MicroEmacs 3.7i Sources

davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 08:07:35 AEST 1987

Okay folks, I can't mail out any more sources of memacs 3.7i, but what
I have done is to put the up on sixhub, the *IX user group machine. The
next rollover of the source posting will be about 8pm 1/16 (tonight).
At that time you will be able to come in via uucp and get the source
files normally in the bbs area. 

		N O T E

This source includes my fixes to the IBMPC module which allow one
version to be used with both mono and CGA.

Download the files ~netstuff/filelist1 and ~netstuff/filelist2. These
contain the available files and the meaning of them, respectively.

File				Use
~netstuff/msdos/emacsdos.arc	executable for mono/CGA, some help files.
~netstuff/c-progs/emacssrc.C	the source for emacs with my changes, in
				a compressed cpio format. Ie, reload
				by zcat <emacssrc.C|cpio -icdml

I will try to put the documentation online this weekend before I leave
for DC. Sorry for the compressed format, I am *real* low on disk space.
If someone can't run compress I'll put it up uncompressed for a short

system:	sixhub
uid:	usenet
pwd:	output
hours:	24
phone:	518/346-8033 (base # of group)
speed:	1200

All questions and comments to sixhub!sysop, uploads to ~netstuff/netload

PLEASE: if someone has a valid path to the author of emacs3.7 please
send to me at the address below, I have a number of fixes to the
documentation also, and am working on 80x60 and 132x44 for the NEC GB-1
EGA clone.
bill davidsen			sixhub \
      ihnp4!seismo!rochester!steinmetz ->  crdos1!davidsen
				chinet /
ARPA: davidsen%crdos1.uucp at crd.ge.com (or davidsen at crd.ge.com)

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