UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now

durbin emike at cuuxb.UUCP
Tue Jan 13 00:11:18 AEST 1987

In article <2862 at gitpyr.gatech.EDU> kpk at gitpyr.UUCP writes:
>In article <251 at dayton.UUCP>, joe at dayton.UUCP (Joseph P. Larson) writes:
>> In article <5840001 at hpvcla.HP.COM> ericr at hpvcla.HP.COM (Eric Ross) writes:
>[... much omitted ...]
>> one posted here.  And I know that one of my co-workers was equally
>> pleased -- we both stopped by a local B. Dalton and placed orders
>> for the book.
>Congratulations! The local B. Dalton refused to order the book.  They
>stated that it was a "textbook" and that B. Dalton does not deal in textbooks.
>For those parties who belong to the "Library of Information & Computer
>Science" book club, it is their book of the month.

I placed a purchase order to:

	Prentice-Hall Inc.
	200 Old Tappan Rd.
	Old Tappen NJ  07675

for both the book and a copy (when it is available) of the software.
Prentice-Hall said that the software would be ready for distribution
in February (in reproduction now).

I am definitly looking forward to receiving it.

					E. M. Durbin
					AT&T Computer Systems

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