v02i082: X11 Release 3, Patch7

Mike Wexler mikew at wyse.wyse.com
Tue Jan 10 11:42:21 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: jim at expo.lcs.mit.edu (Jim Fulton)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 82
Archive-name: x11.3/patch7

		       Created on Monday, 9 January 1989

				  PART 3 of 3

Fixes 5, 6, and 7 are part of a single update to the xman program.  Together
they affect the following files:


To apply these fixes, concatenate all three files and pipe them to patch -p0
from the top of your X sources:

	%  cat fix5 fix6 fix7 | patch -p0

The following is fix7 (you will also need fix5 and fix6):

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17111	Fri Jan  6 18:56:24 1989
--- clients/xman/CHANGES	Fri Jan  6 18:42:34 1989
*** 3,56 ****
  Here is the list of changes to xman.  Unresolved bug fixes and
  neat features are listed in the TODO file.
! Version 3.0 (X11R2 Tape) -> Version 3.0.2
! Additional Features:
! 1) Startup time is now 3 times faster.
! 2) Manual page searches now SCREAM, speed MUCH improved.
! 3) -pagesize argument added and documented in manual page.
! 4) List widget used for directory, may new features of directory
!    a) vertical or horizontal orientation via the "verticalList" resource
!       vertical is now the default.
!       e.g  xman*verticalList:        False
!     b) current manual page is highlighted in the directory listing.
!     c) resizing the window now creates more columns in directory 
!        (see bug fix #4).
!     d) Pixmaps no longer created for each directory listing.
!        you people with color workstations should like this one.
! 5) Xman no longer uses the window widget, and it has been removed from
!    the distribution.  If you want a copy send me e-mail.
! Bug Fixes:
! 1) The height of the directory items was wrong if a different
!    font is used for the directory than for the manual pages.
! 2) The topBox resource for the initial "Manual Browser" box now 
!    can be specified.  This allows the geometry of this box to be 
!    set with resources.
!    e.g xman*topBox.geometry:      =100x100+2+2
! 3) Xman now handles the case of no help file correctly.
! 4) Resizing the directory now causes the columns to fill in the new area.
!    This causes more of the directory to be visable in wider windows, and
!    resizing narrower does not lose information.
! Know bugs yet to be resolved:
! 1) Resizing the man page causes the directory to grow too big.
!    and the manpage to get real small. (1 pixel).
  Version 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
--- 3,94 ----
  Here is the list of changes to xman.  Unresolved bug fixes and
  neat features are listed in the TODO file.
+ I have changed this in to reverse chronological order to make it
+ easier to read.
! Version 3.1  -> 3.1.1
! Bug Fixes.
! 1) Manual Pages now handle text properly if partially obscured.
! 2) Manual Pages smaller than one screen do not cause xman to die.
! 3) Command line arguments and resources work properly again.
! 4) Scrollbars on man pages and directories are the same size by default.
! 5) Better handling of the decision to boldify.
! 6) Searching with multiple manual pages visable now works correctly.
! 7) Resources are all in a structure, so that machines with the MSB set
!    on pointers will do the right thing.  
!    THANKS TO: Martin Streicher
! 8) Default width, is no longer dependant on the width of the display,
!    but is set with #define DEFAULT_WIDTH in defs.h.  Problems may still
!    occur with displays that are not 75 dpi.
! 9) Fixes to man.c (internal maual page finding functions)
!    a) xman knows about "mano" by default now.
! 10) Right button paging in manual pages works correctly on all machines.
! 11) The box with the message "Would you like to save this formatted manpage"
!     comes up correctly in the center of the manual page.
! 12) Manual pages of the form foo.3x11.z show up as: foo(x11).
+ 13) Reverse video works correctly.
! 14) AproposFilter now uses "man -k" rather than "apropos"
!     THANKS TO:  Arthur David Olson.
! 15) When searching for manual pages, highlight now reflects current 
!     manual page.
! 1) Overstrike is now supported.  
!    THANKS TO: clyde at rutgers.edu
! 2) Addition to of "no default sections" option to mandesc file, read the
!    latest man page for details.
! 3) Warning messages printed to manual page window as well as stdout.
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! Version 3.0.4 -> 3.1 (X11R3)
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! List widget is part of Xaw and removed from this directory.
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! Version 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! Bug fixes.
! 1)  First directory now comes up with all entries when the default
!     size is used.
! 2)  Command line syntax printed if an argument is not understood.
! 3)  manpage rewritten.
! 4)  Apropos no longer blows out with very long MANPATH's.
! 5)  Better handling of mandesc file.
! Features:
! 1) additional command line arguments (see manpage for details):
!    a) -notopbox
!    b) -bothshown
!    c) -helpfile <filename>
  Version 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
*** 86,121 ****
  10) 	Left over highlight in menu have been fixed.
! Version 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4
! Bug fixes.
! 1)  First directory now comes up with all entries when the default
!     size is used.
