Turbo Pascal to C translator

pnessutt at nis.UUCP pnessutt at nis.UUCP
Thu Jan 29 13:36:58 AEST 1987

In article <257 at vax1.ccs.cornell.edu> jsm at vax1.ccs.cornell.edu (Jon Meltzer) writes:
>A public domain Turbo Pascal to C translator is available. It is called TPC;
>I've seen it on several programming oriented IBM PC bulletin boards.
>" [the program] will do 90% of the work required to do the translation."

I would appreciate getting some information as to where these bulletin
boards are and what the telephone #'s are.  I've seen some 'Pascal to
C' translators, but I have yet to see one for Turbo Pascal.


 Robert A. Monio                              UUCP: ihnp4!meccts!nis!pnessutt
 Systems/Analyst - Technical Services         ATT: (612) 894-9494
 National Information Systems, Inc.
                      "These Proceedings are Closed!"

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