v22i038: NN Newsreader, release 6.4, Part03/21

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Thu May 10 05:25:54 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: "Kim F. Storm" <storm at texas.dk>
Posting-number: Volume 22, Issue 38
Archive-name: nn6.4/part03

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then feed it
# into a shell via "sh file" or similar.  To overwrite existing files,
# type "sh file -c".
# The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
# send mail to comp-sources-unix at uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
# Contents:  man/nn.1.C pack_name.c
# Wrapped by storm at texas.dk on Sun May  6 18:19:20 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
echo '          "shar: End of archive 3 (of 22)."'
if test -f 'man/nn.1.C' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'man/nn.1.C'\"
  echo shar: Extracting \"'man/nn.1.C'\" \(41683 characters\)
  sed "s/^X//" >'man/nn.1.C' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XIf you have not read news for some time, there are probably more news
Xthan you can cope with.  Using the option \-\fBa0\fP \fInn\fP will put
Xyou into \fBcatch-up mode\fP.
XThe first question you will get is whether to catch up interactively
Xor automatically.  If you instruct \fInn\fP to catch up automatically,
Xit will simply mark all articles in all groups as read, thus bringing
Xyou \fIcompletely up-to-date\fP.
XIf you choose the interactive mode, \fInn\fP will locate all groups
Xwith unread articles, and for each group it will prompt you for an
Xaction to take on the group.  An action is selected using a single
Xletter followed by \fBreturn\fP.  The following actions are available:
X.B y
XMark all articles as read in current group.
X.B n
XDo not update group (this is the default action if you just hit
X.B r
XEnter reading mode to read the group.
XUnsubscribe to the group.
X.B ?
XGive a list of actions.
X.B q
XWhen you quit, \fInn\fP will ask whether the
Xrest of the groups should be updated unconditionally or whether they
Xshould remain unread.
XIt is possible to control the behaviour of \fInn\fP through the
Xsetting (and unsetting) of the variables described below.  There are
Xseveral ways of setting variables:
X\- Through command line options when \fInn\fP is invoked.
X\- Through global \fBset\fP commands in the init file.
X\- Through \fBset\fP or \fBlocal\fP commands executed from entry macros.
X\- Through the \fB:set\fP extended command when you run \fInn\fP.
XThere are four types of variables:
X\- Boolean variables
X\- Integer variables
X\- String variables
X\- Key variables
XBoolean variables control a specific function in \fInn\fP, e.g.
Xwhether the current time is shown in the prompt line.  A boolean
Xvariable is set to
X.B true
Xwith the command
X	\fBset\fP \fIvariable\fP
Xand it is set to
X.B false
Xwith either of the following (equivalent) commands:
X	\fBunset\fP \fIvariable\fP
X	\fBset no\fP\fIvariable\fP
XYou can also toggle the value of a boolean variable using the command:
X	\fBtoggle\fP \fIvariable\fP
XFor example:
X	\fBset\fP time
X	\fBunset\fP time
X	\fBset\fP notime
X	\fBtoggle\fP time
XInteger variables control an amount e.g. the size of the preview
Xwindow, or the maximum number of articles to read in each group.  They
Xare set with the following command:
X	\fBset\fP \fIvariable value\fP
XIn some cases, not setting an integer value has a special meaning,
Xfor example, not having a minimal preview window or reading all
Xarticles in the groups no matter how many there are.  The special
Xmeaning can be re-established by the following command:
X	\fBunset\fP \fIvariable\fP
XFor example:
X	\fBset\fP window 7
X	\fBunset\fP limit
XString variables may specify directory names, default values for
Xprompts, etc.  They are set using the command
X	\fBset\fP \fIvariable string\fP
XExcept for file and directory names, the
X.I string
Xvalue starts at the first non-blank character after the variable name
Xand continues to the end of the line \fIincluding all trailing
Xblanks on the line\fP!