! 2)  Command line syntax printed if an argument is not understood.n 
! 3)  manpage rewritten.
! 4)  Apropos no longer blows out with very long MANPATH's.
! 5)  Better handling of mandesc file.
! Features:
! 1) additional command line arguments (see manpage for details):
!    a) -notopbox
!    b) -bothshown
!    c) -helpfile <filename>
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! Version 3.0.4 -> 3.1 (X11R3)
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! List widget is part of Xaw and removed from this directory.
  						Chris D. Peterson     
  						Project Athena     
--- 124,180 ----
  10) 	Left over highlight in menu have been fixed.
! Version 3.0 (X11R2 Tape) -> Version 3.0.2
! Additional Features:
! 1) Startup time is now 3 times faster.
! 2) Manual page searches now SCREAM, speed MUCH improved.
! 3) -pagesize argument added and documented in manual page.
! 4) List widget used for directory, may new features of directory
!    a) vertical or horizontal orientation via the "verticalList" resource
!       vertical is now the default.
!       e.g  xman*verticalList:        False
!     b) current manual page is highlighted in the directory listing.
!     c) resizing the window now creates more columns in directory 
!        (see bug fix #4).
!     d) Pixmaps no longer created for each directory listing.
!        you people with color workstations should like this one.
! 5) Xman no longer uses the window widget, and it has been removed from
!    the distribution.  If you want a copy send me e-mail.
! Bug Fixes:
! 1) The height of the directory items was wrong if a different
!    font is used for the directory than for the manual pages.
! 2) The topBox resource for the initial "Manual Browser" box now 
!    can be specified.  This allows the geometry of this box to be 
!    set with resources.
+    e.g xman*topBox.geometry:      =100x100+2+2
+ 3) Xman now handles the case of no help file correctly.
+ 4) Resizing the directory now causes the columns to fill in the new area.
+    This causes more of the directory to be visable in wider windows, and
+    resizing narrower does not lose information.
+ Know bugs yet to be resolved:
+ 1) Resizing the man page causes the directory to grow too big.
+    and the manpage to get real small. (1 pixel).
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
  						Chris D. Peterson     
  						Project Athena     
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17125	Fri Jan  6 18:56:26 1989
--- clients/xman/README	Fri Jan  6 18:42:35 1989
*** 7,14 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: README,v 1.3 88/10/07 17:25:10 jim Exp $
!  * $Athena: README,v 3.4 88/08/31 21:14:20 kit Locked $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 7,14 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: README,v 1.4 89/01/06 18:42:34 kit Exp $
!  * $Athena: README,v 4.3 88/12/19 13:49:06 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 52,58 ****
  pain.  Oh yes, I also came up with what I think is a useful tool for all
  users who wish to browse the manual pages.  
! 	The ScrollByLine widget, while it looked like a good idea at t
  the time, is really a hack and for widget examples please use the widget
  set that came on the X tape, as the ScrollByLine Wiget was written about
  three months and many Xtk intrinsic revisions ago.  It still works for
--- 52,58 ----
  pain.  Oh yes, I also came up with what I think is a useful tool for all
  users who wish to browse the manual pages.  
! 	The ScrollByLine widget, while it looked like a good idea at
  the time, is really a hack and for widget examples please use the widget
  set that came on the X tape, as the ScrollByLine Wiget was written about
  three months and many Xtk intrinsic revisions ago.  It still works for
*** 83,96 ****
  both the naive user and the experience unix hacker in mind.  Thus Xman
! 1) Easy to use, start it up, and click the help button to start.
! 2) Uses the same default key bindings as other Xtk applications (xmh, xmore).
! 3) Conserves Screen space, and is usable even when resized fairly small.
! 4) Readily reconfigurable, this allows the experienced user to remove most
!    information that is not necessary from his xman display.
! 5) Fast - once it has started up it has all the information in 
!           memory and can find and display formatted manual pages quite
!           quickly.
  	Changes from version 3.0 (Distributed with X11R2) are in the  	|
  file CHANGES. A list of bugs, and nice features is in the file TODO.	|
--- 83,98 ----
  both the naive user and the experience unix hacker in mind.  Thus Xman
! 1) Easy to use			Start it up, and click the help button 
! 				to start.
! 2) More or less Standard	Uses the same default key bindings as 
! 				other Xtk applications (xmh, xmore).
! 3) Conserves Screen space	Xman is usable even when resized fairly small.
! 4) Readily reconfigurable	Xman allows the experienced user to 
! 				personalize the interface (somewhat :-)
! 5) Fast 			Once it has started up it has all the 
! 				information in memory and can find and
! 				display formatted manual pages quite quickly.
  	Changes from version 3.0 (Distributed with X11R2) are in the  	|
  file CHANGES. A list of bugs, and nice features is in the file TODO.	|
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17142	Fri Jan  6 18:56:31 1989
--- clients/xman/TODO	Fri Jan  6 18:42:36 1989
*** 20,30 ****
     How about a "print this manpage" command that would confirm the
     printer choice and go do a psroff -man? 
