
ugthomps at sunybcs.UUCP ugthomps at sunybcs.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 01:42:00 AEST 1987

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<cut here>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In article <743 at celerity.UUCP> ron at celerity.UUCP (Ron McDaniels) writes:
>In article <181 at wang7.UUCP> guest at wang7.UUCP (guest account) writes:
>>When will you silly,anal, and syphyllitic twits find something more amusing
>>than Raygun bashing. There are lots of other targets who are in severe need
>>of bashing.
>Wang should get rid of their guest accounts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<cut here>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I tried to uudecode the preceding program and well, it didn't work...
can someone tell me where I went wrong??? (or isn't this uuencoded?)
I'm confused. This is .sources isn't it?

                       - Greg
ps: celerity should get rid of celerity..or at least get rid of ron.

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