XKey variables control the keys used to control special functions
Xduring user input such as line editing and completion.  They are set
Xusing the command
X	\fBset\fP \fIvariable key-name\fP
XThe current variable settings can be shown with the
X.B :set
Xcommand without arguments.
XVariables are global by default, but a local instantiation of the
Xvariable can be created using the \fB:local\fP command.  The local
Xvariable will overlay the global variable as long as the current group
Xis active, i.e. the global variable will be used again when you exit
Xthe current group.  The initial value of the local variable will be
Xthe same as the global variable, unless a new value is specified in
Xthe \fB:local\fP command:
X.sp 0.5v
X	\fB:local\fP \fIvariable\fP [ \fIvalue\fP ]
X.sp 0.5v
XThe following variables are available:
X\fBalso-subgroups\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, a group name in the presentation sequence will also cause
Xall the subgroups of the group to be included, for example, comp.unix
Xwill also include comp.unix.questions, etc.  When \fBalso-subgroups\fP
Xis not set, subgroups are only included if the group name is followed
Xby a `.' in which case the main group is \fInot\fP included, i.e.
X`comp.unix' is not included when `comp.unix.' is specified in the
Xpresentation sequence, and vice-versa.  Following a group name by an
Xasterisk `*', e.g. comp.unix*, will include the group as well as all
Xsubgroups independently of the setting of \fBalso-subgroups\fP.
X\fBappend-signature-mail\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen false, it is assumed that the .signature file is automatically
Xappended to responses sent via E-mail.  If true, .signature will be
Xappended to the letter (see query-signature).
X\fBappend-signature-post\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen false, it is assumed that the .signature file is automatically
Xappended to posted articles.  If true, .signature will explicitly be
Xappended to posted articles (see query-signature).
X\fBattributes\fP \fIsymbols\fP	(string, default ....)
XEach element in this string represents a symbol used to represent an
Xarticle attribute when displayed on the screen.  See the section on
XMarking Articles and Attributes.
X\fBauto-junk-seen\fI	(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, articles which have the \fIseen attribute\fP (,) will be marked
Xread when the current group is left.  If not set, these articles will
Xstill be either unread or marked seen the next time the group is
Xentered (see also \fBconfirm-junk-seen\fP and \fBretain-seen-status\fI).
X\fBauto-preview-mode\fP		(boolean, default false)
XEnables \fIAuto Preview Mode\fP.  In this mode, selecting an article
Xon the menu using its article id (letter a-z) will enter preview mode
Xon that article immediately.  Furthermore, the `n' {\fBnext-article\fP}
Xcommand will preview the next article on the menu only if it has the
Xsame subject as the current article; otherwise, it will return to the
Xmenu with the cursor placed on the next article.  The \fBcontinue\fP
Xcommand at the end of the article and the `=' {\fBgoto-menu\fP}
Xreturns to the menu immediately as usual.
X\fBbackup\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, a copy of the initial .newsrc and select files will save be
Xthe first time they are changed.  \fInn\fP remembers the initial
Xcontents of these files internally, so the backup variable can be set
Xany time if not set on start-up.
X\fBbackup-suffix\fP \fIsuffix\fP	(string, default ".bak")
XThe suffix appended to file names to make the corresponding backup
Xfile name (see \fBbackup\fP).
X\fBbug-report-address\fP \fIaddress\fP	(string, default nn-bugs at dkuug.dk)
XThe mail address to which bug reports created with the \fB:bug\fP
Xcommand are sent.
X\fBcase-fold-search\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, string and regular expression matching will be case
Xindependent.  This is related to all commands matching on names or
Xsubjects, except in connection with auto-kill and auto-select where
Xthe individual kill file entries specifies this property.