!    One more thing.  It would be nice if "help" told you about the
     Xresources used by xman (like xman*topBox.geometry) ...
     show message when formatting manpage.
     Implement searches within manpages.
     Redo menus.
--- 20,32 ----
     How about a "print this manpage" command that would confirm the
     printer choice and go do a psroff -man? 
!    It would be nice if "help" told you about the
     Xresources used by xman (like xman*topBox.geometry) ...
     show message when formatting manpage.
+    Handle Compressed manual pages, by page and by directory.
     Implement searches within manpages.
     Redo menus.
*** 38,40 ****
--- 40,44 ----
     on to select one of those pages without having to switch sections and
     then pick the manpage.
+ ** This needs to be added to the Athena List Widget.
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17158	Fri Jan  6 18:56:37 1989
--- clients/xman/defs.h	Fri Jan  6 18:41:57 1989
*** 1,8 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: defs.h,v 1.6 88/10/20 19:03:47 jim Exp $
!  * $Athena: defs.h,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:42 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,8 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: defs.h,v 1.7 89/01/06 18:41:55 kit Exp $
!  * $Athena: defs.h,v 4.8 89/01/06 15:56:19 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 73,85 ****
  #define INIT_SEARCH_STRING "xman"     /* Intial search string. */
   * The command filters for the manual and apropos searches.
! #define APROPOSCOMMAND "apropos -M"
! #define APROPOSFILTER "pr -h Apropos"
  #define MANUALCOMMAND "man -M"
  #ifdef macII
  #define FORMAT "pcat"	/* The format command. */
--- 73,84 ----
  #define INIT_SEARCH_STRING "xman"     /* Intial search string. */
! #define NO_SECTION_DEFAULTS ("no default sections")
   * The command filters for the manual and apropos searches.
! #define APROPOSFILTER ("man -M %s -k %s | pr -h Apropos > %s")
  #define MANUALCOMMAND "man -M"
  #ifdef macII
  #define FORMAT "pcat"	/* The format command. */
*** 89,103 ****
  #define CANCEL "Cancel"
! #define MAXSECT 25		/* The maximum number of sections. */
! #define FIXEDSECT 11		/* The number of predefined sections.
! 				   0 - 8 and n, and l = 11. */
  #define MAXENTRY 800		/* The maximum number of entries in one 
! 				   section. */
  #define NLINES  66		/* This is the number of lines to wait until
  				   we boldify the line again, this allows 
  				   me to bold the first line of each page.*/
  #define LMAN 3			/* Name and length of the man and cat dirs. */
  #define MAN "man"
--- 88,109 ----
  #define CANCEL "Cancel"
! #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 500	/* The default width of xman. */
! #define MAXSECT 62		/* The maximum number of sections.
! 				   one for each of (1-9) & (a-z) & (A-Z) */
! #ifdef sun
! #define MAXENTRY 2000		/* The maximum number of entries in one 
! 				   section, on a sun. */
! #else
  #define MAXENTRY 800		/* The maximum number of entries in one 
! 				   section, on other machines. */
! #endif
  #define NLINES  66		/* This is the number of lines to wait until
  				   we boldify the line again, this allows 
  				   me to bold the first line of each page.*/
+ #define INITIAL_DIR 0		/* The Initial Directory displayed. */
  #define LMAN 3			/* Name and length of the man and cat dirs. */
  #define MAN "man"
*** 165,173 ****
  /* man.c */
  int Man();
- void MatchEntries(),AddStruct(),SortAndRemove();
- Boolean GetEntry();
- void SetManNames();
  char * StrAlloc();
  /* menu.c is self contained */
--- 171,176 ----
*** 175,181 ****
  /* misc.c */
  void PrintError(),PrintWarning(),KillManpage(), ChangeLabel();
! void RemovePixmaps(),PositionCenter(),AddCursor();
  FILE *FindFilename(),*Format(), *OpenEntryFile();
  /* pages.c */
--- 178,184 ----
  /* misc.c */
  void PrintError(),PrintWarning(),KillManpage(), ChangeLabel();
! void RemovePixmaps(),PositionCenter(),AddCursor(),ParseEntry();
  FILE *FindFilename(),*Format(), *OpenEntryFile();
  /* pages.c */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17166	Fri Jan  6 18:56:39 1989
--- clients/xman/globals.c	Fri Jan  6 18:41:58 1989
*** 1,7 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: globals.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:47:38 jim Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: globals.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:41:57 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,45 ****
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: globals.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:49 kit Exp $";
  #include "man.h"
! /* Resource manager sets these. */
! XmanFonts fonts;		/* The fonts used for the man pages. */
! XmanCursors cursors;		/* The cursors for xman. */
! Boolean both_shown_initial;	/* The initial state of the manual pages
! 				   show two screens or only one. */
! Boolean top_box_active;	        /* Put up the Top Box. */
! int directory_height;	        /* The default height of directory in 
! 				   both_shown mode. */
! char * help_file;		/* The name of the help file. */
  Widget help_widget;		/* The help widget. */
- /* bookkeeping global variables. */
  int default_height,default_width; /* Approximately the default with and
