->pgrd)
			(Newsorder[i])->rdnum = (Newsorder[i])->pgrd;
	count_msg displays count information
count_msg ()
	int i, gpnum, gscan, gpage;
	unsigned long mask;
	gpnum = 1;
	for (gscan = gpage = i = 0; i<Ncount; ++i)
		if (((Newsorder[i])->state & FLG_PAGE) != 0)
			if (((Newsorder[i])->pnum + (Newsorder[i])->pages - 1) < Cur_page)
			for (mask=1; mask != 0L; mask <<= 1)
				if (((Newsorder[i])->pgshwn & mask) != 0L)
	prinfo (CFORMAT,Cur_page+1,Lrec+1,gscan,gpnum,gpage);
	forward utility handles paging to allow it to happen globally.
	(from readstr, for instance)
forward (count, crec, highrec)
int count, *crec, *highrec;
	if (!Digest)
		if ((count < 0 && Cur_page <= 0) || (count > 0 && Cur_page >= Lrec))
			return (-1);
		Cur_page += count;
		if (Cur_page < 0)
			Cur_page = 0;
		if (Cur_page > Lrec)
			Cur_page = Lrec;
		find_page (Cur_page);
		*crec = RECBIAS;
		*highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
		return (0);
	** in digests, paging past the end of the digest returns to
	** page extracted from.
	if (Dskip > 0 && (Dskip + count*L_allow) < 0)
		Dskip = 0;
		Dskip += count * L_allow;
	find_page (Cur_page);
	if (Dskip >= 0)
		if (digest_page(Drec,Dskip) >= 0)
			*crec = RECBIAS;
			*highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
			return (0);
	Digest = 0;
	*crec = Drec + RECBIAS + 1;
	*highrec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
	if (*crec >= *highrec)
		*crec = *highrec - 1;
	return (0);
	error/abnormal condition cleanup and abort routine
	pass stack to printf
printex (s,a,b,c,d,e,f)
char *s;
long a,b,c,d,e,f;
	static int topflag=0;
	if (topflag == 0)
		term_set (STOP);
		tty_set (COOKED);
		fflush (stdout);
		fprintf (stderr,s,a,b,c,d,e,f);
		fprintf (stderr," (error code %d)\n",errno);
		exit (1);
		fprintf (stderr,s,a,b,c,d,e,f);
	getkey obtains user keystroke with count from leading
	numerics, if any.  Picks up arrow key sequences and maps
	them to other keys.  Also translates character through
	Cxitop array since this routine is only used in session
	loop.  Saves untranslating arrow keys.
getkey (c)
char *c;
	int i, j;
	static char	ckseq[32];

	/* Check for leading count */
	for (i = 0; (*c = getchar() & 0x7f) >= '0' && *c <= '9'; i = i * 10 + *c - '0')

	/* @#$!!! flakey front ends that won't map newlines in raw mode */
	if (*c == '\012' || *c == '\015')
		*c = '\n';

	/* @#$!!! flakey terminals which send control sequences for cursors! */
	if( *c == '\033' )
		** Check if part of cursor key input sequence
		** (pitch unknown escape sequences)
		j = 0;
		ckseq[j] = *c; ckseq[j+1] = '\0';
		while(*c == Ku[j] || *c == Kd[j] || *c == Kl[j] || *c == Kr[j])
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Ku) == 0 ) { *c = UP; break; }
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Kd) == 0 ) { *c = DOWN; break; }
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Kl) == 0 ) { *c = BACK; break; }
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Kr) == 0 ) { *c = FORWARD; break; }
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Kl) == 0 ) { *c = UP; break; }
			if( strcmp(ckseq, Kr) == 0 ) { *c = DOWN; break; }
			*c = (getchar() & 0x7f);
			ckseq[++j] = *c; ckseq[j+1] = '\0';
		*c = Cxitop[*c];

	if (i <= 0)
		i = 1;
	return (i);