X\fBcollapse-subject\fP \fIoffset\fP	(integer, default 25)
XWhen set (non-negative), subject lines which are too long to be
Xpresented in full on the menus will be "collapsed" by removing a
Xsufficient number of characters from the subject starting at the given
X\fIoffset\fP in the subject.  This is useful in source groups where
Xthe "Part (01/10)" string sometimes disappears from the menu.  When
Xnot set (or negative), the subjects are truncated.
X\fBcolumns\fP \fIcol\fP	(integer, default screen width)
XThis variable contains the screen width i.e. character positions per
X\fBcomp1-key\fP \fIkey\fP	(key, default \fBspace\fP)
XThe key which gives the first/next completion, and the default value
Xwhen \fInn\fP is prompting for a string, e.g. a file name.
X\fBcomp2-key\fP \fIkey\fP	(key, default \fBtab\fP)
XThe key which ends the current completion and gives the first
Xcompletion for the next component
Xwhen \fInn\fP is prompting for a string, e.g. a file name.
X\fBcompress\fP		(boolean, default false)
XThis variable controls whether text compression (see the
X\fBcompress\fP command) is turned on or off when an article is
Xshown.  The compression is still toggled for the current article with
Xthe \fBcompress\fP command key.
X\fBconfirm-append\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will ask for confirmation before appending an
Xarticle to an existing file (see also \fBconfirm-create\fP).
X\fBconfirm-auto-quit\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will ask for confirmation before quitting after
Xhaving read the last group.  If not confirmed, \fInn\fP will recycle
Xthe presentation sequence looking for groups that were skipped with
Xthe `N' {\fBnext-group\fP} command.  But it will not look for new
Xarticles arrived since the invokation of \fInn\fP.
X\fBconfirm-create\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will ask for confirmation before creating a new
Xfile or directory when saving or unpacking an article (see also
X\fBconfirm-entry\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will ask for confirmation before entering a group
Xwith more than \fBconfirm-entry-limit\fP unread articles (on the first
Xmenu level).  It is useful on slow terminals if you don't want to wait
Xuntil \fInn\fP has drawn the first menu to be able to skip the group.
X  Answering no to the "Enter?" prompt will cause \fInn\fP to skip to
Xthe next group without marking the current group as read.  If you
Xanswer by hitting \fBinterrupt\fP, \fInn\fP will ask the question
X"Mark as read?" which allows you to mark the current group as read
Xbefore going to the next group.  If this second question is also
Xanswered by hitting \fBinterrupt\fP, \fInn\fP will quit immediately.
X\fBconfirm-entry-limit\fP \fIarticles\fP	(integer, default 0)
XSpecifies the minimum number of unread articles in a group for which
Xthe \fBconfirm-entry\fP functionality is activated.
X\fBconfirm-junk-seen\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will require confirmation before marking seen
Xarticles as read when \fBauto-junk-seen\fP is set.
X\fBconfirm-messages\fP		(boolean, default false)
XIn some cases, \fInn\fP will sleep one second (or more) when it has shown a
Xmessage to the user, e.g. in connection with macro debugging.  Setting
X.B confirm-messages
Xwill cause \fInn\fP to
X\fIwait\fP for you to confirm all messages by hitting any
Xkey.  (It will show the symbol <> to indicate that it is awaiting
X\fBcross-filter-seq\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, cross posted articles will be presented in the first
Xpossible group, i.e. according to the current presentation sequence
X(\fIcross\fP-post \fIfilter\fPing on \fIseq\fPuence).  The article is
Xautomatically marked read in the other cross posted groups unless you
Xunsubscribe to the first group in which it was shown before reading
Xthe other groups.  Likewise, it is sufficient to leave the article
Xunread in the first group to keep it for later handling.
X  If not set, cross-postings are shown in the first group occurring on
Xthe Newsgroups: line which the user subscribes to (i.e. you let the
Xposter decide which group is most appropriate to read his posting).
