v22i037: NN Newsreader, release 6.4, Part02/21

Rich Salz rsalz at uunet.uu.net
Thu May 10 05:25:49 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: "Kim F. Storm" <storm at texas.dk>
Posting-number: Volume 22, Issue 37
Archive-name: nn6.4/part02

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then feed it
# into a shell via "sh file" or similar.  To overwrite existing files,
# type "sh file -c".
# The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
# send mail to comp-sources-unix at uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
# Contents:  help/help.variables man/nn.1.A
# Wrapped by storm at texas.dk on Sun May  6 18:19:16 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
echo '          "shar: End of archive 2 (of 22)."'
if test -f 'help/help.variables' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'help/help.variables'\"
  echo shar: Extracting \"'help/help.variables'\" \(7199 characters\)
  sed "s/^X//" >'help/help.variables' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XCertain variables can be toggled with the specified command line options.
Xalso-subgroups		Group names in sequence includes subgroups as well
Xappend-signature-mail	Explicitly append .signature to outgoing mail
Xappend-signature-post	Explicitly append .signature to posted articles
Xattributes		Article attribute symbols
Xauto-junk-seen		Automatically mark seen articles read
Xauto-preview-mode	Enter preview mode when selecting an article on menu
Xbackup			Keep backup of rc file (-B)
Xbackup-suffix STR	String to append to backup file names (.bak)
Xbug-report-address	Mail address for the :bug command
Xcase-fold-search	String and pattern matching is case independent (! -i)
Xcollapse-subject	Offset at which long subjects are compressed
Xcolumns N		Screen width
Xcomp1-key KEY		Completion key 1 (space)
Xcomp2-key KEY		Completion key 2 (tab)
Xconfirm-append		User must confirm saving in existing files
Xconfirm-auto-quit	User must confirm quit after reading last group
Xconfirm-create		User must confirm creation of new files
Xconfirm-entry		User must confirm entry to groups
Xconfirm-entry-limit N	- confirm only for groups with more than N unread art.
Xconfirm-junk-seen	Ask for confirmation before marking seen articles read
Xconfirm-messages	User must confirm all messages with return (-W)
Xcross-filter-seq	Show cross posted articles in first group in sequence
Xcross-post		Show cross posted articles in all groups (-X)
Xdata-bits N		Screen output is 7 or 8 bits
Xdate	  		Show article dates (-D)
Xdecode-header-file FILE	Save file for headers of :decoded articles
Xdecode-skip-prefix N	Automatically unshar uuencoded articles if N>0
Xdefault-distribution DISTR  Default answer when asking for distribution
Xdefault-save-file FILE	Default save file (for + abbreviation)
Xdelay-redraw		Do not redraw screen immediately after : commands
Xedit-patch-command	Allow user to edit command used by :patch before exec
Xedit-print-command	Allow user to edit command used by :print before exec
Xedit-unshar-command	Allow user to edit command used by :unshar before exec
Xedit-response-check	Don't send articles if they are not edited.
Xeditor CMD		Use speficied editor instead of $EDITOR
Xentry-report-limit N	Give entry report for groups with >N unread articles
Xerase-key KEY		Erase last input character or completion
Xexpert			Give less output
Xexpired-message-delay N	Wait for N seconds after telling article is expired.
Xflow-control		Toggle between raw and cooked to enable flow control
Xflush-typeahead		Flush typeahead before reading each command
Xfolder DIR 		Folder directory
Xfsort			Sort folders in subject order (nofsort = -f)
Xheader-lines LIST	Customized article header format
Xhelp-key KEY		Completion help key (?)
Xinclude-art-id		Include article-id in ".... writes:" line in follow-ups
Xinclude-full-header	M command includes full header in mailed articles.
Xincluded-mark STR  	Prefix on included lines in replies (>)
Xkeep-unsubscribed	Keep unsubscribed groups in .newsrc
Xkill			Enable/disable auto kill/select (nokill = -k)
Xkill-key KEY		Delete input line key
Xlayout N		Menu layout N (-LN)
Xlimit N	  		Limit number of presented articles to N (-aN)
Xlines N			Screen length
Xlong-menu		Use all lines on the menu screen
Xmacro-debug		Trace the execution of all macros
Xmail			Mailbox file to check for arrival of new mail
Xmail-format		Folders are created in mail compatible format
Xmail-header STRING	Extra header lines to include in posted mail
Xmail-record FILE  	Save all replies in FILE
Xmail-script FILE	Use FILE instead of aux script when mailing
Xmailer CMD		Use CMD to send outgoing mail
Xmailer-pipe-input	'mailer' reads standard input/takes file argument
Xmark-overlap		Underline last line from prev page to show overlap
Xmin-window		Minimum size of preview window, clear if smaller
Xmmdf-format		Folders are written in MMDF format
Xmonitor			Print all characters when reading article
Xnew-group-action N	Specifies how NEW groups are handles -- see :man
Xnews-header STRING	Extra header lines to include in posted articles
Xnews-record FILE  	Save all posted articles in FILE
Xnews-script FILE	Use FILE instead of aux script when posting articles
Xnewsrc FILE		Specify alternative .newsrc file
Xnntp-cache-dir DIR	Alternative directory for nntp cache files
Xnntp-cache-size N	Max number of different files in cache.
Xold   N	  		Show read articles also (-xN, or -x if N is omitted)
Xorig-to-include-mask N	Specifies which header fields are placed in Orig-To:
Xoverlap N		Display last N lines on next page when reading
Xpager CMD	  	Screen pager used by (v)iew action
Xpatch-command CMD	Command used by :patch command
Xpreview-continuation N	Specifies what to do after preview of one article
Xpreview-mark-read	Previewing an article marks it read
Xprinter CMD	 	Default print command (e.g. lp -s)
Xquery-signature		Ask for confirmation before appending .signature
Xquick-count		Use quick method to count unread articles in .newsrc
Xquick-save		Save in default save file without asking
Xre-layout N		Presentation of Re: prefixes on menu subjects
Xrecord FILE	  	Set both news-record and mail-record to FILE
Xrepeat			Do not truncate repeated subject lines
Xrepeat-group-query	Cause 'nn -g' to repeat group query (-r)
Xreport-cost		Report cost of session on exit
Xresponse-check-pause N	Wait N seconds after mailing/posting for error check
Xresponse-default-answer STR	Default answer to action prompt
Xretain-seen-status	Retain articles' seen status between invocations
Xretry-on-error N	Retry N times if open of article fails
Xsave-counter FMT  	Format of the save counter (e.g. .%02d)
Xsave-counter-offset	First value of save counter
Xsave-report		Display number of lines saved
Xscroll-clear-page	Scrolling clears page before drawing next page
Xselect-on-sender	Should = command on menu match on sender or subject
Xselect-leave-next	Ask to mark leave-next articles selected on entry
Xshell CMD		Shell to use for ! command.