	get user key ignoring most controls
getnoctl ()
	char c;
	while ((c = getchar() & 0x7f) < ' ' || c == '\177')
		if (c == '\015' || c == '\012')
			c = '\n';
		if (c == '\n' || c == '\b' || c == '\t')
			return (c);
	return ((int) c);
	generate list of articles on current page,
	count articles, starting with first.
genlist (list,first,count)
char *list;
int first,count;
	int i;
	for (i=first; i < Page.h.artnum && count > 0; ++i)
		sprintf (list,"%d ",Page.b[i].art_id);
		list += strlen(list);
	send list of articles to printer
printstr (s)
char *s;
	char *ptr, cmd [RECLEN], *strpbrk();
	prinfo ("preparing print command ....");
	for (ptr = s; (ptr = strpbrk(ptr, LIST_SEP)) != NULL; ++ptr)
		*ptr = ' ';
	while (*s == ' ')
	if (Digest)
		dig_list (s);
	if (*s != '\0')
		sprintf (cmd,"%s %s 2>/dev/null",Printer,s);
		if (system (cmd) == 0)
			prinfo ("Sent to printer");
			preinfo ("Print failed");
		preinfo (No_msg);
	if (Digest)
		dig_ulist (s);
	concatenate articles to save file with appropriate infoline messages.
	prompt for save file, giving default.  If save file begins with "|"
	handle as a filter to pipe to.  NOTE - every user specification of
	a new Savefile "loses" some storage, but it shouldn't be a very great
savestr (s)
char *s;
	char *ptr, cmd [RECLEN], newfile [MAX_C+1], prompt[MAX_C];
	char *strtok(), *strpbrk(), *str_store();

	for (ptr = s; (ptr = strpbrk(ptr, LIST_SEP)) != NULL; ++ptr)
		*ptr = ' ';
	while (*s == ' ')
	if (Digest)
		dig_list (s);
	if (*s != '\0')
		sprintf (prompt,SAVFORM,Savefile);
		user_str (newfile,prompt,1);
		ptr = newfile;
		if (*ptr == '|')
			sprintf(cmd,"cat %s %s",s,ptr);
			term_set (ERASE);
			fflush (stdout);
			tty_set (SAVEMODE);
			system (cmd);
			tty_set (RESTORE);
			printf (Contstr);
			getnoctl ();
			show ();
			prinfo ("saving .... ");
			if (*ptr == '\0')
				ptr = Savefile;
				Savefile = str_store(ptr);
			if (*ptr != '/' && *ptr != '$')
				sprintf(cmd,"cat %s >>%s/%s 2>/dev/null",s,Savedir,ptr);
				sprintf(cmd,"cat %s >>%s 2>/dev/null",s,ptr);
			if (system (cmd) == 0)
				prinfo ("Saved");
				preinfo ("Could not append save file");
		preinfo (No_msg);
	if (Digest)
		dig_ulist (s);
	basic page display routine.  erase screen and format current page
show ()
	int i;
	unsigned long mask;
	char helpstr[40]; 

	term_set (ERASE);
	C_info = 0;
	i = Cur_page - (>pnum + 1;
	if (Digest)
		printf (DHFORMAT,;
		printf (HFORMAT,,i,(>pages);

	mask = 1L << (i-1);
	(>pgshwn |= mask;
	mask = 1;
	for (--i; i > 0 && (mask & (>pgshwn) != 0 ; --i)
		mask <<= 1;
	if (i <= 0)
		(>pgrd = Page.b[(Page.h.artnum)-1].art_id;

	for (i=0; i < Page.h.artnum; ++i)
		if (Digest)

		if ((>rdnum >= Page.b[i].art_id)

	if (!Digest && ((>state & FLG_SUB) == 0)
		prinfo ("%s, %s",Unsub_msg,helpstr);
		prinfo (helpstr);

	update written status marks on screen
wr_show ()
	int i,row;
	char c;

