vn, version 12/86 (part 1 of 4) - docs & makefiles

Bob Mcqueer bobm at rtech.UUCP
Fri Jan 2 05:44:38 AEST 1987

You'll find some notes in a pointer article in comp.sources.d

Bob McQueer
{amdahl, sun, mtxinu, hoptoad, cpsc6a}!rtech!bobm

cut here
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	mf.nore
#	mf.sysv
# This archive created: Thu Jan  1 11:15:23 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(7590 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
Installation procedure steps:

1) Edit file config.h, which defines system dependent parameters such as
spool directory, and so on.  I have NOT ifdef'ed this file for likely
changes for SYSV or anything like that.  You probably can use this file
untouched only if you are UCB with news installed in all the standard places.
Even then, you may not like some of the defaults.

Note very carefully the definitions involving mailer treatment.

2) decide which makefile to use, edit it to fill in the correct libraries
for your system.  See notes 2) below for explanation.

3) make vn

4) put the executable where you want it.  put the man page,
where you want it.  roff it with -man to print it out.  If you made
some configuration changes, or you are a SYSV installation, you may
want to modify the manual a bit.  It is written to reflect the actions in
the config.h as distributed, and as used on UCB (it refers to job control).


	If you modify the default mailer, poster, printer or editor, this is
	their invocation, ufile being a tempfile name.

	"mailer [path] <ufile" - path obtained from newsarticle, possibly
		modified by user.  May be invoked with no argument dependent
		on how you set up config.h.  No path argument if INLETTER.
	"poster <ufile" - thus the "inews -h" to get header lines from
		file, giving user a chance to modify headers.
	"printer files 2>/dev/null"
	"editor ufile"

	You may also be interested in the header file "tune.h" which contains
	some sizing / performance affecting parameters.

	There are three makefile templates, all very simple, because I
	want to make you think about whether you have the system V regular
	expression library, and strtok() or not.  If you have regex and
	regcmp (as opposed to re_exec and re_comp, the ucb regular
	expression library), I advise you to use them.  regex and
	regcmp are used because they have the ability to keep several
	regular expressions compiled at once.  The file "reg.c" is an
	implementation of regcmp and regex on top of the ucb calls,
	with a special procedure called "regfree" used in place of the
	generic "free" call used with regcmp / regex.  Use the system V
	calls if you have them available because:

		i) They should be faster than the reg.c code, which
		recompiles the "current" ucb string every time you
		switch regular expressions.

		ii) I briefly checked out reg.c once, and it seemed to
		work.  Our system has the "real" calls available, so I
		run with those.  reg.c hasn't been used much by me, although
		I've had nobody tell me it doesn't work.

	strtok.c defines the strtok() and strpbrk() functions.  As with
	regex, if you have system libraries, they are likely more efficient -
	these string routines will often be done in assembler on a given

	tmpnam.c defines the tmpnam() routine.  Even if a BSD system has it,
	you might use it anyhow.  We are currently running under Ultrix on a
	microvax, and in fact, the Ultrix version doesn't work right (as of
	the last time I checked).  Also, the tmpnam.c version will produce
	temp files named vnXXXXXX, instead of a generic tmpXXXXXX.

	There are 2 IFDEF's handled in the makefile templates:

		SYSV - system V specific portions.

		JOBCONTROL - brackets the parts dealing with the SIGTSTP
			signal handling for job control.  This could really
			be done with "#ifndef SYSV", I suppose, but this
			clearly marks this specific difference.

	The ifdef OLDRC may be set to make the .newsrc format consistent
	with an apparently earlier readnews format which would not take
	ranges for "articles read".  This also makes -i an alias for a -x
	option, and assumes that any arguments with no options are really
	-n options.  These changes came from Australia, and are apparently
	compatible with whatever other newsreader was being used there.

	SYSV, JOBCONTROL, OLDRC and the definitions referred to in config.h
	are the whole set.

	If you are BSD but have regex/regcomp: is the makefile template.  Fill in your local
		libraries (termcap), the library to find regex/regcmp in.
		This makefile defines "regfree" simply to be "free", and
		doesn't link the "reg" object.  JOBCONTROL defined.  This
		template also assumes you have strtok() / strpbrk().  If you
		don't, include strtok.o in the objects.  This is actually
		the makefile I use for Ultrix as given.

