UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now

Joseph P. Larson joe at dayton.UUCP
Sat Jan 10 00:28:55 AEST 1987

In article <5840001 at hpvcla.HP.COM> ericr at hpvcla.HP.COM (Eric Ross) writes:
>3)  Minix is, in fact, probably of interest to a great number of 
>    people--these people usually read Unix software related groups
>    and one posting such as comp.sources.d would more than suffice
>    in spreading the word.
>The above are my own opinions but I am sure that these are shared
>by others in the Usenet community.

While the posting was perhaps a bit excessive, I can not fault Dr.
Tanenbaum excessively.  For I do not read comp.sources.d, but was
very pleased to see the note.  In fact, the only one I saw was the
one posted here.  And I know that one of my co-workers was equally
pleased -- we both stopped by a local B. Dalton and placed orders
for the book.

I think people should thank Dr. Tanenbaum, instead.  Although
commercial plugs are not generally appropriate here, the package
he told us about is incredible.  If one gives him credit for putting
out a *good* UNIX....  Try to get the sources code from AT&T for
$80, complete with permission to give it to a few friends.....  Heck --
try to get the source code for ANY large piece of software...
UUCP: ihnp4!rosevax!dayton!joe          Joe Larson
ATT : (612) 375-3537                    Dayton Hudson Department Store Company
(standard disclaimer...)                700 on the Mall
                                        Mpls, Mn. 55408

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