	row = RECBIAS;
	for (i=0; i < Page.h.artnum; ++i)
		term_set (MOVE,WRCOL,row);
		if ((>rdnum >= Page.b[i].art_id)
	obtain user input of group name, becomes current page if valid.
	returns -1 or page number.  calling routine does the show, if needed
spec_group ()
	char nbuf [MAX_C + 1];
	NODE *p, *hashfind();

	user_str(nbuf,"Newsgroup ? ",1);

	if (*nbuf == '\0' || (p = hashfind(nbuf)) == NULL)
		preinfo ("Not a newsgroup");
		return (-1);
	if ((p->state & FLG_PAGE) == 0)
		if ((p->state & FLG_SUB) == 0)
			p->state |= FLG_SUB;
			wr_newsrc ();
			prinfo ("Not subscribed: resubscribed for next reading session");
			prinfo ("No news for that group");
		return (-1);
	if ((p->state & FLG_SUB) == 0)
		p->state |= FLG_SUB;
		wr_newsrc ();
	find_page (p->pnum);
	return (p->pnum);
	obtain user input with prompt p.  Optionally on info line.
	handle erase and kill characters, suppresses leading
	white space.
user_str (s,p,iline)
char *s;
char *p;
int iline;
	int i,idx;

	if (iline)
		prinfo ("%s",p);
		idx = C_info;
		printf ("%s",p);
		idx = strlen(p);

	for (i=0; idx < C_allow && (s[i] = getchar() & 0x7f) != '\012' && s[i] != '\015'; ++i)
		if (s[i] == Erasekey)
			if (i > 0)
				term_set (RUBSEQ);
				i -= 2;
		if (s[i] == Killkey)
			prinfo ("%s",p);
			i = -1;
		if ((s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '\t') && i == 0)
			i = -1;
		putchar (s[i]);

	if (iline)
		C_info = idx;

	s[i] = '\0';

	print something on the information line,
	clearing any characters not overprinted.
	preinfo includes reverse video and a bell for error messages.
preinfo (s,a,b,c,d,e,f)
	int l;
	char buf[RECLEN];

	term_set (MOVE,0,INFOLINE);
	putchar ('\07');
	term_set (ONREVERSE);
	sprintf (buf,s,a,b,c,d,e,f);
	printf (" %s ",buf);
	term_set (OFFREVERSE);
	l = strlen(buf) + 2;
	if (l < C_info)
		term_set (ZAP,l,C_info);
	C_info = l;

prinfo (s,a,b,c,d,e,f)
char *s;
long a,b,c,d,e,f;
	int l;
	char buf[RECLEN];
	term_set (MOVE,0,INFOLINE);
	sprintf (buf,s,a,b,c,d,e,f);
	printf ("%s",buf);
	l = strlen(buf);
	if (l < C_info)
		term_set (ZAP,l,C_info);
	C_info = l;
	help menu
help ()
	int i,lcount,lim; 
	term_set (ERASE);
	lim = L_allow + RECBIAS - 2;
	lcount = HHLINES;
	for (i=0; i < (sizeof(Helptab))/(sizeof(struct HELPTAB)); ++i)
		if (Digest && !(Helptab[i].dig))
		if (Digest && Helptab[i].amsg != NULL)
			h_print (Cxptoi[Helptab[i].cmd],Helptab[i].amsg);
			h_print (Cxptoi[Helptab[i].cmd],Helptab[i].msg);
		if (lcount >= lim)
			printf ("\n%s",Contstr);
			getnoctl ();
			term_set (MOVE,0,lim+1);
			term_set (ZAP,0,strlen(Contstr));
			term_set (MOVE,0,lim-1);
			putchar ('\n');
			lcount = 0;
	if (lcount > 0)
		printf ("\n%s",Contstr);
		getnoctl ();
	h_print prints a character and a legend for a help menu.
char c,*s;
	if (strlen(s) > (C_allow - 14))
		s [C_allow - 14] = '\0';
	if (c > ' ' && c != '\177')
		printf ("	 %c - %s\n",c,s);
		switch (c)
		case '\177':
			printf ("  <delete> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\040':
			printf ("   <space> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\033':
			printf ("  <escape> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\n':
			printf ("  <return> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\t':
			printf ("     <tab> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\b':
			printf (" <back sp> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\f':
			printf ("<formfeed> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\07':
			printf ("    <bell> - %s\n",s);  
		case '\0':
			printf ("    <null> - %s\n",s);  
			if (c < '\033')
				c += 'a' - 1;
				printf(" control-%c - %s\n",c,s);
				printf("       %c0%o - %s\n",'\\',(int) c,s);
tot_list (rec,hirec)
int *rec;
int *hirec;
	int i,max,len;
	char c;
	char ff[MAX_C+1];

