B. Dalton from HELL

Chuq Von Rospach chuq%plaid at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 23 03:05:54 AEST 1987

>>I can see why they might not keep them in stock, but to refuse someone's
>>good money on a special order is just bad business. I would imagine that
>>if you pestered them hard enuf they would give in.

Ordering books tends to be labor intensive, and it serves a "few" relatively
hard core book readers.  Many bookstores consider it a loss-leader activity
(i.e. it costs them more to do than they make) and the chains therefore
don't encourage it.  They aren't really interested in the book readers out
there, anyway -- that is a small portion of the population.  They want the
impulse buyer and occasional reader (people who pick up Sydney Sheldon and
keep him on the coffee table).  Much easier to cater to than someone who
pays attention to the industry...

Chuq Von Rospach	chuq at sun.COM

It's only a model...

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