B. Dalton booksellers

Bruce B. Salem salem at sri-unix.ARPA
Sat Jan 24 03:32:27 AEST 1987

	First, I have a feeling this discussion should move to a
consumers news group.
	I have several gripes against booksellers like B. Dalton.
The outright lie they give you about ordering textbooks
is only one example of the ruthless self-serving business attitude
they have. I have a particular dislike for D. Dalton's credit policies,
as well as their book ordering policy. For a book dealer to skim the
market by selling only fad books and not offering a quality book finder
service and then to refuse local personal checks is cause to write them
about what they dislike. I don't think people ought to go out of their
way to do business with them. 

Bruce Salem

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