	term_set (ERASE);

	for (max=i=0; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if ((Newsorder[i])->pages == 0)
		if ((len = strlen((Newsorder[i])->nd_name)) > max)
			max = len;

	sprintf (ff,"%%4d %%%ds: %%3d new %%3d updated\n",max);

	for (len=i=0; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if ((Newsorder[i])->pages == 0)
		printf (ff, i, (Newsorder[i])->nd_name,
				(Newsorder[i])->art - (Newsorder[i])->orgrd,
				(Newsorder[i])->rdnum - (Newsorder[i])->orgrd);
		if (len == L_allow && i < (Ncount-1))
			printf("\nr - return, n - new group, other to continue ... ");
			if ((c = getnoctl()) == 'r' || c == 'n')
			printf ("\n\n");
			len = 0;
	if (i >= Ncount)
		printf("n - new group, other to return ... ");
		c = getnoctl();
	if (c == 'n')
		user_str(ff,"Newsgroup number ? ",0);
		i = atoi(ff);
		if (i < 0)
			i = 0;
		if (i >= Ncount)
			i = Ncount-1;
		*rec = RECBIAS;
		*hirec = Page.h.artnum + RECBIAS;
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'config.h'" '(3422 characters)'
if test -f 'config.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'config.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'config.h'
** vn news reader.
** config.h - system configuration parameters
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

#define DEF_ED "/usr/ucb/vi"	/* editor to use if no EDITOR variable */
#define DEF_PS1 "$ "		/* ! command prompt if no PS1 */
#define DEF_SAVE ""	/* save file */

** mailer interface.  If INLETTER is defined, a "To:" line will be
** placed in the file being editted by the user.  Otherwise, the
** address will be an argument on the mailer's command line, with the
** user prompted for possible correction.  In either case, "Subject: "
** is included in the file.
** If MAILSMART is set, alternate header lines will be used instead of
** the "Path: " line to determine the address because we assume the mailer
** is intelligent enough to do routing.
** If ADDRMUNGE is set, it is the name of a local routine which will be
** called to make further address modifications before the address is used.
** It will be passed the address string, which it may modify.  RECLEN bytes
** of storage are available at the address passed.  It will only be called
** once for a given address.
** DEF_MAIL is the mailer used in absence of MAILER variable.
#define INLETTER
#define DEF_MAIL "/usr/lib/sendmail -t"

#define DEF_PRINT "/usr/ucb/lpr"		/* print command */
#define DEF_POST "/usr/lib/news/inews -h"	/* followup posting command */

#define DEF_NEWSRC ".newsrc"
#define DEF_CCFILE "author_copy"
#define DEF_KEYXLN ".vnkey"

#define SPOOLDIR "/usr/spool/news"
#define ACTFILE "/usr/lib/news/active"

** foreground flag for messages.  applies only if JOBCONTROL undefined
** (SYS V). set to 1 to see newsgroup messages, etc. during reading phase,
** 0 for "silent" operation - be warned that this may suppress some
** non-fatal diagnostic messages - find all references to fgprintf to
** see what is suppressed.
#define NOJOB_FG 1

** arrow key treatment.  If PAGEARROW is defined, right and left arrow
** keys will be synonyms for <return> (next-page) and <backspace> (previous).
** Otherwise, the right arrow will function as down, and the left as up.
** Made configurable because while there is no lateral motion on the screen
** to associate with the right and left arrows, you might not like them
** changing pages on you.