  					    height, of the manpage when shown,
  					    the the top level manual page 
--- 20,36 ----
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: globals.c,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:46:53 kit Exp $";
  #include "man.h"
! Xman_Resources resources;	/* Resource manager sets these. */
! /* bookkeeping global variables. */
  Widget help_widget;		/* The help widget. */
  int default_height,default_width; /* Approximately the default with and
  					    height, of the manpage when shown,
  					    the the top level manual page 
*** 51,53 ****
--- 42,45 ----
  int man_pages_shown;		/* The current number of manual
  				   pages being shown, if 0 we exit. */
+ Widget initial_widget;		/* The initial widget, never realized. */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17176	Fri Jan  6 18:56:41 1989
--- clients/xman/globals.h	Fri Jan  6 18:41:59 1989
*** 1,8 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: globals.h,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:47:41 jim Exp $
!  * $Athena: globals.h,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:54 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,8 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: globals.h,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:41:58 kit Exp $
!  * $Athena: globals.h,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:46:58 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 22,42 ****
  #include "man.h"
! /* Resource manager sets these. */
! extern XmanFonts fonts;			/* The fonts used for the man pages. */
! extern XmanCursors cursors;		/* The cursors for xman. */
! extern Boolean both_shown_initial;      /* The initial state of the manual 
! 				         pages show two screens or only one. */
! extern Boolean top_box_active;	        /* Put up the Top Box. */
! extern int directory_height;	        /* The default height of directory in 
! 				            both_shown mode. */
! extern char * help_file;		/* The name of the help file. */
  extern Widget help_widget;		/* The help widget. */
- /* bookkeeping global variables. */
  extern int default_height,default_width; /* Approximately the default with and
  					    height, of the manpage when shown,
  					    the the top level manual page 
--- 22,33 ----
  #include "man.h"
! extern Xman_Resources resources;	/* Resource manager sets these. */
! /* bookkeeping global variables. */
  extern Widget help_widget;		/* The help widget. */
  extern int default_height,default_width; /* Approximately the default with and
  					    height, of the manpage when shown,
  					    the the top level manual page 
*** 47,50 ****
  extern Manual manual[MAXSECT];		/* The manual structure. */
  extern int sections;			/* The number of manual sections. */
--- 38,41 ----
  extern Manual manual[MAXSECT];		/* The manual structure. */
  extern int sections;			/* The number of manual sections. */
! extern Widget initial_widget;	      /* The initial widget, never realized. */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17190	Fri Jan  6 18:56:45 1989
--- clients/xman/help.c	Fri Jan  6 18:42:04 1989
*** 1,7 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: help.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:48:01 jim Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: help.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:03 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 55,61 ****
    XtManageChild( man_globals->manpagewidgets.manpage );
    XtRealizeWidget(  help_widget );
!   AddCursor( help_widget, cursors.manpage);
--- 55,61 ----
    XtManageChild( man_globals->manpagewidgets.manpage );
    XtRealizeWidget(  help_widget );
!   AddCursor( help_widget, resources.cursors.manpage);
*** 85,92 ****
    FILE * help_file_ptr;
!   if( (help_file_ptr = fopen(help_file, "r")) == NULL ) {
!     PrintWarning("Could not open help file, NO HELP WILL BE AVALIABLE.");
    InitManpage(man_globals, man_globals->manpagewidgets.manpage, help_file_ptr);
--- 85,93 ----
    FILE * help_file_ptr;
!   if( (help_file_ptr = fopen(resources.help_file, "r")) == NULL ) {
!     PrintWarning(man_globals,
! 		 "Could not open help file, NO HELP WILL BE AVALIABLE.");
    InitManpage(man_globals, man_globals->manpagewidgets.manpage, help_file_ptr);
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17213	Fri Jan  6 18:56:52 1989
--- clients/xman/man.h	Fri Jan  6 18:42:19 1989
*** 1,8 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: man.h,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:48:12 jim Exp $
!  * $Athena: man.h,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:12:43 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,8 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: man.h,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:18 kit Exp $
!  * $Athena: man.h,v 4.6 89/01/06 12:17:38 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 80,109 ****
      directory,			/* The widget in which all directories will
  				   appear. */
      box[MAXSECT];		/* The boxes containing the sections. */
-   Boolean created_box[MAXSECT];	/* Has this box been created yet?. */
  } ManPageWidgets;
!  * How we store each entry such as cat.1, sh.1 etc.
