David Dick drd at sii.UUCP
Fri Jan 9 07:29:48 AEST 1987

This morning I saw the posting that Bob Bond made of a
public domain spread sheet calculator in net.sources.  Based
on Mark Weiser's previous version, he called the program

'vc' is a registered trademark of Software Innovations, Inc. for
our UNIX(R) spreadsheet.  We've been selling our spreadsheet
under that name for 5 years now.  The software has no
relationship to what was originally posted to USENET or to
any other public domain software.

To all you readers of net.sources, please don't pass around
that public domain spreadsheet and call it "vc".  When Jim
Gosling first released the spreadsheet software, it was
named "sc", for spreadsheet calculator.  I think a good name
for this new incarnation would be "sc2" (or"sc3" if you want
to count Mark Weiser's version).

To all our customers who read net.sources, please don't
think the recent posting has anything to do with the product
you bought.  Please don't call with questions about it and
please don't think that "vc" is now in the public domain.

-David Dick
     usenet: decvax!sii!drd
     BIX: drdick
     MCImail: software, 266-6086

UNIX is a registered trademark of ATT
vc is a registered trademark of Software Innovations, Inc.

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