Turbo Pascal to C translator

sns at tybalt.caltech.edu.UUCP sns at tybalt.caltech.edu.UUCP
Thu Jan 29 04:38:25 AEST 1987

In article <257 at vax1.ccs.cornell.edu> jsm at vax1.ccs.cornell.edu (Jon Meltzer) writes:
>A public domain Turbo Pascal to C translator is available. It is called TPC;
>I've seen it on several programming oriented IBM PC bulletin boards.
>The author, S.H. Smith (5119 N 11 Ave 332, Phoenix,Az. 85013) claims that

Could anyone get this and post it?  I would think that there would be enough
demand for it to warrant a posting.  I'd do it myself, but I don't have a 
modem, just an Ethernet connection.  It's probably written in Fortran anyways.

My cat can quack, can yours?		genghis!root at csvax.Caltech.Edu.UUCP

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