	If you are BSD but don't have regex/regcomp:

		mf.nore is the makefile template.  Fill in your local
		libraries (termcap).  This makefile pulls in the "reg"
		object.  JOBCONTROL defined.  If you DO have strtok() /
		strpbrk() available, you might remove strtok.o from the
		object list.

	If you are SYS V:

		mf.sysv is the makefile template.  Fill in your local
		libraries (termcap).  This makefile does not pull in
		the extra objects.  It defines "regfree" to "free", and
		turns the BSD index / rindex into strchr / strrchr.
		SYSV defined.

		I haven't personally tried any SYSV stuff out - I don't have
		access to a SYS V machine running news.  You might want to
		include tmpnam.o in the object list instead of using the
		standard one, to get specifically named temp. files.

	Something pretty close to the current vn version used to run here
	on a VAX 780 under BSD 4.2.


I know there's a lot of news versions running out there.  We seem to
be running something called B2.10.3, for those of you whom that signifies
anything to.  Something to look at is your "active" file.  I expect to
find a newsgroup followed by the high, then low, spooling numbers (followed
by a y/n for posting priveledge, which I don't care about).  Earlier news
versions used to only have a single spooling number.  vn is written to
handle this, assuming 0 for a low spool.  My basic assumptions are that
the "active" file gives the newsgroups and spooling information and that
articles will be numeric filenames living in the directory obtained by
replacing periods with slashes in the newsgroup, and prefixing the spool
directory.  I hope these really are "basic" assumptions that work across all
versions.  vn is intended to be highly fault-tolerant regarding what it
finds for header lines - it may not be able to make sense out of an "article",
but it's willing to let you look at it anyway, with the single exception
that it throws away articles which turn out to be empty or 1 line files (
COUNTING the header lines - articles with 0 lines in them are OK.  I'm
just preventing the "unknown subject, unknown author, and no text" case).


vn should look like people sitting in an editor once it is done with its
reading phase.  During the reading phase, it is beating mercilessly on
the spooling directory, reading file after file.  I have thought from time
to time about having a daemon do this work periodically, building a master
file of title information for vn to access.  Its reading phase would then
be a "pause" rather than a "phase", with the penalty that you couldn't
read anything until the daemon had gotten around to it.

vn maintains a large temporary file containing the users page screens.
Again, it should look a lot like the user is using an editor which has
a temp file out there for its edit buffer.  MAX_C in "tune.h" can be
used to help control the size.

