UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now

cdl at aluxs.UUCP cdl at aluxs.UUCP
Wed Jan 14 08:10:19 AEST 1987

> In article <5840001 at hpvcla.HP.COM> ericr at hpvcla.HP.COM (Eric Ross) writes:
> >3)  Minix is, in fact, probably of interest to a great number of 
> >    people--these people usually read Unix software related groups
> >    and one posting such as comp.sources.d would more than suffice
> >    in spreading the word.
> >
> >The above are my own opinions but I am sure that these are shared
> >by others in the Usenet community.
> While the posting was perhaps a bit excessive, I can not fault Dr.
> Tanenbaum excessively.  For I do not read comp.sources.d, but was
> very pleased to see the note.  In fact, the only one I saw was the
> one posted here.  And I know that one of my co-workers was equally
> pleased -- we both stopped by a local B. Dalton and placed orders
> for the book.
> I think people should thank Dr. Tanenbaum, instead.  Although
> commercial plugs are not generally appropriate here, the package
> he told us about is incredible.  If one gives him credit for putting
> out a *good* UNIX....  Try to get the sources code from AT&T for
> $80, complete with permission to give it to a few friends.....  Heck --
> try to get the source code for ANY large piece of software...
> -- 
> UUCP: ihnp4!rosevax!dayton!joe          Joe Larson
> ATT : (612) 375-3537                    Dayton Hudson Department Store Company
> (standard disclaimer...)                700 on the Mall
>                                         Mpls, Mn. 55408

I agree with you 100%. It seems as though there are people out there
who just sit back and criticize other people's work or cross

Belive it or not you can send mail to a person directly ( WOW!!), so
if by chance you find something irritating about a posting
send that person a mail. DON'T SEND YOUR GRIPES TO THE ENTIRE NET.

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