B. Dalton booksellers

Praveen Kumar phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP
Sat Jan 24 01:40:57 AEST 1987

>From: li at tybalt.caltech.edu (James C. Li)
>If you are looking for technical books, try your local college bookstore.  If
>you live near Caltech, MIT, or Stanford(as 90% of you technical pepple do :-)
>even better.  They are used to dealing with the publishers, and usually carry

Actually, the best place I have ever found for technical books is:

Books Scientific
18 E. 16th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
(phone) 800-621-1220

They pretty much carry everything (especially Prentice Hall stuff) and
if they don't carry it, they *WILL* get it for you within two weeks.
They are absolutely fantastic!  They also give you a 10% discount off
the list price and they charge $1.00 per book for shipping.  So, any
book that is more than $10.00, you are going to save money on.

I don't have any connections with Books Scientific (except as a very
happy customer, of course).


ARPA:	phaedrus at eneevax.umd.edu 
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!eneevax!phaedrus

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