source postings from AI EXPERT magazine

Ed Reed eer at ritcv.UUCP
Fri Jan 16 04:29:05 AEST 1987

In article <772 at imagen.UUCP> turner at imagen.UUCP (D'arc Angel) writes:
>The following was posted to mod.sources, but that group seems to be
>somewhat back logged.
>I have the following sources from AI EXPERT magazine and will post
>them if there is enough interest, my intention is to do this on a
>monthly basis and i need feedback as to:
>a) is this desired
	- Yes, if not avail in mod.sources anytime soon...I'm getting
		some very high Compuserve bills...

>b) should i just post the index and post the sources (in arc format)
>only if there is interest

	- NO, NO, NO - DO NOT POST ARC FORMAT FILES!  Shar, ok, but
  		not ARC nor any other micro dependant code, except
		where that is explicitly being posted by AIExpert
		(there are some examples).  I'm interested in making
		the source files available locally on our unix and
		VMS systems for students, and work with a Mac
		at home...I have no way to convert PC ARC files.

>c) should i post the sources every month and assume there is enough
>interest to justify the network traffic

	- That's my personal preference - I think there's ample
		interest, if the RIT community is any example.>

Thanks for offering.  None of the other BBS with this stuff is
a local phone call away.  It happens that I already have the
January stuff (the long awaited public domain OPS5) but I KNOW
that others want it.

Ed Reed - Rochester Institute of Technology
phone:    (716) 334-3006
Delphi:   EERTEST
GEnie:    SQA.INC
Usenet:   ...rochester!ritcv!eer

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