** if USEVS is defined, terminal initialization / exit for vn will include the
** "vs"/"ve" pair as well as "ti"/"te".  This doesn't matter on a lot of
** terminals, but may make vn display behaviour closer to "vi" since vs/ve
** is vi's "visual mode" sequence.  For instance, I believe the commonly
** used definitions for these strings on multi-page concepts allows the
** program to run in the first page of the terminal, preserving the more
** recent part of your session on exit
** #define USEVS

** temp file name template for mktemp().  Used in tmpnam.c, does not apply
** if you use a system library tmpnam().   BE CAREFUL - VNTEMPNAME MUST
** contain a string of 6 X's for mktemp() (actually, a place where 6 X's
** are intended to go).  TMP_XOFFSET absolutely MUST point to the first of
** the X's.  Yes, writing into a literal string is sloppy.  To the best of
** my knowledge, tmpnam.c is the only place you'll find vn code doing it.
** We make this configurable in case you want temp files somewhere else.
#define VNTEMPNAME "/usr/tmp/vnXXXXXX"
#define TMP_XOFFSET 11
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'head.h'" '(839 characters)'
if test -f 'head.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'head.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'head.h'
** vn news reader.
** head.h - header line strings and lengths
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

	header lines and associated lengths.  Strings should
	actually be used once in strings.c.
#define RHEAD "References: "
#define RHDLEN 12
#define MHEAD "Message-ID: "
#define MHDLEN 12
#define PHEAD "Path: "
#define PHDLEN 6
#define DHEAD "Date: "
#define DHDLEN 6
#define RTHEAD "Reply-To: "
#define RTHDLEN 10
#define TOHEAD "To: "
#define TOHDLEN 4
#define FHEAD "From: "
#define FHDLEN 6
#define FTHEAD "Followup-To: "
#define FTHDLEN 13
#define DISHEAD "Distribution: "
#define DISHDLEN 14
#define THEAD "Subject: "
#define THDLEN 9
#define LHEAD "Lines: "
#define LHDLEN 7
#define NHEAD "Newsgroups: "
#define NHDLEN 12

#define CHFIRST "FSL"	/* first char's of those used in page display */
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'reader.h'" '(1498 characters)'
if test -f 'reader.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'reader.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'reader.h'
** vn news reader.
** reader.h - article reading interface definitions
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

#define PAGE_MID ":more (%2d%%):"
#define PAGE_NEXT ":next article:"
#define PAGE_END ":end:"
#define PAGE_NO ":?:"
#define PPR_MAX 18	/* maximum length of PAGE prompts */

	reading commands: no control chars, add help message to helppg
	SAVE, PRINT, HEADTOG and SETROT are also recognized
#define HPG_HEAD "toggle header print flag"
#define HPG_ROT "toggle rotation"
#define HPG_SAVE "save article in a file"
#define HPG_PRINT "print article"
#define PG_NEXT 'n'
#define HPG_NEXT "next article, if any"
#define PG_QUIT 'q'
#define HPG_QUIT "quit reading articles, if any more to read"
#define PG_FLIP 'Q'
#define HPG_FLIP "quit reading, and turn to next page of articles"
#define PG_FOLLOW 'f'
#define HPG_FOLLOW "post followup to article"
#define PG_REPLY 'm'
#define HPG_REPLY "send mail to author of article"
#define PG_HELP '?'
#define HPG_HELP "see this help menu"
#define PG_REWIND 'r'
#define HPG_REWIND "rewind article to beginning"
#define PG_WIND 'e'
#define HPG_WIND "seek to end of article (to next/end prompt)"
#define PG_STEP '\n'
#define HPG_STEP "next line"
#define PG_SEARCH '/'
#define HPG_SEARCH "search for regular expression in remainder of article"
#define SEARCHFORM "search pattern (%s) ? "
#define HPG_DEF "\n anything else to continue normal reading"
#define HPG_EDEF "\n anything else to try reading next article, if any"
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'tty.h'" '(404 characters)'
if test -f 'tty.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tty.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'tty.h'
** vn news reader.
** tty.h - codes for tty_set and term_set
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