Xshell-restrictions	Restricted environment
Xsilent			Do not print "No news" etc.
Xslow-mode		Minimize screen output
Xslow-speed SPEED	'on slow' clause is true for this and lower speeds
Xsort	  		Sort articles on menu (-q)
Xsort-mode N		Default sort mode for menus and :sort command
Xspell-checker CMD	Spelling checker for edited messages (one arg)
Xsplit	  		Split digests (-d)
Xstop N			Stop printing of articles after N lines (-lN)
Xsubject-match-limit N	Treat subjects matching in N characters as identical
Xsubject-match-offset N	Skip N characters of subjects before comparison
Xsubject-match-parts	Treat subjects matching upto first digit as idential
Xsuggest-default-save	Show default save file name on prompt line.
Xtidy-newsrc		Automatically remove garbage from .newsrc
Xtime	  		Show current time on prompt line (-T)
Xunshar-command CMD	Command used by :unshar command for unpacking
Xunshar-header-file FILE	Save file for headers from unshared articles
Xunsubscribe-mark-read	Unread articles are marked read by (U)nsubscribe.
Xupdate-frequency N	Write .newsrc for every N groups
Xuse-selections		Use select file
Xvisible-bell		Use visible bell if defined in termcap/terminfo
Xwindow N		Preview window size is N lines (-wN)
Xword-key KEY		Delete last component (word) of input (^W)
Xwrap-header-margin	Fold long header lines over multiple lines
  if test 7199 -ne `wc -c <'help/help.variables'`; then
    echo shar: \"'help/help.variables'\" unpacked with wrong size!
  # end of 'help/help.variables'
if test -f 'man/nn.1.A' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'man/nn.1.A'\"
  echo shar: Extracting \"'man/nn.1.A'\" \(44905 characters\)
  sed "s/^X//" >'man/nn.1.A' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X.TH NN 1 "Release 6.4"
X.\" (c) Copyright 1988, 1990, Kim F. Storm.  All rights reserved.
X.\" NOTICE:  Some versions of the -man package may have problems with
X.\" =======  the @ characters in this manual.  Fix your man package by
X.\"          substituting ALL occurrences of the @ character in
X.\"          tmac.an (or perhaps tmac.an.new) by a BEL (^G) character.
X.UC 4
Xnn \- efficient net news interface (No News is good news)
X.B nn
X[ \fIoptions\fP ] [ \fInewsgroup\fP  |  +\fIfolder\fP  |  \fIfile\fP ]...
X.B nn
X-g [ -r ]
X.B nn
X-a0 [ \fInewsgroup\fP ]...
XNet news is a world-wide information exchange service covering
Xnumerous topics in science and every day life.  Topics are organized
Xin \fInews\ groups\fP, and these groups are open for everybody to post
X\fIarticles\fP on a subject related to the topic of the group.
X\fINn\fP is a `point-and-shoot' net news interface program, or a
X\fInews reader\fP for short (not to be confused with the \fIhuman\fP
Xnews reader).  When you use \fInn\fP, you can decide which of the many
Xnews groups you are interested in, and you can unsubscribe to those
Xwhich don't interest you.  \fInn\fP will let you read the new (and
Xold) articles in each of the groups you subscribe to using a menu
Xbased article selection prior to reading the articles in the news
XWhen a news group is entered, \fInn\fP will locate all the presently
Xunread articles in the group, and extract their sender, subject, and
Xother relevant information.  This information is then rearranged,
Xsorted, and marked in various ways to give it a pleasant format when
Xit is presented on the screen.
XThis will be done very quickly, because \fInn\fP uses its own database
Xto maintain all the necessary information on a directly accessible
Xform (this database is built and maintained by the \fInnmaster\fP(8)
XWhen the article menu appears on the screen, \fInn\fP will be in a
Xmode called \fBselection mode\fP.  In this mode, the articles which
Xseems to be interesting can be selected by single keystrokes (using
Xthe keys a-z and 0-9).  When all the interesting articles among the
Xones presently displayed have been selected, the space bar is hit,
Xwhich causes \fInn\fP to enter reading mode.
XIn \fBreading mode\fP, each of the selected articles will be presented.
XYou use the \fBspace bar\fP to go on to the next page of
Xthe current article, or to the next article.  Of course, there are
Xall sorts of commands to scroll text up and down, skip to the next
Xarticle, responding to an article, decrypt an article, and so on.
XWhen all the selected articles in the current group have been read,
Xthe last hit on the space bar will cause \fInn\fP will continue to the
Xnext group with unread articles, and enter selection mode on that group.
X\fInn\fP accepts a lot of command line options, but here only the
Xfrequently used options are described.  Options can also be set
Xpermanently by including appropriate \fIvariable\fP settings in the
X\fIinit\fP file described later.  All options are described in the
Xsection on Command Line Options towards the end of this manual.
XThe frequently used command line options are:
XCatch up on unread articles and groups.  See the section "Catch up"
XPrompt for the name of a news group or folder to be entered (with
XUsed with \-\fBg\fP to repeatedly prompt for groups to enter.
XPrint only the first \fIN\fP lines of the first page of each article
Xbefore prompting to continue.  This is useful on slow terminals and
Xmodem lines to be able to see the first few lines of longer articles.
XCollect only articles which contain the string
Xin their subject (case is ignored).  This is normally combined with
Xthe -x and -m options to find all articles on a specific subject.
XCollect only articles whose subject matches the regular expression
X.IR regexp .
XThis is normally combined with the -x and -m options to find all
Xarticles on a specific subject.
X\-\fBn\fP\fIWORD\fP or \-\fBn/\fP\fIregexp\fP
XSame as \-\fBs\fP except that it matches on the sender's name
Xinstead of the article's subject.
XThis is normally combined with the -x and -m options to find all
Xarticles from a specific author.  It cannot be mixed with the
X\-\fBs\fP option!
XNormally searches with \-\fBn\fP and \-\fBs\fP are case indenpendent.
XUsing this option, the case becomes significant.
XMerge all articles into one `meta group' instead of showing
Xthem one group at a time.  This is normally used together with the -x
Xand -s options to get all the articles on a specific subject presented
Xon a single menu (when you don't care about which group they belong
Xto).  When -m is used, no articles will be marked as read.
