Brian Smithson smithson at calma.UUCP
Tue Jan 13 03:41:00 AEST 1987

In article <455 at sii.UUCP> drd at sii.UUCP (David Dick) writes:
>'vc' is a registered trademark of Software Innovations, Inc. for
>our UNIX(R) spreadsheet.  We've been selling our spreadsheet
>under that name for 5 years now.  The software has no
>relationship to what was originally posted to USENET or to
>any other public domain software.
>[...] When Jim
>Gosling first released the spreadsheet software, it was
>named "sc", for spreadsheet calculator.  I think a good name
>for this new incarnation would be "sc2" (or"sc3" if you want
>to count Mark Weiser's version).

I'd recommend against sc2 or sc3, not necessarily because of
trademark violations (but perhaps...), but because of confusion
with SuperCalc 2 and Supercalc 3, normally abbreviated as sc2 and sc3.

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