X\fBcross-post\fP		(boolean, default false)
XNormally, \fInn\fP will only show cross-posted articles in the first
Xsubscribed group on the Newsgroups: line.  When
X.B cross-post
Xis set, \fInn\fP will show cross-posted articles in all subscribed
Xgroups to which they are posted.
X\fBdata-bits\fP \fIbits\fP	(integer, default 7)
XWhen set to 7, \fInn\fP will display characters with the 8th bit set
Xusing a meta-notation \fBM-\fP\fI7bit-char\fP.  If set to 8, these
Xcharacters are sent directly to the screen (unless \fBmonitor\fP is
X\fBdate\fP		(boolean, default true)
XIf set \fInn\fP will show the article posting date when articles are
X\fBdebug\fP \fImask\fP	(integer, default 0)
XLook in the source if you are going to use this.
X\fBdecode-header-file\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default "Decode.Headers")
XThe name of the file in which the header and initial text of articles
Xdecoded with the \fB:decode\fP command is saved.  Unless the file name
Xstarts with a `/', the file will be created in the same directory as
Xthe decoded files.  The information is not saved if this variable is
Xnot set.
X\fBdecode-skip-prefix\fP \fIN\fP	(integer, default 2)
XWhen non-null, the \fB:decode\fP command will automatically skip
X\fIupto\fP \fIN\fP characters at the beginning of each line to find
Xvalid uuencoded data.  This allows \fInn\fP to automatically decode
X(multi-part) postings which are both uuencoded and packed with shar.
X\fBdefault-distribution\fP \fIdistr\fP	(string, default not set)
XThe distribution to use as the default suggestion when posting
Xarticles using the \fBpost\fP command.  If it is not set, the
Xfirst component of the group name is used as the suggested
Xdistribution, e.g. `comp' when posting to comp.whatever.
X\fBdefault-save-file\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default +$F)
XThe default save file used in quick save mode.  It can also be
Xspecified using the abbreviation "+" as the file name in normal save
X\fBdelay-redraw\fP		(boolean, default false)
XNormally, \fInn\fP will redraw the screen after extended
Xcommands (:cmd) that clear the screen.  When \fBdelay-redraw\fP is set
X\fInn\fP will prompt for another extended command instead of redrawing
Xthe screen (hit \fBreturn\fP to redraw).
X\fBedit-patch-command\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen true, the \fB:patch\fP command will show the current
X\fBpatch-command\fP and give you a chance to edit it before applying
Xit to the articles.
X\fBedit-print-command\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen true, the \fBprint\fP command will show the current \fBprinter\fP
Xcommand and give you a chance to edit it before printing the articles.
XOtherwise the articles are just printed using the current \fBprinter\fP
X\fBedit-response-check\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen editing a response to an article, it normally does not have any
Xmeaning to send the initial file prepared by \fInn\fP unaltered, since
Xit is either empty or only contains included material.  When this
Xvariable is set, exiting the editor without having changed the file
Xwill automatically abort the response action without confirmation.
X\fBedit-unshar-command\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen true, the \fB:unshar\fP command will show the current
X\fBunshar-command\fP and give you a chance to edit it before applying
Xit to the articles.
X\fBeditor\fP \fIcommand\fP	(string, default not set)
XWhen set, it will override the current EDITOR environment variable
Xwhen editing responses and new articles.
X\fBentry-report-limit\fP \fIarticles\fP	(integer, default 300)
XNormally, \fInn\fP will just move the cursor to the upper left corner
Xof the screen while it is reading articles from the database on
Xentry to a group.  For large groups this may take more than a fraction
Xof a second, and \fInn\fP can then report what it is doing.  If
Xit must read more articles than the number specified by this variable,
X\fInn\fP will report which group and how many articles it is reading.
X\fBerase-key\fP \fIkey\fP	(key, default tty erase key)
XThe key which erases the last input character
Xwhen \fInn\fP is prompting for a string, e.g. a file name.
