untic update

Mike Stump aeusemrs at csun.UUCP
Tue Jan 20 08:01:26 AEST 1987

In article <61400003 at orstcs.UUCP> regan at orstcs.UUCP (regan) writes:
|I sure hope that this doesn't introduce any new bugs.  [...]
|>     fprintf(stderr, "Looking in %s/?/... for entry.\n", eti);
Well, as a matter of fact, YES, it did, you half included
my patch, and the whole of the other patch by Moffett.
right here, `eti' should be changed to `terminfo' to make
my variable `eti' correspond to Moffett's variable name.
Mike Stump, Cal State Univ, Northridge Comp Sci Department
uucp: {sdcrdcf, ihnp4, hplabs, ttidca, psivax, csustan}!csun!aeusemrs

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