B. Dalton booksellers

Stuart M. Cracraft cracraft at sonia.cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 23 03:14:56 AEST 1987

In article <1337 at cadovax.UUCP> keithd at cadovax.UUCP (Keith Doyle) writes:
>Now, (and I've done this twice in the last 2 months) you sign the card, and
>a week later you get it saying they're out of stock of the book in the

I have to agree on this one. In the past 6 months, I tried to order
two books at B. Dalton. Each time I signed a card, and each time 
a short while later I got a card back saying they were out of stock.

The two books were not especially rare or unusual and I later found
both of them on the bookshelves at other bookstores.


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