malloc() usage - Around 50 bytes per newsgroup is dynamically allocated,
plus storage for character strings and the current screen structure.
My guess would be on the order of 20-40K.  It's all "permanent" information
maintained for the entire session, hence unfreed.  Regular expression
storage is freed, but is minimal anyway.
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "''" '(19673 characters)'
if test -f ''
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "''"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
.TH VN 1 2/1/85
vn - visual news reader
.I vn
.I Vn
is a news reader which uses the same 
.B .newsrc
file as
.I readnews
(1), but displays and interacts differently.  It is aimed at allowing
you to rapidly scan a large number of newsgroups, looking for something
you want to read.  The major premise is that you will be interested in a
small number of articles, but will be interested in keeping tabs on a large
number of newsgroups which may contain something interesting from time to time.
It also has the ability to unpackage digests.
.I Vn
supports the -n, -x and -t options of
.I readnews
(newsgroup, read all articles, and title).  In addition, there
is a -w (writer) option which works like -t, but is a search string to
apply to the "From" header line rather than the subject.  In the -n, -t
and -w options, a leading ! on the string is taken to mean negation.
The rest of the string is a regular expression for the -w and -t options.
For example:
-n net.dogs -w !fred -t [Bb]eagle
For articles in net.dogs about beagles written by somebody other
than fred.  Multiple -w -t options are treated as follows:
.in +5
If the article satisfies any of the negations, you won't see it,
regardless of the non-negated options.
Multiple -w options are logically "or'ed", as are multiple -t's.
If both -w and -t are present, the article is seen only if it satisfies
at least one of the -w's and at least one of the -t's, ie. the results of the
logical "or's" of the -t's and -w's are logically "anded".
.in -5
The -n options allow the "all" convention, replacing ".all" by
".*" before using the regular expression calls.  -n options are processed
in order given, so that subsequent more specific -n's may partially
undo the effect of previous "alls".  Note that the -n option
treatment is slightly different than the
.I readnews
treatment which says that "foo" implies "foo.all".
.I Vn
accepts this incompatibility to allow you an easier way of saying JUST "foo"
without any of its subgroups.
Options may be given on the command line, in which case they will
supersede those given in the
.B .newsrc
file.  For command line -n options, the "!" unsubscriptions in
.B .newsrc
are also ignored.  This allows you to override all subscription information
by command line specification.  If you use an -S option on the command line,
the "!" unsubscriptions will still be used.  -S is meaningless in the
.B .newsrc
There are three more options specific to
.I vn:
the -% and -U.  The -% option initially gives you the results of a "%"
command, rather than the page for the first newsgroup (see below).
This allows you to see what newsgroups are available before viewing any.
The -U option says that when your
.B .newsrc
file is updated via answering "yes" to the update query on
exit or using control-W, newsgroups marked with "!" are to be updated too.
Normally, these groups are left alone, ie. updated only to the number that
was already in your
.B .newsrc,
or the lowest article number still around.
You may get flooded should you decide to resubscribe.
If you don't like this treatment, use -U.  Then, control-W and "yes" to
the update on exit will update your unsubscribed newsgroups to the most
recent article.
.I vn
is invoked,
there will be a pause (with an explanatory "reading" message and
a series of newsgroups) while vn reads the news.  The newsgroups listed
are ones articles are actually being found in.
The length of the pause depends
on how much news there is.  If there is a lot,
it may take a long time to get through the reading phase.
Once the reading phase is over, interaction is rapid.
.I vn
is backgrounded, it suppresses the "reading" output, so
that it will not halt on tty output until it is ready to begin showing
.I Vn
may show you a list of newsgroups which were not mentioned in the
.B .newsrc
file.  Records for these newsgroups will be added, whether
they were scanned for articles or not.  The first time
.I vn
is used, the list may be quite long and scroll off the screen.
Thereafter, there should only be a list when new newsgroups are
created.  This display serves to let you know of their existence,
or of something happening to your
.B .newsrc
The basic display is a "page" which shows a newsgroup and a list of
titles, number of
lines, and authors for new articles.
Articles which have been updated in the
.B .newsrc
file  are flagged with an underscore preceding the article number.
You also have the ability to "mark" articles for the duration of a session,
shown with an asterisk (col. 1 and 2 are reserved for asterisk and
underscore respectively - 
in normal usage they will be blank, so that the casual user will probably
be unaware of their use until marking and updating are invoked)
There is a help menu to go with this page.
You may read articles, save them, send them to the printer, either by cursor
position, the whole page, or in specified sets.  Sets are specified either
as a set of article numbers, a regular expression to match the subject /
author / number of lines data on, or an asterisk to indicate the choice
of a set of previously marked articles.  Any of these methods also
accept a leading "!" to indicate negation.
By default, when you read articles only a couple of the dozen or so
header lines are
shown.  There is an option to allow you to see all the
header lines when you read articles.  The command controlling this toggles
between the two states.
A similar toggle is used to support ROT13.
.I Vn
is capable of manipulating digests.  The "d" command unpacks a digest,
and presents you with a page showing the unpacked articles, which can
be accessed as for articles on normal newsgroup pages.
When you leave the digest page(s), you reenter the normal flow of newsgroups.
Digests can also be read as normal articles, of course.
Order of pages is determined by
order of groups in
.B .newsrc.
Newsgroups which are not
mentioned in
.B .newsrc
will be added, as mentioned previously, and tacked onto the end.
Lines corresponding to non-existent newsgroups will be deleted.
You will probably want to run
.I vn
once, then edit
.B .newsrc
to the desired order of presentation.
Updating the data for
.B .newsrc
is under user control.  If you do
no "W", "w", "^w", o or O commands, no updating takes place, and you'll see the
articles again the next time you read news.
If you quit without updating, you will be prompted to make sure you
don't want to do so.
Note that "updating what you've seen" to
.I vn
means that you've seen the page presentation, not that you've read the
article.  This is consistent with the overall assumption that you don't
want to read most of what you are presented with.
Breaks result in a "really quit?" query, so you can recover from noisy
lines and prompts for commands you didn't really mean.  If you answer no,
you are simply jumped back to the page.  Breaks while in the midst of scrolling
out an article you are reading jump you to the end of the article to stop
the output.
Commands are single character (no return key required), except that
they may be preceded with numeric characters, which may have
some effect on their actions.  Commands which require further input
cause prompts for the information, this input being
terminated by return.  For prompted input, the erase and kill keys
.ce 1
Command Menu For Page:
[...] = effect of optional number preceding command
pipes are specified by filenames beginning with |
articles specified as a list of numbers, title search string, or
	* to specify marked articles.  ! may be used to negate any