XPresent (or scan) all (or the last \fIN\fP) unread as well as
Xread articles.  When this option is used, \fInn\fP will
X.I never
Xmark unread articles as read (i.e. .newsrc is not updated).
XRead/scan unsubscribed groups also.  Most useful when looking for
Xa specific subject in \fBall\fP groups, e.g.
X   nn -mxX -sSubject all
X\fInews.group\fP  or  \fIfile\fP  or  \fI+folder\fP
XIf none of these arguments are given, all subscribed news groups will
Xbe used.  Otherwise, only the specified news groups and/or files will
Xbe collected and presented.  In specifying a news groups, the
Xfollowing `meta notation' can be used:
XIf the news group ends with a
X\&`.' (or `.all'), all subgroups of the news group will be collected,
X	comp.sources.
XIf a news group starts with a `.' (or `all.'), all the matching
Xsubgroups will be collected, e.g.
X	\&.sources.unix
XThe argument `all' identifies all (subscribed) news groups.
XIn general, \fInn\fP commands consist of one or two key-strokes, and \fInn\fP
Xreacts instantly to the commands you give it; you don't have to enter
X.B return
Xafter each command (except where explicitly stated).
XSome commands have more serious effects than others, and therefore
Xrequests you to confirm the command.  You confirm by hitting the
X.B y
Xkey, and reject by hitting the
X.B n
Xkey.  Some `trivial' requests may also be confirmed simply by hitting
X.B space.
XFor example, to confirm the creation of a save file, just hit
X.B space,
Xbut if one or more directories also have to be created, you must enter
X.B y.
XMany commands will require that you enter a line of text, e.g. a file
Xname or a shell command.  If you enter
X.B space
Xas the first character on a line, the line will be
Xfilled with a default value (if one is defined).  For example, the
Xdefault value for a file name is the last file name you have entered,
Xand the default shell command is your previous shell command.  You can
Xedit this default value as well as a directly typed text, using the
Xfollowing editing commands.  The \fBerase\fP,
X\fBkill\fP, and \fBinterrupt\fP keys are the keys
Xdefined by the current tty settings.  On systems without job control,
X.B suspend
Xkey will be
X.B control-Z
Xwhile it is the current suspend character on system with job control.
X.B erase
XDelete the last character on the line.
X\fBdelete-word\fP   (normally ^W)
XDelete the last word or component of the input.
X.B kill
XDelete all characters on the line.
X\fBinterrupt\fP  and  \fBcontrol-G\fP
XCancel the command which needs the input.
XSuspend \fInn\fP if supported by the system.  Otherwise, spawn an
Xinteractive shell.
X.B return
XTerminate the line, and continue with the command.
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xerase-key, flow-control, flush-typeahead, help-key, kill-key, word-key.
XThere are numerous commands in \fInn\fP, and most of them can be invoked
Xby a single keystroke.  The descriptions in this manual are based on
Xthe standard bindings of the commands to the keys, but it is possible
Xto customize these using the
X.B map
Xcommand described later.  For each of the keystroke commands described
Xin this manual, the corresponding command name will also be shown in
Xcurly braces, e.g. {\fBcommand\fP}.
XThe following commands work in both selection
Xmode and in reading mode.  The notation ^X means `control X':
X\&\fB?\fP	{\fBhelp\fP}
XHelp.  Gives a one page overview of the commands available in the
Xcurrent mode.
X\&\fB^L\fP	{\fBredraw\fP}
XRedraw screen.
X\&\fB^R\fP	{\fBredraw\fP}
XRedraw screen (Same as ^L).
X\&\fB^P\fP	{\fBmessage\fP}
XRepeat the last message shown on the message line.
X\&\fB!\fP	{\fBshell\fP}
XShell escape.  The user is prompted for a command which is executed
Xby your favorite shell (see the
X.B shell
Xvariable).  Shell escapes are described in detail later on.
X\&\fBQ\fP	{\fBquit\fP}
XQuit \fInn\fP.  When you use this command, you neither lose unread
Xarticles in the
Xcurrent group nor the selections you might have made (unless the
Xarticles are expired in the meantime of course).
X\&\fBV\fP	{\fBversion\fP}
XPrint release and version information.
X\fB:\fP\fIcommand\fP  {\fBcommand\fP}
XExecute the \fIcommand\fP by name.  This form can be used to invoke
Xany of \fInn\fP's commands, also those which cannot be bound to a key
X(such as \fB:coredump\fP), or those which are not bound to a key by
Xdefault (such as \fBpost\fP and \fBunshar\fP).
X\fBRelated and basic variables\fP:
Xbackup, backup-suffix, confirm-auto-quit, expert, mail,
Xnew-group-action, newsrc, quick-count.
XIn selection mode, the screen is divided into four parts: the header
Xline showing the name of the news group and the number of articles,
Xthe menu lines which show the collected articles - one article
Xper line, the prompt line where you enter commands, and the message
Xline where \fInn\fP prints various messages to you.
XEach menu line begins with an \fIarticle id\fP which is a unique
Xletter (or digit if your screen can show more than 26 menu lines).  To
Xselect an articles for reading, you simply enter the corresponding
X\fIid\fP, and the menu line will be high-lighted to indicate that the
Xarticle is selected.  When you have selected all the interesting
Xarticles on the present menu, you simply hit \fBspace\fP.
XIf there are more articles collected for the current group than could
Xbe presented on one screenful of text, you will
Xbe presented with the next portion of articles to select from.  When
Xyou have had the opportunity to select among all the articles in the
Xgroup, hitting \fBspace\fP will enter reading mode.
XIf no articles have been selected in the current group, hitting
X\fBspace\fP will enter selection mode on the next news group, or exit
X\fInn\fP if the current group was the last news group with unread
Xarticles. It is thus possible to go through ALL unread articles
X(without reading any of them) just by hitting \fBspace\fP a few times.
XThe articles will be presented on the menu using one of the following
X.sp 0.5v
X\fIx Name.........  Subject.............. +123\fP
X\fIx Name.........   123  Subject..............\fP
X\fIx 123  Subject...................................\fP
X\fIx Subject...........................................\fP
X\fIx    Subject........................................\fP
XHere \fIx\fP is the letter or digit that must be entered to select the
Xarticle, \fIName\fP is the real name of the sender (or the mail
Xaddress if the real name cannot be found), \fISubject\fP is the
Xcontents of the "Subject:" line in the article, and \fI123\fP is the number
Xof lines in the article.
