Errors compiling Adventure

mark at cogent.UUCP mark at cogent.UUCP
Tue Jan 27 17:23:31 AEST 1987

Upon compiling the source code to Adventure, I encounter these two
labels that cannot be resolved by /bin/ld:


Are these BSD calls?  I am on SysV.  How can I get around this?
|     Mark Steven Jeghers         ECHOMPGULP - process has eaten it          |
| cryptography, terrorist, DES, drugs, cipher, secret, decode, NSA, CIA, NRO |
|                                                                            |
|     {ihnp4,cbosgd,lll-lcc,lll-crg}|{dual,ptsfa}!cogent!mark                |
|                                                                            |
| Cogent Software Solutions can not be held responsible for anything said    |
| by the above person since they have no control over him in the first place |

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