X\fBexpert\fP		(boolean, default false)
XIf set \fInn\fP will use slightly shorter prompts (e.g. not tell you
Xthat ? will give you help), and be a bit less verbose in a few other
Xcases (e.g. not remind you that posted articles are not available
X\fBexpired-message-delay\fP \fIpause\fP	(integer, default 1)
XIf a selected article is found to have been expired, \fInn\fP will
Xnormally give a message about this and sleep for a number of seconds
Xspecified by this variable.  Setting this variable to zero will still
Xmake \fInn\fP give the message without sleeping afterwards.  Setting
Xit to -1 will cause the message not to be shown at all.
X\fBflow-control\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will turn on xon/xoff flow-control before writing
Xlarge amounts of text to the screen.  This should guard against
Xlossage of output, but in some network configurations it has had the
Xopposite effect, losing several lines of the output.  This variable
Xis always true on systems with CBREAK capabilities which can do single
Xcharacter reads without disabling flow control.
X\fBflush-typeahead\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen true, \fInn\fP will flush typeahead prior to reading commands
Xfrom the keyboard.  It will not flush typeahead while reading
Xparameters for a command, e.g. file names etc.
X\fBfolder\fP \fIdirectory\fP	(string, default ~/News)
XThe full pathname of the
X.I folder directory
Xwhich will replace the + in folder names.  It will be initialized from
Xthe FOLDER environment variable if it is not set in the
X.I init
X\fBfsort\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, folders are sorted alphabetically according to the subject
X(and age).
XOtherwise, the articles in
Xa folder will be presented in the sequence in which they were saved.
X\fBheader-lines\fP \fIlist\fP	(string, no default)
XWhen set, it determines the list of header fields that are shown when
Xan article is read instead of the normal one line header showing the
Xauthor and subject.  See the full description in the section on
XCustomized Article Headers below.
X\fBhelp-key\fP \fIkey\fP	(key, default \fB?\fP)
XThe key which ends the current completion and gives a list of possible
Xcompletions for the next component
Xwhen \fInn\fP is prompting for a string, e.g. a file name.
X\fBinclude-art-id\fP		(boolean, default false)
XThe first line in a response with included material normally reads
X\&"...somebody... writes:" without a reference to the specific article
Xfrom which the quotation was taken (this is found in the References:
Xline).  When this variable is set, the line will also include the
Xarticle id of the referenced article: "In ...article... ... writes:".
X\fBinclude-full-header\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, the \fBmail\fP (M) command will always include the full
Xheader of the original article.  If it is not set, it only includes
Xthe header when the article is forwarded without being edited.
X\fBincluded-mark\fP \fIstring\fP	(string, default ">")
XThis string is prefixed to all lines in the original article that are
Xincluded in a reply or a follow-up.  (Now you have the possibility to
Xchange it, but please don't.  Lines with a mixture of prefixes like
X   : orig-> <> } ] #- etc.
Xare very difficult to comprehend.  Let's all use the standard folks!
X(And hack inews if it is the 50% rule that bothers you.)
X\fBkeep-unsubscribed\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, unsubscribed groups are kept in .newsrc.  If not set,
X\fInn\fP will automatically remove all unsubscribed from .newsrc if
X\fBtidy-newsrc\fP is set.  See also \fBunsubscribe-mark-read\fP.
X\fBkill\fP		(boolean, default true)
XIf set, \fInn\fP performs automatic kill and selection based on the
X.I kill
X\fBkill-key\fP \fIkey\fP	(key, default tty kill key)
XThe key which deletes the current line
Xwhen \fInn\fP is prompting for a string, e.g. a file name.
X\fBlayout\fP \fInumber\fP	(integer, default 1)
XSet the menu layout.  The argument must be a number between 0 and 4.
X\fBlimit\fP \fImax-articles\fP	(integer, default infinite)
X.I Limit
Xthe maximum number of articles presented in each group to
X.I max-articles.