XLayout 0 and 1 are just two ways to present the same information,
Xwhile layout 2 and 3 are intended for groups whose articles have very
Xlong subject lines, e.g. comp.sources.
XLayout 4 is a hybrid between layout 1 and 3.  It will normally use
Xlayout 1, but it will use layout 3 (with a little indentation) for
Xmenu lines where the subject is longer than the space avaiable with
Xlayout 1.
XLayout 1 is the default layout, and an alternative menu line layout is
Xselected using the \-\fBL\fP option or by setting the
X.B layout
Xvariable.  Once \fInn\fP is started the layout can be changed at any
Xtime using the \fB"\fP key {\fBlayout\fP}.
XThe \fIName\fP is limited to 16 characters, and to make maximum use of
Xthis space, \fInn\fP will perform a series of simplifications on the
Xname, e.g. changing first names into initials, removing domain names
Xfrom mail addresses (if the real name is not found) etc.  It does a
Xgood job, but some people on the net put weird things into the From:
Xfield (or actually into their password file) which result in \fInn\fP
Xproducing quite cryptic, and sometimes funny "names".
XOne a usual 80 column terminal, the \fISubject\fP is limited to about
X60 characters (75 in layout 3) and is thus only an approximation to
Xthe actual subject line which may be much longer.  To get as much out
Xof this space, \fIRe:\fP prefixes (in various forms) are recognized
Xand replaced by a single \&`>' character (see the \fBre-layout\fP
XSince articles are sorted accoring to the subject, two or more
Xadjacent articles may share the same subject (ignoring any `>'s).  In
Xthis case, only the first article will show the subject of the
Xarticle; the rest will only show the `>' character in the subject
Xfield (or a `-' if there is no `>' at the beginning of the line).  A
Xtypical menu will thus only show each subject once, saving a lot of
Xtime in scanning the news articles.
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xcollapse-subject, columns, confirm-entry, confirm-entry-limit,
Xentry-report-limit, fsort, kill, layout, limit, lines, long-menu,
Xre-layout, repeat, slow-mode, sort, sort-mode, split,
Xsubject-match-limit, subject-match-offset, subject-match-parts.
XWhile \fInn\fP is running and between invocations, \fInn\fP associates
Xan \fIattribute\fP with each
Xarticle on your system.  These attributes are used to differentiate
Xbetween read and unread articles, selected articles, articles marked
Xfor later treatment, etc.  Depending on how \fInn\fP is configurated,
Xthese attributes can be saved between invocations of \fInn\fP, or some
Xof them may only be used while \fInn\fP is running.
XThe attribute is shown on the
Xmenu using either a single character following the \fIarticle id\fP
Xor by high-lighting the menu line, depending on the attribute and the
Xcapabilities of the terminal.  You can also change the attributes to
Xyour own taste (see the \fBattributes\fP variable).
XThe attribute of an article can be changed explicitly using the
Xselection mode commands described below, or it will change
Xautomatically for example when you have read or saved a selected
XIf a command may change any article attributes, it will be noted in
Xthe description of the command.  The following descriptions of the
Xattributes will only mention the most important commands that may set
X(or preserve) the attribute.
XThe following attributes may be assoicated with an article:
X.B read
XMenu attribute "." - indicates that the article has been read or saved.
XWhen you leave the group, these articles will be marked permanently
Xread, and are not presented the next time you enter the group.
X.B seen
XMenu attribute "," - indicates that the article is unread, but that it
Xhas been \fIpresented\fP on a menu.  Depending on how \fInn\fP is
Xconfigured, these articles will automatically be marked \fIread\fP
Xwhen you leave the group, they may remain \fIseen\fP, or they may just
Xbe \fIunread\fP the next time you enter the group (see the
X\fBauto-junk-seen\fP, \fBconfirm-junk-seen\fP, and
X\fBretain-seen-status\fP variables).
X.sp 0.5v
XOnly the commands \fBcontinue\fP (\fBspace\fP) and \fBread-skip\fP
X(\fBX\fP) will mark \fIunread\fP articles on the current (or all) menu
Xpages as \fIseen\fP when they are used.  Other commands that scroll
Xthrough the menu pages or enter reading mode will let unread articles
Xremain unread.
X.B unread
XMenu attribute " " - indicates an unread article.  These articles were
Xunread when you entered the group, and they may remain unread when you
Xleave the group, unless they have been marked \fIseen\fP by the command
Xthat you used to leave the group or enter reading mode.
X.B selected
XMenu line high-lighted (or menu attribute "*") - indicates that you have
Xselected the article.  If you leave the group, the selected articles
Xwill remain selected the next time you enter the group.  When you have
Xread a selected article, the attribute will automatically change to
X.B auto-selected
XThese articles have the same appearence as \fIselected\fP articles on
Xthe menu, and the only difference is that these articles have been
Xselected automatically via the auto-selection facility rather than
Xmanually by you.  Very few commands differentiate between these
Xattributes and if they do, it is explicitly stated in this manual.
XThe main difference is that these articles are only marked as
X\fIunread\fP when you leave the group (supposing they will also be
Xauto-selected the next the group is entered).  This simplifies the
Xhouse-keeping between invokations of \fInn\fP.
X.B leave
XMenu attribute "+" - indicates that the article is marked for later
Xtreatment by the \fBleave-article\fP (\fBl\fP) command.  These
Xarticles may be selected (on demand) when you have read all selected
Xarticles in a group.  However, if you do not select them then
Ximmediately, they are stored as the \fBleave-next\fP attribute
Xdescribed below.
X.B leave-next
XMenu attribute "=" - indicates that the article is marked for later
Xtreatment by the \fBleave-next\fP (\fBL\fP) command.  This is a
Xpermanent attribute, which will remain on the article until you either
Xread the article, change the attribute, or it is expired.  So
Xassinging this attribute to an article will effectively keep it unread
Xuntil \fIyou\fP do something.  If the variable \fBselect-leave-next\fP
Xis set, \fInn\fP will ask whether these articles should be
X\fBselected\fP on entry to a group (but naturally, doing so will
Xchange the \fBleave-next\fP attribute to \fBselect\fP).
X.B cancelled
XMenu attribute "#" - indicates that the article has been cancelled.
XThis is mainly useful when tidying a folder; it is set by the
X\fBcancel\fP (\fBC\fP) command, and can be cleared by any command that
Xchange attributes, e.g. you can select and deselect the article.
