MicroEmacs 3.7i Sources

william E Davidsen davidsen at steinmetz.steinmetz.UUCP
Tue Jan 20 08:11:24 AEST 1987

I have seen a number of postings requestingmemacs source. It is
available for uucp download on sixhub (free) or sixhub BBS ($10/yr). it
may also be ordered for $6 from Productive Environment Software
Services, Box 85, Rexford NY 12148-0085. Price includes manual and disk
in 360k format.

This is my hack on 3.7 which allows one version to handle both CGA and
mono, rather than having two versions.

sixhub: (518) 346-8033
   uid: usenet
passwd: output
  baud: 300/1200

bill davidsen			sixhub \
      ihnp4!seismo!rochester!steinmetz ->  crdos1!davidsen
				chinet /
ARPA: davidsen%crdos1.uucp at crd.ge.com (or davidsen at crd.ge.com)

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