XThe default is to present
X.I all
Xunread articles no matter how many there are.  Setting this variable,
Xonly the most recent
X.I max-articles
Xarticles will be presented, but all the articles will still be marked
Xas read.  This is useful to get up-to-date quickly if you have not
Xread news for a longer period.
X\fBlines\fP \fIlin\fP	(integer, default screen hight)
XThis variable contains the screen hight i.e. number of lines.
X\fBlong-menu\fP		(boolean, default false)
XIf set \fInn\fP will not put an empty line after the header line and
Xan empty line before the prompt line; this gives you two extra menu
X\fBmacro-debug\fP	(boolean, default false)
XIf set \fInn\fP will trace the execution of all macros.  Prior to the
Xexecution of each command or operation in a macro, it will show the
Xname of the command or the input string or key stroke at the bottom of
Xthe screen.
X\fBmail\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default not set)
X\fIfile\fP must be a full path name of a file.  If defined, \fInn\fP will
Xcheck for arrival of new mail every minute or so by looking at the
Xspecified file.
X\fBmail-format\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will save articles in a format that is compatible
Xwith normal mail folders.
X\fBmail-header\fP \fIheaders\fP	(string, default not set)
XThe \fIheaders\fP string specifies one or more extra header lines
X(separated by semi-colons `;') which are added to the header of mail
Xsent from \fInn\fP using the \fBreply\fP and \fBmail\fP commands.  For
X   set mail-header Reply-To: storm at texas.dk
X\fBmail-record\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default not set)
X\fIfile\fP must be a full path name of a file.  If defined, all replies and
Xmail will be saved in this file in standard
X.I mailbox
Xformat, i.e. you can use you favourite mailer (and \fInn\fP) to look at
Xthe file.
X\fBmail-script\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default not set)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will use the specified file instead of the standard
X\fIaux\fP script when executing the \fBreply\fP and \fBmail\fP
X\fBmailer\fP \fIshell-command\fP	(string, default REC_MAIL)
XThe program which is invoked by \fInn\fP to deliver a message to the
Xmail transport.  The program will be given a complete mail message
Xincluding a header containing the recipient's address.  See also
X\fBmailer-pipe-input\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, the message to be sent will be piped into the \fBmailer\fP
Xprogram.  Otherwise, the file containing the message will be given as
Xthe first (and only) argument to the \fBmailer\fP command.
X\fBmark-overlap\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will draw a line (using the underline capabilities
Xof the terminal if possible) to indicate the end of the overlap (see the
X\fBoverlap\fP variable).
X\fBmin-window\fP \fIsize\fP	(integer, default 7)
XWhen the \fBwindow\fP variable is not set, \fInn\fP will clear the
Xscreen to preview an article if there are less than \fIsize\fP unused
Xlines at the bottom of the menu screen.
X\fBmmdf-format\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will save articles in MMDF format.
X\fBmonitor\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will show
X.I all
Xcharacters in the received messages using a "cat -v" like format.
XOtherwise, only the printable characters are shown (default).
X\fBnew-group-action\fP \fIaction\fP	(integer, default 3)
XThis variable controls how new groups are treated by \fInn\fP.  It is
Xan integer variable, and the following values can be used.  Some of
Xthese actions (marked with an *) will only work when
X\fBkeep-unsubscribed\fP is set, since the presence of a group in
X\&.newsrc is the only way to recongnize it as an old group:
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB0\fP)  Ignore groups which are not in \&.newsrc.  This will obviously
Xinclude new groups.
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB1\fP*)  Groups not in \&.newsrc are considered to be new, and are
Xinserted at the beginning of the \&.newsrc file.
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB2\fP*)  Groups not in \&.newsrc are considered to be new, and are
Xappended to the end of the \&.newsrc file.