- struct entry {
-   char *label;			/* The filename of the entry. */
-   char *path;			/* The path for this entry. */
-  /* So that't why this is a structure, good thinking Barry. */
- };
- /*
-  * the manual sections and entries
-  */
  typedef struct tManual {
    char * blabel;		/* The button label. */
!   char * sect;			/* the section man directory. */
!   struct entry *entries;    /* the individual man page file names and paths*/
    int nentries;			/* how many */
-   int longest;			/* The length (in pixels) of the longest
-                                    entry. */
-   int ncols,nrows;		/* The number of rows and columns */
  } Manual;
--- 80,95 ----
      directory,			/* The widget in which all directories will
  				   appear. */
      box[MAXSECT];		/* The boxes containing the sections. */
  } ManPageWidgets;
!  * The manual sections and entries
  typedef struct tManual {
    char * blabel;		/* The button label. */
!   char ** entries;		/* the individual man page file names. */
    int nentries;			/* how many */
  } Manual;
*** 133,139 ****
      put_up_manpage,		/* The button that puts up the manpage. */
      put_up_directory,		/* The button that puts up the directory. */
      text_widget;		/* text widget containing search string. */
!   char * search_string;		/* The search string. */
    char manpage_title[80];	/* The label to use for the current manpage. */
    char filename[80];		/* the name of the file that we are
  				   currently looking at.*/
--- 119,125 ----
      put_up_manpage,		/* The button that puts up the manpage. */
      put_up_directory,		/* The button that puts up the directory. */
      text_widget;		/* text widget containing search string. */
!   char search_string[SEARCH_STRING_LENGTH];	/* The search string. */
    char manpage_title[80];	/* The label to use for the current manpage. */
    char filename[80];		/* the name of the file that we are
  				   currently looking at.*/
*** 151,153 ****
--- 137,153 ----
  				   this manpage. */
  } ManpageGlobals;
+ /* Resource manager sets these. */
+ typedef struct _Xman_Resources {
+   XmanFonts fonts;		/* The fonts used for the man pages. */
+   XmanCursors cursors;		/* The cursors for xman. */
+   Boolean both_shown_initial;	/* The initial state of the manual pages
+ 				   show two screens or only one. */
+   Boolean top_box_active;	        /* Put up the Top Box. */
+   int directory_height;	        /* The default height of directory in 
+ 				   both_shown mode. */
+   char * help_file;		/* The name of the help file. */
+ } Xman_Resources;
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17227	Fri Jan  6 18:56:57 1989
--- clients/xman/menu.c	Fri Jan  6 18:42:21 1989
*** 1,7 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.2 88/09/04 20:27:31 swick Exp $
   * $oHeader: menu.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:12:49 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:20 kit Exp $
   * $oHeader: menu.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:12:49 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 21,27 ****
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: menu.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:12:49 kit Exp $";
  /* std headers */
--- 21,27 ----
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: menu.c,v 4.2 88/12/19 13:47:51 kit Exp $";
  /* std headers */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17241	Fri Jan  6 18:57:00 1989
--- clients/xman/pages.c	Fri Jan  6 18:42:27 1989
*** 1,7 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: pages.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:48:20 jim Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: pages.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:26 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,26 ****
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: pages.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:10 kit Exp $";
  #include <ctype.h>
--- 20,26 ----
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: pages.c,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:48:09 kit Exp $";
  #include <ctype.h>
*** 179,184 ****
--- 179,186 ----
   *	Returns: none.
+ /* ARGSUSED */
  Widget w;
*** 237,258 ****
   * export the font height.
!   height = (fonts.normal->max_bounds.ascent + 
! 		   fonts.normal->max_bounds.descent); 
    bold_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,bold_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,bold_gc,fonts.bold->fid);
    normal_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,normal_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,normal_gc,fonts.normal->fid);
    italic_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,italic_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,italic_gc,fonts.italic->fid);
!   width =  XTextWidth(fonts.normal,"        ",8); /* Width of a tab stop. */
   * Because XDrawString uses the bottom of the text as a position
--- 239,261 ----
   * export the font height.
!   height = (resources.fonts.normal->max_bounds.ascent + 
! 		   resources.fonts.normal->max_bounds.descent); 
    bold_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,bold_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,bold_gc,resources.fonts.bold->fid);
    normal_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,normal_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,normal_gc,resources.fonts.normal->fid);
    italic_gc = XCreateGC(disp,window,0,NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp,italic_gc,(unsigned long) fgcolor);
!   XSetFont(disp,italic_gc,resources.fonts.italic->fid);
!  /* Width of a tab stop. */
!   width =  XTextWidth(resources.fonts.normal,"        ",8);
   * Because XDrawString uses the bottom of the text as a position
*** 260,266 ****
   * to the ScollByLine position reference.
!   y_loc = scroll_info->location + fonts.normal->max_bounds.ascent;
   * Ok, here's the more than mildly heuristic man page formatter.
--- 263,269 ----
   * to the ScollByLine position reference.
!   y_loc = scroll_info->location + resources.fonts.normal->max_bounds.ascent;
   * Ok, here's the more than mildly heuristic man page formatter.