X.B killed
XMenu attribute "!" - indicates that the article has been killed (e.g.
Xby the \fBK\fP {\fBkill-select\fP} command).  Killed articles are
Ximmediately removed from the menu, so you should not normally see
Xarticles with this attribute.  If you do, report it as a bug!
XThe attributes are saved in two files: .newsrc (\fIread\fP articles)
Xand .nn/select (other attributes).  Plain \fIunread\fP articles are
Xsaved by not occurring in either of these files.  Both files are
Xdescribed in more detail later on.
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xattributes, auto-junk-seen, confirm-junk-seen, retain-seen-status,
XThe primary purpose of the selection mode is of course to select the
Xarticles to be read, but numerous other commands may also be
Xperformed in this mode: saving of articles in files, replying and
Xfollowing up on articles, mailing/forwarding articles, shell escapes
XAs described above, the \fIselected\fP articles are marked either by
Xshowing the corresponding menu line in standout mode (reverse video),
Xor if the terminal does not have this capability by placing an
Xasterisk (*) after the selection letter or digit.
XMost commands which are used to select articles will work as toggle
Xcommands.  If the article is not already selected, the
X\fIselected\fPattribute on the article(s), independent on the previous
Xattribute.  Otherwise, the article(s) will be \fIdeselected\fP and
Xmarked \fIunread\fP.  Consequently, any article can be marked
X\fIunread\fP simply be selecting and deselecting it.
XDuring selection, the cursor will normally be placed on the article
Xfollowing the last article whose attribute was changed (initially the
Xfirst article).  The article pointed out by the cursor is called the
X\fIcurrent article\fP, and the following commands work relative to the
Xcurrent article and cursor position.
X\&\fBabc...z 01..9\fP  {\fIarticle N\fP}
XThe article with the given identification letter or digit is
Xselected or deselected.  The following article becomes the current
X\&\fB.\fP	{\fBselect\fP}
XSelect or deselect the current article and move the cursor to the next
X\&\fB,\fP	{\fBline+1\fP}
XMove the cursor to the next article.  You can use the \fIdown arrow\fP
Xas well.
X\&\fB/\fP	{\fBline-1\fP}
XMove cursor to previous article.  You can use the \fIup arrow\fP
Xas well.
X\&\fB*\fP	{\fBselect-subject\fP}
XSelect or deselect all articles with same subject as current
Xarticle.  This will work across several menu pages if necessary.
X\&\fB-\fP\fIx\fP	{\fBselect-range\fP}
XSelect or deselect the range of articles between the current article
Xand the article specified by \fIx\fP.  For example you can select all
Xarticles from \fIe\fP to \fIk\fP by simply typing \fBe-k\fP.
XThe following commands may change the attributes on all articles on
Xthe current menu page, or on all articles on all menu pages.
X\&\fB@\fP	{\fBselect-invert\fP}
XReverse selections.  All selected articles on the current page are
Xdeselected, and vice-versa.  (Use the \fBfind\fP command to select all
X\&\fB~\fP	{\fBunselect-all\fP}
XDeselect all \fIauto-selected\fP articles in the group (this works
Xacross all menu pages).  If the command is executed twice, the
X\fIselected\fP articles will also be deselected.
X\&\fB+\fP	{\fBselect-auto\fP}
XPerform auto-selections in the group (see the section on "auto
Xkill/select" below).
X\&\fB=\fP	{\fBfind\fP}
XPrompts for a regular expression, and selects all articles on the menu
X(all pages) which matches the regular expression.  Depending on the
Xvariable \fBselect-on-sender\fP matching is performed against the
Xsubject (default) or the sender of the articles.  An empty
Xanswer (\fB= return\fP) will reuse the previous expression.
XExample:  The command \fB= . return\fP will select \fIall\fP articles
Xin the group.
X\&\fBJ\fP	{\fBjunk-articles\fP}
XThis is a very versatile command which can be used to perform all
Xsorts of attribute changes, either on individual articles, all
Xarticles on the current menu page, all articles with a specific
Xattribute, or all available articles.  To access all the functions of
Xthis command, the \fBJ\fP key may have to be hit upto four times,
Xto loop through different one-line menus.  The full functionality of
Xthe \fBjunk-articles\fP command is described in a separate section
X\&\fBL\fP	{\fBleave-next\fP}
XThis is a specialized version of the generic \fBJ\fP
X{\fBjunk-articles\fP} command to set the \fIleave-next\fP attribute on
Xa subset of the articles on the menu.  It is also described further
XThe following commands move between the pages belonging to the same
Xnews group when there are more articles than will fit on a single
Xpage.  These commands will not change any article attributes.
X\&\fB>\fP	{\fBpage+1\fP}
XGoto next menu page.
X\&\fB<\fP	{\fBpage-1\fP}
XGoto previous menu page, or to last menu page if on first menu page.
X\&\fB$\fP	{\fBpage=$\fP}
XGoto last menu page.
X\&\fB^\fP	{\fBpage=1\fP}
XGoto first menu page.
XThe following commands are used to enter reading mode for the selected
Xarticles, and to move between news groups (in selection mode).  They
Xmay change article attributes if noted below.
X\&\fBspace\fP	{\fBcontinue\fP}
XContinue to next menu page, or if on last menu page, read the selected
Xarticles.  If no articles have been selected, continue to the next news
Xgroup.  The \fIunread\fP articles on the current menu page will
Xautomatically be marked \fIseen\fP.
X\&\fBreturn\fP	{\fBcontinue-no-mark\fP}
XIdentical to the \fBcontinue\fP command, except that the \fIunread\fP
Xarticles on the current menu page will remain \fIunread\fP.
X.B newline
Xkey has the same effect).
X\&\fBZ\fP	{\fBread-return\fP}
XEnter reading mode
X.I immediately
Xwith the currently selected articles.  When all
Xarticles have been read, return to selection mode in the
X.I current
Xgroup.  It will mark \fIselected\fP articles \fIread\fP as they are
Xread, but \fIunread\fP articles are not changed.
X\&\fBX\fP	{\fBread-skip\fP}
XMark all \fIunread\fP articles \fIseen\fP on all menu pages, and enter
Xreading mode \fIimmediately\fP with the currently selected articles.
XAs the selected articles are read, they are marked \fIread\fP.  When
Xall selected articles have been read, \fInn\fP will enter selection
Xmode in the \fInext\fP news group.  \fBWhen no articles are selected,
Xit goes directly to the next group\fP.  This can be used to skip all
Xthe articles in a large news group without having to go through all
Xthe menu pages.