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB3\fP)  New groups are recognized via a time-stamp saved in the
Xfile \&.nn/LAST and in the database, i.e. it is not dependent on the
Xgroups currently in \&.newsrc.  The new groups are automatically
Xappended to \&.newsrc with subscription.  Old groups not present in
X\&.newsrc will be considered to be unsubscribed.
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB4\fP)  As \fB3\fP, but the user is asked to confirm that the new
Xgroup should be appended to \&.newsrc.  If rejected, the group will not
Xbe appended to \&.newsrc, and thus be regarded as unsubscribed.
X.sp 0.5v
X\fB5\fP)  As \fB4\fP, except that the information is stored in a
Xformat compatible with the \fIrn\fP news reader (\&.rnlast).  This needs
Xto be tested!
X\fBnews-header\fP \fIheaders\fP	(string, default not set)
XThe \fIheaders\fP string specifies one or more extra header lines
X(separated by semi-colons `;') which are added to the header of
Xarticles posted from \fInn\fP using the \fBfollow\fP and \fBpost\fP
X\fBnews-record\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default not set)
XSave file for follow-ups and postings.  Same rules and format as the
X\fBmail-record\fP variable.
X\fBnews-script\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, default not set)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will use the specified file instead of the standard
X\fIaux\fP script when executing the \fBfollow\fP and \fBpost\fP
X\fBnewsrc\fP \fIfile\fP		(string, default "~/.newsrc")
XSpecifies the file used by \fInn\fP to register which groups and
Xarticles have been read.  The default setting corresponds to the
X\&.newsrc file used by other news readers.  Notice that \fInn\fP release
X6.4 \fIdoes allow\fP individual articles to be marked unread, and some
Xarticles marked unread, and thus no longer messes up \&.newsrc for other
Xnews readers!
X\fBnntp-cache-dir\fP \fIdirectory\fP	(string, default "~/.nn")
XWhen NNTP is used, \fInn\fP needs to store articles temporarily on
Xdisk.  This variable specifies which directory \fInn\fP will use to
Xhold these files.  The default value may be changed during
Xconfiguration.  This variable can only be set in the init file.
X\fBnntp-cache-size\fP \fIsize\fP	(integer, default 10, maximum 10)
XSpecifies the number of temporary files in the nntp cache.  The
Xdefault and maximum values may be changed during configuration.
X\fBnntp-debug\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, a trace of the nntp related traffic is displayed in the
Xmessage line on the screen.
X\fBold\fP [\fImax-articles\fP]	(integer, default not set)
X.B old
Xis set, \fInn\fP will present (or scan) all (or the last
X\fImax-articles\fP) unread as well as
Xread articles.  While
X.B old
Xis set, \fInn\fP will
X.I never
Xmark any unread articles as read.
X\fBorig-to-include-mask\fP \fIN\fP	(integer, default 3)
XWhen replying to an article, \fInn\fP will include some of the header
Xlines which may be used to construct a proper mail address for the
Xposter of the original article.  These addresses are placed on
X\fIOrig-To:\fP lines in the reply header and will automatically be
Xremoved before the letter is sent.  This variable specifies which
Xheaders from the article are included; its value \fIN\fP is the sum of
Xthe following values:
X	1: \fIReply-To:\fP
X	2: \fIFrom:\fP
X	4: \fIPath:\fP
X\fBoverlap\fP \fIlines\fP	(integer, default 2)
XSpecifies the number of overlapping lines from one page to the next
Xwhen paging through an article in reading mode.
XThe last line from the previous page
Xwill be underlined if the terminal has that capability.
X\fBpager\fP \fIshell-command\fP		(string, default $PAGER)
XThis is the pager used by the \fB:admin\fP command (and \fInnadmin\fP)
Xwhen it executes certain commands, e.g. grepping in the Log file.
X\fBpatch-command\fP \fIshell-command\fP	(string, default "patch -p0")
XThis is the command which is invoked by the \fB:patch\fP command.
