lln - a routine to list all links to a file

Amos Shapir amos at instable.UUCP
Thu Jan 1 19:28:55 AEST 1987

What's wrong with:

set `ls -id file`
find / -inum $1 -print

It's much more portable than the given program, can limit the search
to any dir instead of /, and is probably faster on most machines.
The moral is: before writing your own utilities (or hacking the kernel
as some budding gurus do), re-read the manual - you'll be surprised how
many new and useful flags are in utilities you have been using daily!
	Amos Shapir
National Semiconductor (Israel)
6 Maskit st. P.O.B. 3007, Herzlia 46104, Israel
(011-972) 52-522261  amos%nsta at nsc 34.48'E 32.10'N

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