*** 334,340 ****
        bufp = buf; 
        italicflag = 0;
!       cur_pos = XTextWidth(fonts.normal,buf,strlen(buf)) + col;
        col = cur_pos - (cur_pos % width) + width;
--- 337,343 ----
        bufp = buf; 
        italicflag = 0;
!       cur_pos = XTextWidth(resources.fonts.normal,buf,strlen(buf)) + col;
        col = cur_pos - (cur_pos % width) + width;
*** 342,347 ****
--- 345,406 ----
        c++;			/* should always be esc-x */
+ /* 
+  * Overstrike code supplied by: cs.utexas.edu!ut-emx!clyde at rutgers.edu 
+  * Since my manual pages do not have overstrike I couldn't test this.
+  */
+     case BACKSPACE:		/* Backspacing for nroff bolding */
+       if (c[-1] == c[1] && c[1] != BACKSPACE) {	/* overstriking one char */
+ 	*--bufp = '\0';		/* Zap 1st instance of char to bolden */
+ 	if (bufp > &buf[0]) {
+ 	  if (italicflag) {
+ 	    XDrawString(disp,window,italic_gc,col,y_loc,buf,strlen(buf));
+ 	    col += XTextWidth(resources.fonts.italic,buf,strlen(buf));
+ 	  }
+ 	  else {
+ 	    XDrawString(disp,window,normal_gc,col,y_loc,buf,strlen(buf));
+ 	    col += XTextWidth(resources.fonts.normal,buf,strlen(buf));
+ 	  }
+ 	  bufp = buf;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * It is painful writing one bold char at a time but
+ 	 * it is the only safe way to do it.  We trust that the library
+ 	 * buffers these one-char draw requests and sends one large
+ 	 * request packet.
+ 	 */
+ 	*bufp = c[1];
+ 	XDrawString(disp,window,bold_gc,col,y_loc,bufp,1);
+ 	col += XTextWidth(resources.fonts.bold,bufp,1);
+ 	*bufp = '\0';
+ 	first = FALSE;
+ 	/*
+ 	 *     Nroff bolding looks like:
+ 	 *	 	     C\bC\bC\bCN...
+ 	 * c points to ----^      ^
+ 	 * it needs to point to --^
+ 	 */
+ 	while (*c == BACKSPACE && c[-1] == c[1])
+ 	  c += 2;
+ 	c--;		/* Back up to previous char */
+       }
+       else {
+ 	if ((c[-1] == 'o' && c[1] == '+')          /* Nroff bullet */
+ 	    || (c[-1] == '+' && c[1] == 'o')) {	   /* Nroff bullet */
+ 	  /* I would prefer to put a 'bullet' char here */
+ 	  *bufp++ = 'o';
+ 	  c++;
+ 	}
+ 	else {		/* 'real' backspace - back up output ptr */
+ 	  bufp--;
+ 	}
+       }
+       break;
+ /* End of contributed overstrike code. */
     case '_':			/* look for underlining [italicize] */
        if(*c != BACKSPACE) {
*** 354,360 ****
  	  *bufp = '\0';
! 	  col += XTextWidth(fonts.normal,buf,strlen(buf));
  	  bufp = buf;
  	  *bufp = '\0';
  	  italicflag = 1;
--- 413,419 ----
  	  *bufp = '\0';
! 	  col += XTextWidth(resources.fonts.normal,buf,strlen(buf));
  	  bufp = buf;
  	  *bufp = '\0';
  	  italicflag = 1;
*** 368,374 ****
        if(italicflag) {			/* font change? */
  	*bufp = '\0';
! 	col += XTextWidth(fonts.italic,buf,strlen(buf));	
  	bufp = buf;
  	*bufp = '\0';
  	italicflag = 0;
--- 427,433 ----
        if(italicflag) {			/* font change? */
  	*bufp = '\0';
! 	col += XTextWidth(resources.fonts.italic,buf,strlen(buf));	
  	bufp = buf;
  	*bufp = '\0';
  	italicflag = 0;
*** 400,406 ****
    length = strlen(sp);
    for (sp_pointer = sp, count = 0; count < length; sp_pointer++,count++) 
!     if (islower(*sp_pointer))
--- 459,465 ----
    length = strlen(sp);
    for (sp_pointer = sp, count = 0; count < length; sp_pointer++,count++) 
!     if ( !isupper(*sp_pointer) && !isspace(*sp_pointer) )
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17256	Fri Jan  6 18:57:04 1989
--- clients/xman/tkfuncs.c	Fri Jan  6 18:42:31 1989
*** 1,7 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: tkfuncs.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:48:23 jim Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: tkfuncs.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:30 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,26 ****
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: tkfuncs.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:27 kit Exp $";
  #include <X11/X.h>
--- 20,26 ----
  #if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
!   static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: tkfuncs.c,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:48:24 kit Exp $";
  #include <X11/X.h>
*** 141,147 ****
  				 also the parent of the lable.*/
    Widget w;
    XtGeometryResult answer;	/* result of geometery test. */
!   Cardinal awidth,aheight;	/* The height and width of the reply. */
    int width = 0;		/* The width of the biggest button */
    int i;
--- 141,147 ----
  				 also the parent of the lable.*/
    Widget w;
    XtGeometryResult answer;	/* result of geometery test. */
!   Dimension awidth,aheight;	/* The height and width of the reply. */
    int width = 0;		/* The width of the biggest button */
    int i;
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17261	Fri Jan  6 18:57:06 1989
--- clients/xman/version.h	Fri Jan  6 18:42:32 1989
*** 1,8 ****
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: version.h,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:48:28 jim Exp $
!  * $Athena: version.h,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:33 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,8 ----
   * xman - X window system manual page display program.