XIf you don't want to read the current group now, but want to keep it
Xfor later, you can use the following commands which will only mark
X\fIseen\fP and \fIread\fP articles as read.  Currently selected
Xarticles will still be selected the next time you enter the group.
XNone of these commands will change any attributes themselves.
X\&\fBN\fP	{\fBnext-group\fP}
XGo forward to the next group in the presentation sequence.
X\&\fBP\fP	{\fBprevious\fP}
XGo back to the previous group.  This command will enter selection mode
Xon the last active group (two P commands in sequence will bring you to
Xthe current group).  If there are still some \fIunread\fP articles in
Xthe group, only those articles will be shown.  Otherwise, all the
Xarticles which were unread when \fInn\fP was invoked will be shown
Xmarked with the \fIread\fP attribute (which can be changed as usual).
XAs described in the "Article Attributes" section, the \fIread\fP and
X\fIseen\fP articles will normally be marked read when you leave the
Xgroup, and these articles are not shown the next time you enter the
XIn all releases prior to release 6.4, it was impossible to have
Xindividual articles in a group marked \fIunread\fP when you left a
Xgroup, and the default behaviour of release 6.4 will closely match the
Xtraditional behaviour.  This means that the \fIseen\fP and \fIread\fP
Xarticles are treated alike for most practical purposes with the
Xdefault variable settings.
XIf you don't like \fInn\fP to silently mark the \fIseen\fP articles
Xread, you can \fIset\fP the variable \fBconfirm-junk-seen\fP to get
X\fInn\fP to prompt you for confirmation before doing this, or you can
X\fIunset\fP the variable \fBauto-junk-seen\fP to simply keep the seen
Xarticles for the next time you enter the group.  You then have to use
Xthe \fBJ\fP {\fBjunk-articles\fP} to mark articles read.
XUsing \fBreturn\fP {\fBcontinue-no-mark\fP} will also allow you to keep
Xarticles \fIunread\fP rather than marking them \fIseen\fP when
Xscrolling through the menu pages and entering reading mode.  If this
Xis your preferred reading style, you can remap \fBspace\fP to this
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xauto-preview-mode, case-fold-search, confirm-auto-quit, confirm-entry,
Xauto-junk-seen, confirm-junk-seen, retain-seen-status, select-on-sender.
XThe \fBJ\fP {\fBjunk-articles\fP} command is a very flexible command
Xwhich can perform all sorts of attribute changes, either on individual
Xarticles, all articles on the current menu page, all articles with a
Xspecific attribute, or all available articles.
XTo access all the functions of this command, the \fBJ\fP key may have
Xto be hit upto four times, to loop through different one-line menus:
X\fBMark Read\fP
XThis submenu allows you to mark articles \fIread\fP.
XThis submenu allows you to mark articles \fIunread\fP.
XThis submenu allows you to select articles based on their attribute.
XThis submenu allows you to mark articles \fIread\fP and remove them
Xfrom the menu based on their attribute.
XThe \fBL\fP {\fBleave-next\fP} command is an extension of the \fBJ\fP
Xcommand with a fifth menu:
XThis menu allows you to mark articles for later handling with the
X\fIleave-next\fP attribute which will keep the article unread until
Xyou explicitly change the attribute (e.g. by reading it) or it is
XFor each of these submenues, \fInn\fP will list the most plausible
Xchoices you may use, but all of the following answers can be used at
Xall submenus.  When you have entered a choice, \fInn\fP will afterward
Xask whether the change should be made to all menu pages or only the
Xcurrent page.
XShow next submenu.
XChange attribute on all \fIleave\fP articles.
XChange attribute on all \fIleave-next\fP articles.
XChange attribute on all \fIread\fP articles.
XChange attribute on all \fIseen\fP articles.
XChange attribute on all unmarked (i.e. \fIunread\fP) articles.
XChange attribute on \fIall\fP articles no matter their current attribute.
XChange attribute on all \fIselected\fP articles on \fIthe current\fP page.
XChange attribute on all \fIselected\fP articles on \fIall\fP pages.
XChange attribute on one or more specific articles on the current page.
XYou end the list of articles by a \fBspace\fP or by using one of the
Xother choices described above.
XChange attribute on \fIcurrent\fP article.
X\fB, /\fP
XMove the current article down or up the menu without changing any
XIn reading mode, the \fIselected\fP articles are presented one page at
Xa time.  To get the next page of an article, simply hit \fBspace\fP,
Xand when you are on the last page of an article, hit \fBspace\fP to
Xget to the next selected article.  Articles are normally marked read
Xwhen you go to the next article, while going back to the menu,
Xquitting \fInn\fP, etc. will retain the attribute on the current
XWhen you are on the last page of the last article, hit \fBspace\fP to
Xenter selection mode on the next group (or the current group if
Xreading mode was entered using the \fBZ\fP command).
XTo read an article, the following text scrolling commands are
X\&\fBspace\fP	{\fBcontinue\fP}
XScroll \fIone page forward\fP or continue with the next article or
Xgroup as described above.
X\&\fBbackspace / delete\fP  {\fBpage-1\fP}
XGo \fIone page backwards\fP in article.
X\&\fBd\fP	{\fBpage+1/2\fP}
XScroll one \fIhalf page forward\fP.
X\&\fBu\fP	{\fBpage-1/2\fP}
XGo one \fIhalf page backwards\fP.
X\&\fBreturn\fP	{\fBline+1\fP}
XScroll \fIone line forward\fP in the article.
X\&\fBtab\fP	{\fBskip-lines\fP}
XSkip over lines starting with the same character as the last line on
Xthe current page.  This is useful to skip over included text or to the
Xnext file in a shell archive.
X\&\fB^\fP	{\fBpage=1\fP}
XMove to the \fIfirst page\fP (excluding the header) of the article.
X\&\fB$\fP	{\fBpage=$\fP}
XMove to the \fIlast page\fP of the article.
X\&\fBg\fP\fIN\fP	{\fBline=@\fP}
XMove to line \fIN\fP in the article.
X\&\fB/\fP\fIregexp\fP	{\fBfind\fP}
XSearch forward for text matching the regular expression \fIregexp\fP
Xin the article.  If a matching text is found, it will be high-lighted.
X\&\fB.\fP	{\fBfind-next\fP}
XRepeat search for last regular expression.
X\&\fBh\fP	{\fBpage=0\fP}
XShow the \fIheader\fP of the article, and continue from the top of the
X\&\fBH\fP	{\fBfull-digest\fP}
XIf the current article is extracted from a digest, show the entire
Xdigest article including its header.
