B. Dalton from HELL

Keith Doyle keithd at cadovax.UUCP
Thu Jan 22 04:56:51 AEST 1987

In article <2681 at brl-adm.ARPA> rbj at icst-cmr.arpa (Root Boy Jim) writes:
>   Congratulations! The local B. Dalton refused to order the book.  They
>   stated that it was a "textbook" and that B. Dalton does not deal textbooks.
>I can see why they might not keep them in stock, but to refuse someone's
>good money on a special order is just bad business. I would imagine that
>if you pestered them hard enuf they would give in.

I wouldnt' bet on it.  I've been pretty irritated at B. Daltons attitude 
towards ordering books for years.

Used to be, that when you ordered a book from them, you'd sign a card, and
a good year later they'd send it to you saying they can't get it from the

Now, (and I've done this twice in the last 2 months) you sign the card, and
a week later you get it saying they're out of stock of the book in the

I can go down to a little mom & pop bookstore I know (unfortunately, it's
further away than the 300 local B. Daltons) and ask to order the book, and
in a month or two I will get it.

I personally think B. Dalton is fulla Sh** on this one.  They want to sell
you the books that THEY want, and at full list price.  Heaven forbid you
should want something they don't carry, or expect any kind of discount
rate (their 'discounts' on software are so pitiful, I don't know why they
bother, $44.95 software discounted to $41.95!  BIG DEAL!).

But then, most people just go into their local B. Dalton, and only buy what
they have, cause they don't know about anything else.  Unfortunately the
B. Dalton approach seems to be working with the general public.

What we need is a good discount bookstore chain that is not afraid of 
the paperwork involved in special-ordering from the publisher, and can
actually get the job done. (there were times when after a year B. Dalton
claimed they couldn't get the book from the publisher, and I went to
mom & pop's and got it a month later).

So in conclusion, B. Dalton sucks big green rocks in hell!

So, so, so THERE!

So, so, goodbye!

Keith Doyle
#  {ucbvax,ihnp4,decvax}!trwrb!cadovax!keithd
#  cadovax!keithd at ucla-locus.arpa

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