X\fBpreview-continuation\fP \fIcond\fP	(integer, default 12)
XThis variable determines on what terms the following article should be
Xautomatically shown when previewing an article, and the
X\fBnext-article\fP command is used, or \fBcontinue\fP is used at the
Xend of the article.  The following values
Xcan be used:
X\fB0\fP \- never show the next article (return to the menu).
X\fB1\fP \- always show the next article (use 'q' to return to the menu).
X\fB2\fP \- show the next article if it has the same subject as the
Xcurrent article, else return to the menu.
XThe value should be the \fIsum\fP of two values: one for the action
Xafter using \fBcontinue\fP on the last page of the article, and one
Xfor the action performed when the \fBnext-article\fP command is used
X\fImultiplied by 10\fP.
X\fBpreview-mark-read\fP		(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, previewing an article will mark the article as read.
X\fBprinter\fP \fIshell-command\fP	(string, default is system dep.)
XThis is the default value for the
X.B print
Xcommand.  It should include an option which prevents the spooler from
Xechoing a job-id or similar to the terminal to avoid problems with
Xscreen handling (e.g. lp -s on System V).
X\fBquery-signature\fP		(boolean, default ...)
XWill cause \fInn\fP to require confirmation before appending
Xthe \&.signature file to out-going mail or news if the corresponding
X\fBappend-sig-\fP... variable is set.
X\fBquick-count\fP	(boolean, default true)
XWhen set, calculating the total number of unread articles at start-up
Xis done by simple subtracting the first unread article number from the
Xtotal number of articles in each group.  This is very fast, and fairly
Xaccurate but it may be a bit too large.  If not set, each line in
X.newsrc will be interpreted to count every unread article, thus giving
Xa very accurate number.  This variable is also used by \fInncheck\fP.
X\fBquick-save\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will not prompt for a file name when an article is
Xsaved (unless it belongs to a folder).
XInstead it uses the save file specified for the current group in the
Xinit file or the default save file.
X\fBre-layout\fP \fIN\fP		(integer, default 0)
XNormally on the menu, \fInn\fP will prefix the subject a number of
X`>'s corresponding to the number of references on the References:
Xline.  The \fBre-layout\fP variable may be set to use a different
Xprefix on the subjects:
X	0:  One `>' per reference is shown (default).
X	1:  A single `>' is shown if the Subject contains Re:.
X	2:  The number of references is shown as `n>'
X	3:  A single Re: is shown.
X\fBrecord\fP \fIfile\fP	(string, no default)
XSetting this
X.I pseudo
Xvariable will set both the \fBmail-record\fP and the
X\fBnews-record\fP variables to the specified pathname.
X\fBrepeat\fP		(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, \fInn\fP will not eliminate duplicated subject lines on
Xmenus (I cannot imagine why anyone should want that, but....)
X\fBrepeat-group-query\fP	(boolean, default false)
XWhen set, invoking \fInn\fP with the \fB\-g\fP option will always
Xrepeat the query for a group to enter until you quit explicitly.
X(Same as setting the \fB\-r\fP option permanently).
X\fBresponse-check-pause\fP \fIpause\fP	(integer, default 2)
XSpecifies the number of seconds to wait after posting an article to
Xsee whether the action *might* have failed.  Some commands run in the
Xbackground and may thus not have completed during this period, so even
Xwhen \fInn\fP says "Article posted", it may still fail (in which case
Xyou are informed via mail).
X\fBresponse-default-answer\fP \fIaction\fP	(string, default "send")
XThe default action to be taken when hitting \fBreturn\fP to the
X"response action" prompt  (abort, edit, send, view, write).  If it is
Xunset, no default action is defined.
X\fBretain-seen-status\fP	(boolean, default false)
XNormally, seen articles will just be unread the next time the group is
Xentered (unless they were marked read by \fBauto-junk-seen\fP).  If
X\fBretain-seen-status\fP is set, the seen attribute on the articles
Xwill survive to the next time the group

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