	 q - quit
	 k - (or up arrow) move up [number of lines]
	 j - (or down arrow) move down [number of lines]
 <back sp> - (or left arrow) previous page [number of pages]
  <return> - (or right arrow) next page [number of pages]
	 d - unpack digest
	 r - read article [number of articles]
   <space> - read article (alternate 'r')
	 R - read all articles on page
 control-r - specify articles to read
	 s - save or pipe article [number of articles]
	 S - save or pipe all articles on page
 control-s - specify articles to save
 control-t - specify articles to save (alternate ctl-s)
	 p - print article [number of articles]
	 P - print all article on page
 control-p - specify articles to print
	 w - update .newsrc status to cursor
	 W - update .newsrc status for whole newsgroup
 control-w - update .newsrc status for all pages displayed
	 o - recover original .newsrc status for newsgroup
	 O - recover all original .newsrc status
	 # - display count of groups and pages - shown and total
	 % - list newsgroups with new article, updated counts
	 n - specify newsgroup to display and/or resubscribe to
	 u - unsubscribe from group
	 x - mark/unmark article [number of articles]
	 * - mark/unmark article [number of articles]
	 X - erase marks on articles
	 h - toggle flag for display of headers when reading
	 z - toggle rotation for reading
<formfeed> - redraw screen
	 ! - escape to UNIX to execute a command
	 ? - show this help menu
When you read articles, there is another help menu, for advancing through
the articles, replying, posting followups, and saving the
articles.  Breaks may be used to
stop the output of an article if you decide that you didn't really
want to read it.  You can jump from the reading portion back to either
page you came from or the NEXT page.
For replying and posting followups, you will be thrown into an editor
to create the reply or article.
The article will be included in the file you are editing, marked with
"> "'s for excerpting in your reply or followup.  After you exit the
editor, you are prompted to make sure you still want to post or reply,
so you can abort.
For followups, your article is appended to "author_copy" for future
Header lines for the mailer / news poster are present in the file
you are editing to allow you to modify them.  Remember to leave a blank
line between the header lines and your text.  It may be OK if you
don't, but why tempt fate.
The editor is determined by your EDITOR variable, as for
.I postnews.
If EDITOR is not set, you get
.I vi,
or the default determined at your site.
.ce 1
Reading menu:
         n - next article, if any
         q - quit reading articles, if any more to read
         Q - quit reading, and turn to next page of articles
         r - rewind article to beginning
  <return> - next line
         / - search for a pattern in the article
         m - send mail to author of article
         f - post followup to article
         s - save article in a file
         p - send article to the printer
         ? - see this help menu
	 z - toggle rotation flag
	 h - toggle header suppression flag

