B. Dalton booksellers

Vicarious Oyster oyster at uwmacc.UUCP
Sat Jan 24 08:23:37 AEST 1987

In article <962 at sri-unix.ARPA> salem at sri-unix.UUCP (Bruce B. Salem) writes:
>	First, I have a feeling this discussion should move to a
>consumers news group.

   Done (from now on).

>	I have several gripes against booksellers like B. Dalton.
>The outright lie they give you about ordering textbooks
>is only one example of the ruthless self-serving business attitude
>they have. I have a particular dislike for D. Dalton's credit policies,
>as well as their book ordering policy. For a book dealer to skim the
>market by selling only fad books and not offering a quality book finder
>service and then to refuse local personal checks is cause to write them
>about what they dislike. I don't think people ought to go out of their
>way to do business with them. 

  My local B. Dalton's accepts personal checks, has ordered and
delivered, within 3 weeks at the most, every book I've ever asked for
(even one listed as out of print), and has courteous and knowledgable
staffpersons.  I make it a point to buy from them whenever possible,
because they obviously have their act together.  Now, is this store
the exception to the rule, are we only hearing the voice of the
dissatisfied (as all too often happens), or are we guilty of
(gasp!) generalizing?

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