Apple Imagewriter nroff support

Stuart Lynne sl at van-bc.UUCP
Mon Jan 5 08:28:52 AEST 1987

I have just about finished figuring out how to drive an Apple
Imagewriter printer from nroff in proportional mode.

Also includes sysV interface allowing control of various features
such as font, quality, etc.

If you are interested in a copy of the nroff table, and other
miscellaneous items please contact me.

Stuart Lynne	ihnp4!alberta!ubc-vi!van-bc!sl 	      Vancouver,BC,604-937-7532
Todays feature: Golden Ashes, Freeman Wills Croft, 1940
Inspector French artistically solves the mystery of the missing art critic,
cleaned paintings and melted lead in the burnt out mansion.

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