
Andre' Hut andre at nrc-ut.UUCP
Thu Jan 15 07:22:21 AEST 1987

In article <3363 at bu-cs.BU.EDU> bzs at bu-cs.BU.EDU (Barry Shein) writes:
>From: guest at wang7.UUCP (guest account)
>>When will you silly,anal, and syphyllitic twits find something more amusing
>>than Raygun bashing. There are lots of other targets who are in severe need
>>of bashing.
>We await your creativity with 'baited' breath.

I don't mind 'raygun bashing', but perhaps this would be more appropriate in
another newsgroup eh?

                sdcsvax-\         ihnp4-\
                         \               \
Andre' Hut              sdcrdcf!psivax!nrcvax!nrc-ut!andre
                         /              /        /
                hplabs--/ ucbvax!calma-/        /
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