source postings from AI EXPERT magazine

D'arc Angel turner at imagen.UUCP
Thu Jan 15 09:30:08 AEST 1987

The following was posted to mod.sources, but that group seems to be
somewhat back logged.

I have the following sources from AI EXPERT magazine and will post
them if there is enough interest, my intention is to do this on a
monthly basis and i need feedback as to:

a) is this desired
b) should i just post the index and post the sources (in arc format)
only if there is interest
c) should i post the sources every month and assume there is enough
interest to justify the network traffic

and now for this month's list of software, for now send me email if
you want the sources and if i get enough requests i will post the
whole arc file.


               Articles and Departments that have
                    Additional On-Line Files 

                            AI EXPERT
                          January 1987
          (Note:  Contents page is in file CONTNT.JAN)

ARTICLES                                        RELEVANT FILES
--------                                        --------------  

January Table of Contents                         CONTNT.JAN

Adding Rete Net to Your OPS5 Toolbox              OPSNET.JAN
by Dan Neiman

Perceptrons & Neural Nets                         PERCEP.JAN
by Peter Reece


Expert's Toolbox                                  EXPERT.JAN
"Using Smalltalk to Implement Frames"
by Marc Rettig

AI Apprentice                                     AIAPP.JAN
"Creating Expert Systems from Examples"
by Beverly and Bill Thompson

C'est la vie, C'est la guerre, C'est la pomme de terre
Mail:	Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101 
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!turner      AT&T: (408) 986-9400

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