untic update

regan at orstcs.UUCP regan at orstcs.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 16:03:00 AEST 1987

This is an update to the "untic" terminfo database disassembler.  This message
contains two files, one for updating the manual page and one for updating the
source file.  These diff files can be applied to the latest distribution using
the "patch" program.

The main addition is to add support for the TERMINFO environment variable
which two people thought was important enough to fix the program and send
the changes to me.  Thanks to:
	G A Moffett (amdahl!gam)
	hp-pcd!hplabs!csun!aeusemrs	(Sorry -- no proper name was given)
The other changes are mostly to the comment section of the program, giving
credit where due, and standing on my soapbox.

Thanks to these people and others who have sent notes letting me know that
the program is being used.

I sure hope that this doesn't introduce any new bugs.  Make sure that you
keep backups!

			Dave Regan	hp-pcd!orstcs!regan
			16 Jan 87

------------------------------------ cut here --------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	man.diff
#	src.diff
# This archive created: Fri Jan 16 21:53:14 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'man.diff'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'man.diff'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'man.diff'
> .PP
> Normally, terminal descriptions are found in "/usr/lib/terminfo".
> However, if the environment variable "TERMINFO" exists, then
> the value of that variable is used as the path of terminal descriptions.
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'src.diff'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'src.diff'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'src.diff'
<  *	Written by Dave Regan
<  *	orstcs!regan
<  *	16 May 86
>  *	Written by Dave Regan	orstcs!regan	16 May 86
>  *	TERMINFO environment variable added by G A Moffett (amdahl!gam)
>  *		31 May 86
>  *	TERMINFO environment variable added by hp-pcd!hplabs!csun!aeusemrs
>  *	(again) 16 Jan 87.  Time to get this out.
>  *
>  *			New Notes
>  *	I want to thank the people who have written to me to let
>  *	me know that they have a use for this program, and have added
>  *	suggestions.  I am also glad that Unipress have this tool on
>  *	their distribution tape.  It would be nice if ATT picked this
>  *	up (or wrote their own) so that all System V version N release X
>  *	sites have it available instead of only those that have access
>  *	to the net and other ad-hoc distribution channels.  Thanks all.
>  *			Dave Regan	16 Jan 87
>     char *terminfo;
>     extern char *getenv();
<     (void)chdir(TERMINFO_DIR);
>     terminfo = getenv("TERMINFO");
>     if (terminfo == NULL) {
>  	terminfo = TERMINFO_DIR;
>     }
> #if DEBUG
>     fprintf(stderr, "Looking in %s/?/... for entry.\n", eti);
> #endif
>     (void)chdir(terminfo);
>     }
> char *
> getenv(str)
>   char *str;
>     {
>     return (NULL);
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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