#define MOVE 100
#define ERASE 101
#define START 102
#define STOP 103
#define RUBSEQ 104
#define ZAP 105
#define ONREVERSE 106
#define OFFREVERSE 107
#define RESTART 108

#define RAWMODE 200
#define COOKED 201
#define SAVEMODE 202
#define RESTORE 203
#define BACKSTOP 204
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'tune.h'" '(2613 characters)'
if test -f 'tune.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tune.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'tune.h'
** vn news reader.
** tune.h - system tuning parameters
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

**	buffer size needed for tmpnam()
#ifndef L_tmpnam
#define L_tmpnam 48

** hash table size.  linked list type of table which can expand to
** arbitrary density, including densities > 100%.  Number of entries
** will be number of newsgroups in active list.  This should be a prime
** number ("long division" of string modulo table size hash function).
#define HASHSIZE 809

**	maximum number of columns on terminal.  If made smaller, there
**	will be a savings in the size of the temporary file used
**	for holding displays, at the penalty of not being able to use
**	the entire screen width on terminals actually possessing more
**	columns than this.  A block roughly on the order of this value
**	times the number of lines the terminal has is maintained per page in
**	the temp file, and read / written as displays are interacted
**	with.  MIN_C put here because MAX_C > MIN_C.  MIN_C is the minumum
**	number of columns for which a "reasonable" display can be produced.
**	before making it smaller, look at all uses of C_allow and variable
**	to see that a setting that small won't screw up array bounds.
#define MAX_C 132
#define MIN_C 36

**	large size for general purpose local buffers.  only used in automatic
**	variable declarations.  Used with fgets for buffer size when reading
**	file records, to hold pathnames, commands, etc.  Reduce if you blow
**	out stack storage.  If reduced too far, will eventually show up
**	as syntax errors on reading .newsrc's and the active list, and
**	scrozzled article information arising from truncated header lines.
**	The reply path line will probably be the first thing to cause trouble.
**	Look through the reader to find the worst case chain of declarations
**	(on the order of 12 or so is probably the max).
#define RECLEN 1200

**	to protect against reading entire articles to find non-existent header
**	lines if an article should be hosed, only a limited number of records
**	are searched.  Should be big enough to get down to the last header
**	entry on legitimate articles.
#define HDR_LINES 24	/* records of article to search for header line */

/* these determine some static array sizes */
#define OPTLINES 60	/* maximum number of option lines in .newsrc */
#define NUMFILTER 24	/* max number of filters on articles */

/* block sizes for allocation routines */
#define STRBLKSIZE 1800	/* string storage allocation block */
#define NDBLKSIZE 50	/* NODE structures to allocate at a time */
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'vn.h'" '(4278 characters)'
if test -f 'vn.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'vn.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'vn.h'
** vn news reader.
** vn.h - general parameters
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

#include "tune.h"

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#ifdef OLDRC
#define NARGOPT "lprxfuMs"
#define NARGOPT "lprxfuMsi"

#define FIL_AUTHOR 'w'
#define FIL_TITLE 't'

	newsrc states
#define NEWS_ON ':'
#define NEWS_OFF '!'

/* bit flags for state of newsgroup */
#define FLG_SCAN 1
#define FLG_SUB 2
#define FLG_PAGE 4
#define FLG_WRIT 8
#define FLG_SPEC 16

#define LIST_SEP " 	,"
#define ED_MARK '>'
#define ART_MARK '*'
#define ART_WRITTEN '_'
#define ART_UNWRITTEN ' '
#define FPFIX "Re: "
#define FPFLEN 4

