B. Dalton from HELL

actor at percival.UUCP actor at percival.UUCP
Tue Jan 27 18:16:17 AEST 1987

For anyone tempted to condemn B. Dalton for not ordering textbooks, let me
set you straight. Textbook publishers are the pits to deal with. They offer
TINY TINY TINY margins on their books in regular order quantities (figuring
that the average textbook vendor wil be ordering dozens of them), much smaller
margins in single or small orders, either don't allow returns or have very
poor return policies, and generally treat bookstores like sh*t. I don't
understand why ANY bookstore would voluntarily deal with a textbook
publisher, let alone a B. Dalton; Daltons don't usually have to worry about
being nice to their customers -- one of the "advantages" of being a chain
Of course, I may be blowing hot air... I mean, what do I know, I've only
worked in and around bookstores for thirteen years...
     Clif Swinford
                   ..!tektronix!reed!percival!actor (UUCP)

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