A new USEFUL command for tip(UNIX 4.2bsd, possibily others)

Michael A. Thompson thompson at dalcs.UUCP
Fri Jan 2 10:40:43 AEST 1987

	Oops, It seems that ~s all lists all the variables with their
    values, so what I've written is a verbose version of ~s all.
Michael A. Thompson, Dept. Math, Stats, & C.S., Dalhousie U., Halifax, N.S.
CDN or BITNET: thompson at cs.dal.cdn	CSNET: thompson%cs.dal.cdn at ubc.csnet
UUCP:	    ...!{garfield|seismo|utai|watmath}!dalcs!thompson
ARPA:	      thompson%cs.dal.cdn%ubc.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA

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