UNIX clone with SOURCE CODE available now

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
Tue Jan 20 09:03:43 AEST 1987

   From: "Kevin P. Kleinfelter" <kpk at gitpyr.gatech.edu>
   Newsgroups: net.sources
   Date: 10 Jan 87 23:19:28 GMT

   In article <251 at dayton.UUCP>, joe at dayton.UUCP (Joseph P. Larson) writes:
   > In article <5840001 at hpvcla.HP.COM> ericr at hpvcla.HP.COM (Eric Ross) writes:
   [... much omitted ...]
   > one posted here.  And I know that one of my co-workers was equally
   > pleased -- we both stopped by a local B. Dalton and placed orders
   > for the book.

   Congratulations! The local B. Dalton refused to order the book.  They
   stated that it was a "textbook" and that B. Dalton does not deal textbooks.

Oh, really? Well, they sell quite a few books that I happenned to use as
`texts' in college. Knuth, for example.

I can see why they might not keep them in stock, but to refuse someone's
good money on a special order is just bad business. I would imagine that
if you pestered them hard enuf they would give in.

   Disclaimer of responsibility: I am not responsible.

Me neither.

	(Root Boy) Jim "Just Say Yes" Cottrell	<rbj at icst-cmr.arpa>

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