#define ANFORM ":%s - %c for help:\n"
#define ANFLINES 1
#define NOFORM "can't open article %s\n"
#define NEWGFORM "groups not mentioned in %s:\n"
#define SAVFORM "save file (%s) ? "
#define UDKFORM "undefined key - %c for help"
#define HELPFORM "%c for help"

	page display format and dependent parameters
#define HFORMAT "\n%s (page %d of %d):"
#define TFORMAT "%s ~ %s %s"
#define AFORMAT "\n%c%c%d) "	/* begin with newline - see show routine */
#define CFORMAT "page %d of %d (%d shown), newsgroup %d of %d"
#define RECBIAS 2	/* lines before articles - depends on HFORMAT */
#define AFLEN 5		/* min. char. in article id - depends on AFORMAT */
#define WRCOL 1		/* column of written mark.  depends on AFORMAT */
#define INFOLINE 0	/* HFORMAT TFORMAT leaves for use */
	command characters - don't use numerics or <ESC>
	ALTSAVE is a hack to avoid having to use ctl-s - XON/XOFF.
	Wanted to preserve "s" pneumonic and lower / control /cap
#define DIGEST 'd'
#define UP 'k'
#define DOWN 'j'
#define FORWARD '\012'
#define BACK '\010'
#define READ 'r'
#define ALTREAD ' '
#define READALL 'R'
#define READSTRING '\022'
#define SAVE 's'
#define SAVEALL 'S'
#define SAVESTRING '\023'
#define ALTSAVE '\024'
#define PRINT 'p'
#define PRINTALL 'P'
#define PRINTSTRING '\020'
#define MARK 'x'
#define UNMARK 'X'
#define REDRAW '\014'
#define QUIT 'q'
#define SSTAT '#'
#define GRPLIST '%'
#define ORGGRP 'o'
#define ORGSTAT 'O'
#define UPDATE 'w'
#define UNSUBSCRIBE 'u'
#define UPALL 'W'
#define UPSEEN '\027'
#define UNESC '!'
#define NEWGROUP 'n'
#define HEADTOG 'h'
#define SETROT 'z'
#define HELP '?'
#define HELP_HEAD "[...] = effect of optional number preceding command\n\
pipes are specified by filenames beginning with |\n\
articles specified as a list of numbers, title search string, or\n\
	* to specify marked articles.  ! may be used to negate any\n"

#define HHLINES 5	/* lines (CRs + 1) contained in HELP_HEAD */
	state flags for handling breaks / values for sig_set calls.
	BRK_IN, BRK_SESS, BRK_READ and BRK_OUT are the states.  All
	but BRK_INIT are used as calls to sig_set.  BRK_RFIN indicates
	a return from BRK_READ to BRK_SESS (no jump location passed),
#define BRK_INIT 0		/* initial value, indicating uncaught signals */
#define BRK_IN 1		/* in NEWSRC / article scanning phase */
#define BRK_SESS 2		/* in page interactive session */
#define BRK_READ 3		/* reading articles */
#define BRK_RFIN 4		/* finished reading, return to old mode */
#define BRK_OUT 5		/* NEWSRC updating phase */

#define BRK_PR "really quit ? "
#define BRK_MSG "\nQUIT (signal %d)"
	newsgroup structure (node of hash table)
	next - hashtable link
	nd_name - name of newsgroup (key to reach node by)
	pnum - page number, initially used to establish Newsorder
	pages - number of pages for news display
	rdnum - articles read
	orgrd - original articles read number
	pgshwn - pages shown mask
	pgrd - article number on highest conecutively shown page
	art - articles in group
	state - status
typedef struct _node
	struct _node *next;
	char *nd_name;
	int pnum,pages,art,rdnum,orgrd,pgrd;
	unsigned long pgshwn;
	unsigned state;

	newsgroup information for page display
	name - of group
	group - pointer to table entry
	artnum - number of articles
typedef struct
	char *name;
	NODE *group;
	int artnum;

	article information - id (spool) number, title string, mark, written.
typedef struct
	int art_id;
	char art_mark;
	char art_written;
	char art_t[MAX_C-AFLEN];

typedef struct
	HEAD h;
	BODY *b;
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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