 anything else to continue normal reading
If you don't like the choice of command keys, you
may change them (default choices - basic control in article
reader is ala "more" of course, the "j" and "k" on the page presentation
are "vi" convention, other page commands are somewhat "readnews" compatible).
If you have a file named
.B .vnkey
in your home directory this file will be read in order to obtain keystroke
translation.  The format is simple:
Each line begins with R or P indicating translation for the reader interaction,
or the page interaction (r and p accepted also).  Following the R or P is
a character, followed by an "=", followed by another character.  The character
on the left hand side of the equals sign is what you wish to input, and the
character on the right hand side of the equals sign is what you wish to
translate it to.  No embedded spaces.
Lines not beginining with the proper characters are simply
ignored, as are characters following the translated character.  Eg:
.in +5
.in -5
uses "u" and "d" instead of "j" and "k" on the page layout (presumably,
you are also going to translate something else to "u" and "d" for the
unsubscribe and digest commands).  If you translate keys, it is up to you
to see that all commands can still be reached, and that former command keys
which are no longer used are mapped to something meaningless.  In particular,
you are going to have difficulties if you make it impossible to input "q".  The
help menus will show the "new" keys, and bad mappings should show up as
multiple definitions for the same key, or alternate mappings not showing
up on the help menu.
Mapping the "=" key via "==" works.  Any keys not mentioned in the file
are translated to themselves.
Control keys are given as DECIMAL numbers with no backslashes or anything.
The decimal number is the ASCII code for the character, eg:
.in +5
.in -5
uses "control-x" for the "control-l (formfeed)" refresh key, and maps the
control-l to a "?".  BTW, mapping all undefined keys to "?" will mean that you
automatically get the help display for any illegal key, should you wish for
such a thing.  The LAST one mapped will determine what key is given in
the "? for help" lines, and the help display itself.
Remembering that control-A through
control-Z are ASCII codes 1 through 26 and delete = 127 may keep you from
having to consult an ASCII table.  Remember also that some controls, such
as control- C, Z, S or Q may be caught by the operating system for signal
generation or terminal control, and are thus unavailable.
Because of arrow keys and the ability to prefix commands with counts,
numeric characters and the escape key may not be used for page commands.
Attempts to use them will simply do nothing.
Control keys are not available for the reader, except for newline,
backspace, and tab.  The reason controls are filtered here has to do
with nasty problems involving terminal mode switches on some systems,
specifically a UTS frontend early versions were being used on.
In either interaction, "return" and "linefeed" are mapped to the "newline"
character at a level below the translation.  If you don't know the
ASCII for the "newline" char, it is recommended that you map both
ASCII 10 and 13 if you wish to map "return" to something.
.TP 24
One temporary file created by
.I tmpnam
(3), and immediately unlinked,
remains open in update mode for duration of session.
Disk space freed by system close of file descriptor at exit.
Can be large, as this file contains the "page" displays.
Temporary files also created by
.I tmpnam
(3) for mailing replies, posting followups and creating digest "articles".
.TP 24
(login directory)/.newsrc
news status file.  Updated following session.  See NEWSRC environment variable.
.TP 24
(login directory)/author_copy
A copy of all articles posted using the followup command will be appended
to this file in /bin/mail format.  See CCFILE environment variable.
.TP 24
(login directory)/.vnkey
Keystroke mapping file for changing command characters.
.TP 24
(login directory)/*.vnXXXXXX
One temporary file created by
.I tmpnam
(3) while updating the .newsrc file.  If the update fails, you are informed,
and this file
may be used to recover the last update.  Unlinked following successful update.
.TP 24
(spool directory)/*
spooling directories containing articles.
.TP 24
active newsgroup list.
.TP 24
used to present prompt string for command on unix escape.
defaults to "$ "
.TP 24
editor used for mailing replies and posting followups.
defaults to "ed".
.TP 24
posting program for followups.  defaults to "inews -h".
.TP 24
used when mailing replies.  defaults to "sendmail -t".
.TP 24
program used with the print commands for sending articles to
the printer.  defaults to "lpr".
.TP 24
if set, can be used to override the choice of ".newsrc" as the
name for the status file.  Name will still be used relative to
the login directory, unless it begins with "/".
.TP 24
if set, overrides the choice of "author_copy" as the name of the