!  * $XConsortium: version.h,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:31 kit Exp $
!  * $Athena: version.h,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:48:30 kit Exp $
   * Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,24 ****
   * Created:   July 18, 1988 
! #define XMAN_VERSION "Xman_Version 3.1"
--- 20,24 ----
   * Created:   July 18, 1988 
! #define XMAN_VERSION "Xman_Version 3.1.1"
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17267	Fri Jan  6 18:57:07 1989
--- clients/xman/xman.help	Fri Jan  6 18:42:38 1989
*** 2,16 ****
  XMAN is an X Window System manual browsing tool, built upon the XToolkit.
!     Version 3.1
      Based Upon: Xman for X10 by Barry Shein - Boston Univ.
      Written By: Chris Peterson - MIT Project Athena.
      Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
    By default, XMAN starts by creating a small window that contains
  three "buttons" (places on which to click a mouse button).  Two of
--- 2,16 ----
  XMAN is an X Window System manual browsing tool, built upon the XToolkit.
!     Version 3.1.1
      Based Upon: Xman for X10 by Barry Shein - Boston Univ.
      Written By: Chris Peterson - MIT Project Athena.
      Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
    By default, XMAN starts by creating a small window that contains
  three "buttons" (places on which to click a mouse button).  Two of
*** 31,37 ****
  the middle button returns you to the manual page previously on the
    The scrollbars are similar to xterm, xmh, and xmore scrollbars;
  clicking the left or right mouse buttons with the pointer at the
--- 31,37 ----
  the middle button returns you to the manual page previously on the
    The scrollbars are similar to xterm, xmh, and xmore scrollbars;
  clicking the left or right mouse buttons with the pointer at the
*** 46,52 ****
  down or up one page, respectively.  You may also type 'f' or
  <space bar> to scroll down one page, and 'b' to scroll up one page.
    You can resize any of the windows in xman with your favorite window
  manager, and xman will to the best it can to resize everything
--- 46,52 ----
  down or up one page, respectively.  You may also type 'f' or
  <space bar> to scroll down one page, and 'b' to scroll up one page.
    You can resize any of the windows in xman with your favorite window
  manager, and xman will to the best it can to resize everything
*** 60,71 ****
  the mouse button is released xman will move the pane boundry to the
  newly specified location.
  Information on customizing xman through resource and command line
  options can be found in the xman manpage.
  Any time:
--- 60,71 ----
  the mouse button is released xman will move the pane boundry to the
  newly specified location.
  Information on customizing xman through resource and command line
  options can be found in the xman manpage.
  Any time:
*** 90,96 ****
  CLICK RIGHT:			Move Up - more if pointer is near bottom
  					of window, less if at top.
    To reach the extended commands simply move the mouse over the label
  at the top of the manual page display window; this will activate the
--- 90,96 ----
  CLICK RIGHT:			Move Up - more if pointer is near bottom
  					of window, less if at top.
    To reach the extended commands simply move the mouse over the label
  at the top of the manual page display window; this will activate the
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17274	Fri Jan  6 18:57:08 1989
--- clients/xman/xman.man	Fri Jan  6 18:42:39 1989
*** 1,6 ****
  .TH XMAN 1 "24 October 1988" "X Version 11"
! xman - display manual pages
  .B xman
  [-options ...]
--- 1,6 ----
  .TH XMAN 1 "24 October 1988" "X Version 11"
! xman - Manual page display program for the X Window System.
  .B xman
  [-options ...]
*** 18,50 ****
  help information.  The rest of this manual page will discuss
  customization of \fIxman\fP.
  .I Xman
! accomodates new manual sections by the use of the environment variable
! MANPATH and by directory description files named \fImandesc\fP.
! .I Xman
! will search each directory specified in the environment variable
! MANPATH for the following subdirectories only: man0, man1, ..., man8,
! manl (local), and mann (new).
! (It usually ignores the
! information in man0 unless there is a \fImandesc\fP file that specifically
! tells it not to.)
! These subdirectories each represent
! a separate section of the manual.  These subdirectories should contain 
! man pages.  Any manual section can be renamed by an optional
! \fImandesc\fP file.
! As an example, if MANPATH was set to \fI/usr/man:/usr/sipb/man\fP
! and there was no \fImandesc\fP file in /usr/man, \fIxman\fP
! would put all of the files in the default section names
! (e.g. manl gets a section name of local).
