Turbo Pascal to C translator

jsm at vax1.UUCP jsm at vax1.UUCP
Wed Jan 28 10:17:15 AEST 1987

A public domain Turbo Pascal to C translator is available. It is called TPC;
I've seen it on several programming oriented IBM PC bulletin boards.

The author, S.H. Smith (5119 N 11 Ave 332, Phoenix,Az. 85013) claims that
" [the program] will do 90% of the work required to do the translation."

It seems to work OK, but can't completely handle nested procedures,
precedence operator differences, and VAR parameters. I/O routines have to
be manually renamed.

DISCLAIMER : I have no connection to Smith, do not have the source code,
and can't get Kermit to upload to my local Vax. 

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