UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now

Eric Ross ericr at hpvcla.HP.COM
Thu Jan 8 06:14:36 AEST 1987

After seeing this posting in about 10 different news groups, I am afraid
that my flame threshold has been reached (and I am relatively 

1)  A item that is cross posted to this degree is usually over
    posted unless there is some overwhelming announcement that
    must be made(in my opinion Minix does not fill that category).

2)  Although there has been some commercial postings in the past,
    they have been minimal and rather low keyed.  This posting
    with its cross-postings is about equivalent in volume to
    Procter and Gamble on network TV.   News is basically a
    contributed medium which should be used mostly for non-commercial

3)  Minix is, in fact, probably of interest to a great number of 
    people--these people usually read Unix software related groups
    and one posting such as comp.sources.d would more than suffice
    in spreading the word.

The above are my own opinions but I am sure that these are shared
by others in the Usenet community.

Eric Ross

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