! But if there were a \fImandesc\fP file in
! /usr/sipb/man which contained the line \fIlSIPB Programs\fP,
! then \fIxman\fP would put all files in the
! manl subdirectory in a new section
! called ``SIPB Programs''.  \fIXman\fP will search the \fImandesc\fP file until
! there are no more lines of information.  This flexibility is ideal
! for courses that have their own manual pages. 
  .I Xman
  creates temporary files in /tmp for all unformatted man pages and all apropos
--- 18,130 ----
  help information.  The rest of this manual page will discuss
  customization of \fIxman\fP.
+ .PP
  .I Xman
! allows customization of both the directories to be searched for manual pages,
! and the name that each directory will map to in the \fIManual Sections\fP
! menu.  Xman determines which direcories it will
! search by reading the \fIMANPATH\fP environment variable.  This enviroment
! is expected to be a colon seperated list of directories for xman to search.
! .nf
! setenv MANPATH /mit/kit/man:/usr/man
! .fi
! By default,
! .I xman
! will search each of the following directories (in each of the directories 
! specified in the users MANPATH) for manual pages.  If manual pages exist
! in that directory then they are added to list of manual pages for 
! the corrosponding menu item.
! A menu item is only displayed for those sections that actually contain
! manual pages.
! .ta 1.5i
! .nf
! Directory	Section Name
! ---------	------------
! man1	User Commands       (1)    
! man2	System Calls        (2)
! man3	Subroutines         (3)
! man4	Devices             (4)
! man5	File Formats        (5)
! man6	Games               (6)
! man7	Miscellaneous       (7)
! man8	Sys. Administration (8)
! manl	Local               (l)
! mann	New                 (n)
! mano	Old                 (o)
! .fi     
! For instance, a user has three directories in her manual path and each
! contain a directory called \fIman3\fP.  All these manual pages will appear
! alphabetically sorted when the user clicks on the menu item called
! \fISubroutines (3)\fP.  If there is no directory called \fImano\fP in
! any of the directories in her MANPATH, or there are no manual pages
! in any of the directories called \fImano\fP then no menu item will be
! displayed for the section called \fIOld (o)\fP.
+ .sh "THE MANDESC FILE"        
+ .PP
+ By using the \fImandesc\fP file a user or system manager is able to 
+ more closely control which manual pages will appear in each of the sections
+ represented by menu items in the \fIManual Sections\fP menu.  This 
+ functionality is only avaliable on a section by section basis, and individual
+ manual pages may not be handled in this manner (Although generous use of 
+ symbolic links - ln(1) - will allow almost any configuration you can imagine).
+ The format of the mandesc file is a character followed by a label.  The
+ character determines which of the sections will be added under this label.
+ For instance suppose that you would like to create an extra menu item that 
+ contains all programmer subroutines.  This label should contain all manual
+ pages in both sections two and three.  The \fImandesc\fP file
+ would look like this.
+ .nf     
+ 2Programmer Subroutines
+ 3Programmer Subroutines
+ .fi
+ This will add a menu item to the \fIManual Sections\fP menu that would
+ bring up a listing of all manual pages in sections two and three of
+ Unix Programmers Manual.  Since the label names are \fIexactly\fP the
+ same they will be added to the same section. Note, however, that the
+ original sections still exist.
+ .PP
+ If you want to completely ignore the default sections in a manual directory
+ the add the line:
+ .nf
+ no default sections
+ .fi
+ Anywhere in your mandesc file.  This keeps xman from searching
+ the default manual sections \fIIn that directory only\fP.  As an example,
+ suppose you want to do the same thing as above, but you don't think that
+ it is useful to have the \fISystem Calls\fP or \fISubroutines\fP sections
+ any longer.  You would need to duplicate the default entries, as well as
+ adding your new one.
+ .nf
+ no default sections
+ 1User Commands       (1)
+ 2Programmer Subroutines
+ 3Programmer Subroutines
+ 4Devices             (4)
+ 5File Formats        (5)
+ 6Games               (6)
+ 7Miscellaneous       (7)
+ 8Sys. Administration (8)
+ lLocal               (l)
+ nNew                 (n)
+ oOld                 (o)
+ .fi
+ Xman will read any section that is of the from \fIman<character>\fP, where
+ <character> is an upper or lower case letter (they are treated distinctly) or
+ a numeral (0-9).  Be warned, however, that man(1) and catman(8) will 
+ not search directories that are non-standard.
+ .PP
  .I Xman
  creates temporary files in /tmp for all unformatted man pages and all apropos
*** 186,192 ****
! X(1), X(8C), man(1), apropos(1)
  DISPLAY - the default host and display to use.
--- 266,272 ----
! X(1), X(8C), man(1), apropos(1), catman(8)
  DISPLAY - the default host and display to use.
Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew)    Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
Moderator of comp.sources.x

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