XAnother \fBH\fP command will return to the current subarticle.
X\&\fBD\fP	{\fBrot13\fP}
XTurn \fIrot13\fP (caesar) decryption on and off for the current
Xarticle, and redraw current page.  If the article is saved while it is
Xdecrypted on the screen, it will be saved in decrypted form as well!
X\&\fBc\fP	{\fBcompress\fP}
XTurn compression on and off for the current article and redraw current
Xpage.  With compression turned on, multiple spaces and tabs are shown
Xas a single space.  This makes it much easier to read right justified
Xtext which separate words with several spaces.  (See also the
X\fBcompress\fP variable)
XThe following commands are used to move among the selected articles.
X\&\fBn\fP	{\fBnext-article\fP}
XMove to next selected article.  This command skips the rest of the
Xcurrent article, marks it \fIread\fP, and jumps directly to the first
Xpage of the next selected article (or to the next group if it was the
Xlast selected article).
X\&\fBl\fP	{\fBleave-article\fP}
XMark the current article with the \fIleave\fP attribute and continue
Xwith the next selected article.  When all the selected articles
Xin the cuurent group have been read, these \fIleft over\fP articles
Xcan be automatically selected and shown once more, or the treatment
Xcan be postponed to the next time you enter the group.
X  This is particularly useful if you see an article
Xwhich you may want to respond to unless one the following articles is
Xalready saying what you intended to say.
X\&\fBL\fP	{\fBleave-next\fP}
XMark the current article with the \fIleave-next\fP attribute and
Xcontinue with the next selected article.
X\&\fBp\fP	{\fBprevious\fP}
XGoto previous article.
X\&\fBk\fP	{\fBnext-subject\fP}
XKill subject.  Skips rest of current article, and all following
Xarticles with the same subject.  The skipped articles are marked
X\fIread\fP.  To kill a subject permanently use the \fBK\fP command.
X\&\fB*\fP	{\fBselect-subject\fP}
XShow next article with \fIsame\fP subject (even if it is not
Xselected).  This command will \fIselect\fP all following articles with
Xthe same subject as the current article
X(similar to the `*' command in selection mode).  This can be used to
Xselect only the first article on a subject in selection mode, and then
Xselect all follow-ups in reading mode if you find the article
X\&\fBa\fP	{\fBadvance-article\fP}
XGoto the following article on the menu even if it is not selected.
XThis command skips the rest of the current article
Xand jumps directly to the first page of the next article (it will not skip
Xto the next group if it is the last article).  The attribute on the
Xcurrent article will be restored, except for the \fIunread\fP
Xattribute which will be changed to \fIseen\fP.
X\&\fBb\fP	{\fBback-article\fP}
XGoto the article before current article on the menu even if it is not
Xselected.  This is similar to the \fBa\fP command, except for the
XThe following commands perform an
Ximmediate return from reading mode to selection mode in
X.I current
Xgroup or skip to the next group.
X\&\fB=\fP	{\fBgoto-menu\fP}
XReturn to selection mode in the current group (think of = as the
X\&"icon" of the selection menu).  The articles read sofar will be
Xmarked \fIread\fP.
X\&\fBN\fP	{\fBnext-group\fP}
XSkip the rest of the \fIselected\fP and \fIunread\fP articles in the
Xcurrent group and go directly to the next group.  Only the \fIread\fP
X(and \fIseen\fP) articles in the current group are marked as read.
X\&\fBX\fP	{\fBread-skip\fP}
XMark \fIall\fP articles in the current group as read and go directly
Xto the next group.  (You will be asked to confirm this command.)
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xcase-fold-search, compress, data-bits, date, header-lines,
Xmark-overlap, monitor, overlap, scroll-clear-page, stop,
XIn selection mode, it is possible to read a specific article on the
Xmenu without entering reading mode for all the selected articles on
Xthe menu.  Using the commands described below will enter reading mode
Xfor one article only, and then return to the menu mode immediately
Xafter (depending on the setting of the \fBpreview-continuation\fP
XIf there are more than 5 free lines at the bottom of the menu screen,
X\fInn\fP will use that space to show the article (a minimal preview
Xwindow can be permanently allocated with the
X.B window
Xvariable).  Otherwise,
Xthe screen will be cleared to show the article.
XAfter previewing an article, it will be marked read (if the
X\fBpreview-mark-read\fP variable is set), and the following article
Xwill become the current article.
X\&\fB%\fP\fIx\fP	{\fBpreview\fP}
XPreview article
X.IR x .
X\&\fB%%\fP	{\fBpreview\fP}
XPreview the current article.
XWhen the article is being shown, the following reading mode commands
Xare very useful:
X\&\fB=\fP	{\fBgoto-menu\fP}
XSkip the rest of the current article, and return to menu mode.
X\&\fBn\fP	{\fBnext-article\fP}
XSkip the rest of the current article, and \fIpreview the next article\fP.
X\&\fBl\fP	{\fBleave-article\fP}
XMark the article as \fIselected\fP (!) on the menu for handling later
Xon.  Then skip the rest of the current article, and preview the next
X\&\fB%\fP\fIy\fP	{\fBpreview\fP}
XPreview article
X.I y .
XIf the variable \fBauto-preview-mode\fP is set, just hitting the
Xarticle id in menu mode will enter preview mode on the specified
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xauto-preview-mode, min-window, preview-continuation,
Xpreview-mark-read, window.
XThe following commands are used to save articles in files, unpack
Xarchives, decode binaries, etc.  It is possible to use the commands in
Xboth reading mode to save the current article and in selection mode to
Xsave one or more articles on the menu.
XThe saved articles will be \fIappended\fP to the specified file(s)
Xfollowed by an empty line each.  Both files and directories will be
Xcreated as needed.  When an article has been saved in a file, a
Xmessage reporting the number of lines saved will be shown if the
X\fBsave-report\fP variable is set (default on).
X\&\fBS\fP	{\fBsave-full\fP}
XSave articles including the full article header.
X\&\fBO\fP	{\fBsave-short\fP}
XSave articles with a short header
Xcontaining only the name of the sender, the subject, and the posting
Xdate of the article.
X\&\fBW\fP	{\fBsave-body\fP}
XWrite article
X.I without
Xa header.