file to CC all articles posted with the followup command.  Name
will still be used relative to the login directory, unless it begins
with "/".
.TP 24
if set, overrides the choice of ".vnkey" as the name of the
file to map keys from.  Name
will still be used relative to the login directory, unless it begins
with "/".
user error messages.  self explanatory.
R. L. McQueer
Note that
.I readnews
will rearrange the order of
.B .newsrc.
If you
interleave use of it with
.I vn,
order selection gets hosed.
If you've really taken advantage of the ability of readnews to skip
articles in the middle of the spooling numbers, be warned that
.I vn
doesn't have it, and will
assume you've read the articles in the middle.
If the
.B .newsrc
file indicates that you've read articles in a newsgroup with a higher
number than the current spooling number for that newsgroup,
.I vn
will show you the entire newsgroup.  This is intended for recovery in
cases where article spooling has been reset, or to avoid missing articles
because you just changed machines and didn't bother to edit your
.B .newsrc
file.  Rather than miss stuff, you'll see some old stuff again.
Sometimes a "break" during reading an article will not only halt the
article but suppress the prompt.  A command character will work anyway.
If a prompt to be displayed on the dialogue line
contains non-printing sequences, stuff on the
line may not get erased when you are prompted, because
.I vn
thinks the string is long enough to overprint its current contents.
This usually comes up when you have escape sequences in your UNIX
prompt, and do a "!" command.
The "overprint" check is made to save a clear-line sequence (kludged in
by overprinting to the end with blanks if the terminal doesn't
have one - annoying at 1200 baud).
Output during the reading phase which was suppressed by backgrounding
.I vn
does not get started by foregrounding it again without doing a
control-z and a second foreground (it doesn't figure out its background /
foreground status on each output - only on startup and while handling
the SIGTSTP signal).  Actually, this results in a method for having
.I vn
do its reading phase silently in the foreground without redirecting
output, should such a thing be desired.
Very many -w or -t options cause SLOW reading phases.  It is reccomended
that these be used only when reading a few specific groups.
Digest extraction will split a single article into several if it contains
embedded ---- lines, the normal separator between articles in digests.
They will all have identical titles.
Digest extraction may not work with human built digests which don't
use the expected syntax for joining articles.
and mod.computers.mac were used as models for the feature.
The data given by the % command represents the difference between the
last article number you've updated to in a newsgroup and the high
article number.  This may be significantly greater than the number of
actual articles for a newsgroup you haven't been reading, and for
newsgroups that have had a lot of articles filtered out of them using
the -w and -t options.  The numbers given for menu selection in the
 % command are the order numbers from the .newsrc, and have gaps for
unsubscribed newsgroups.
The key mapping capability doesn't handle function keys.  Because of the
use of controls as commands, terminals whose arrow keys echo something
other than a sequence beginning with escape can't use arrow keys.  For
these terminals, a warning message is printed during the reading phase.
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'mf.nore'" '(245 characters)'
if test -f 'mf.nore'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mf.nore'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mf.nore'
LIBS= -ltermcap

OBJS=	hash.o groupdir.o envir_set.o newsrc.o pagefile.o reader.o storage.o sig_set.o term_set.o tty_set.o userlist.o vn.o vnglob.o digest.o strings.o tmpnam.o reg.o

vn:	$(OBJS)
	cc -o vn $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "''" '(272 characters)'
if test -f ''
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "''"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
CFLAGS=	-O -Dregfree=free -DJOBCONTROL
LIBS= -ltermcap

OBJS=	hash.o groupdir.o envir_set.o newsrc.o pagefile.o reader.o storage.o sig_set.o term_set.o tty_set.o userlist.o vn.o vnglob.o digest.o strings.o tmpnam.o

vn:	$(OBJS)
	cc -o vn $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(REGLIB)
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'mf.sysv'" '(271 characters)'
if test -f 'mf.sysv'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'mf.sysv'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mf.sysv'
CFLAGS=	-O -Dregfree=free -Dindex=strchr -Drindex=strrchr -DSYSV
LIBS= -ltermcap

OBJS=	hash.o groupdir.o envir_set.o newsrc.o pagefile.o reader.o storage.o sig_set.o term_set.o tty_set.o userlist.o vn.o vnglob.o digest.o strings.o

vn:	$(OBJS)
	cc -o vn $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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