X\&\fB:print\fP	{\fBprint\fP}
XPrint article.  Instead of a file name,
Xthis command will prompt for the print command to which the current
Xarticle will be piped.  The default print command is specified at
Xcompile time, but it can be changed by setting the
X.B printer
Xvariable.  The output will be identical to that of the
X\&\fB:patch\fP	{\fBpatch\fP}
XSend articles through \fBpatch\fP(1) (or the program defined in the
X\fBpatch-command\fP variable).  Instead of a file name, you will be
Xprompted for the name of a directory in which you want the patch
Xcommand to be executed.  \fInn\fP will then pipe the body of the
Xarticle through the patch command.
X  The output from the patch process will be shown on the screen and
Xalso appended to a file named \fIPatch.Result\fP in the patch directory.
X\&\fB:unshar\fP	{\fBunshar\fP}
XUnshar articles.  You will be prompted for the name of a directory in
Xwhich you want \fInn\fP to unshar the articles.  \fInn\fP will then
Xpipe the proper parts of the article body into a Bourne Shell whose
Xworking directory will be set to the specified directory.
X  During the unpacking, the normal output from the unshar process will
Xappear on the screen, and the menu or article text will be redrawn when
Xthe process is finished.
X  The output is also appended to a file named \fIUnshar.Result\fP in
Xthe unshar directory.
X  The file specified in \fBunshar-header-file\fP (default
X"Unshar.Headers") in the unshar directory will
Xcontain the header and initial text (before the shar data) from the
Xarticle.  You can use the `G' {\fBgoto-group\fP} command to look at
Xthe Unshar.Headers file.
X\&\fB:decode\fP	{\fBdecode\fP}
XDecode \fIuuencoded\fP articles into binary files.  You will be
Xprompted for the name of a directory in which you want \fInn\fP to
Xplace the decoded binary files (the file names are taken from the
Xuuencoded data).
X  \fInn\fP will combine several articles into single files as needed,
Xand you can even decode unrelated packages (into the same directory)
Xwith one \fBdecode\fP command.
X  To be able to decode a binary file which spans several articles,
X\fInn\fP may have to \fIignore\fP lines which fail the normal sanity checks
Xon uuencoded data instead of treating them as \fItransmission errors\fP.
XConsequently, it is strongly recommended to check the resulting
Xdecoded file using the checksum which is normally contained in the
Xoriginal article.  (Actually, you are also supposed to do this after
Xdecoding with a stand-alone uudecode program).
X  The header and initial information in the decoded articles are saved
Xin the file specified in \fBdecode-header-file\fP (default
X"Decode.Headers") in the same directory as the decoded files.
X  If \fBdecode-skip-prefix\fP is non-null, \fB:decode\fP will attempt
Xto ignore upto that many characters on each line to find the encoded data.
XThis is particularly useful in some binaries groups where files are
Xboth uuencoded and packed with shar; \fInn\fP will ignore the prefix
Xadded to each line by shar, and thus be able to unshar, concatenate,
Xand decode multi-part postings automatically.
XIn reading mode, the following keys can also be used to invoke the
Xsave commands:
X.B s
XSame as
X.BR S .
X.B o
XSame as
X.BR O .
X.B w
XSame as
X.BR W .
XSame as
X.BR :print .
XThe save commands will prompt for a file name which is expanded
Xaccording to the rules described in the section on file name expansion
Xbelow.  For each group, it is possible to specify a default save file
Xin the init file, either in connection with the group presentation
Xsequence or in a separate \fBsave-files\fP section (see below).
XIf a default save file is specified for the group, \fInn\fP will show
Xthis on the prompt line when it prompts for the file name.  You can
Xedit this name as usual, but if you kill the entire name immediately,
X\fInn\fP will replace the default name with the last file name you
Xentered.  If you kill this as well, \fInn\fP will leave you with a
Xblank line.
XIf the
X.B quick-save
Xvariable is set, \fInn\fP will only prompt for a save file name when
Xthe current article is inside a folder; otherwise, the default save
Xfile defined in the init file will be used unconditionally.
XIf the file (and directories in the path) does not exist,
Xwill ask whether the file (and the directories) should be created.
XIf the file name contains an asterisk, e.g.
X	part*.shar
X\fInn\fP will save each of the articles in uniquely named files
Xconstructed by replacing the asterisk by numbers from the sequence 1,
X2, 3, etc.  The format of the string that replaces the * can be
Xchanged with the \fBsave-counter\fP variable, and the first number to
Xuse can be changed via \fBsave-counter-offset\fP.
XIn \fIselection\fP mode, \fInn\fP will prompt you for the identifier
Xof one or more articles you want to save.  When you don't want to save
Xmore articles, just hit \fBspace\fP.  The saved articles will be
Xmarked \fIread\fP.
XIf you enter an asterisk `*' when you are prompted for an article to
Xsave, \fInn\fP will automatically save all the \fIselected\fP articles
Xon the \fIcurrent\fP menu page and mark them \fIread\fP.
XLikewise, if you enter a plus `+', \fInn\fP will save all the selected
Xarticles on \fIall\fP menu pages and mark them \fIread\fP.
XThis is very useful to unpack an entire package using the
X\fB:unshar\fP and \fB:decode\fP commands.  It can also be used in
Xcombination with the \fIsave selected articles\fP feature to save a
Xselection of articles in separate, successively numbered files.  But do
Xnot confuse these two concepts!  The
X.B S*
X.B S+
Xcommands can be used to save the selected articles in a single file as
Xwell as in separate files, and the \fIsave in separate files\fP
Xfeature can be used also when saving individual articles, either in
Xthe selection mode, or in the article reading mode.
XWhen articles are saved in a file with a full or partial header, any
Xheader lines in the
X.I body
Xof the article will be escaped by a tilde (e.g. ~From: ...) to enable
X\fInn\fP to split the folder into separate articles.
XArticles can optionally be saved in MAIL or MMDF compatible format by
Xsetting the \fBmail-format\fP and \fBmmdf-format\fP variables.
X\fBRelated variables\fP:
Xconfirm-append, confirm-create, decode-header-file,
Xdecode-skip-prefix, default-save-file,
Xedit-patch-command, edit-print-command, edit-unshar-command, folder,
Xmail-format, mmdf-format, patch-command, printer, quick-save,
Xsave-counter, save-counter-offset, save-report,
Xsuggest-default-save, unshar-command, unshar-header-file.
  if test 44905 -ne `wc -c <'man/nn.1.A'`; then
    echo shar: \"'man/nn.1.A'\" unpacked with wrong size!
  # end of 'man/nn.1.A'
echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 22\).
cp /dev/null ark2isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 22 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still must unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
exit 0

exit 0 # Just in case...
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