v02i083: X11 Release 3, Patch6
Mike Wexler
mikew at wyse.wyse.com
Wed Jan 11 10:01:38 AEST 1989
Submitted-by: jim at expo.lcs.mit.edu (Jim Fulton)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 83
Archive-name: x11.3/patch6
Created on Monday, 9 January 1989
PART 2 of 3
Fixes 5, 6, and 7 are part of a single update to the xman program. Together
they affect the following files:
To apply these fixes, concatenate all three files and pipe them to patch -p0
from the top of your X sources:
% cat fix5 fix6 fix7 | patch -p0
The following is fix6 (you will also need fix5 and fix7):
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17133 Fri Jan 6 18:56:28 1989
--- clients/xman/ScrollByL.c Fri Jan 6 18:41:48 1989
*** 1,8 ****
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: ScrollByL.c,v 1.4 88/10/17 20:21:12 swick Exp $
! * $oHeader: ScrollByL.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:02 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,8 ----
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: ScrollByL.c,v 1.5 89/01/06 18:41:40 kit Exp $
! * $Header: ScrollByL.c,v 1.5 89/01/06 18:41:40 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 21,27 ****
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: ScrollByL.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:02 kit Exp $";
--- 21,27 ----
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: ScrollByL.c,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:46:04 kit Exp $";
*** 30,36 ****
* and do it much more like the Viewport widget in the Athena widget set.
* But this works and time is short, so here it is.
! * Chris Peterson 1/30/88
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
--- 30,41 ----
* and do it much more like the Viewport widget in the Athena widget set.
* But this works and time is short, so here it is.
! * Chris D. Peterson 1/30/88
! *
! * I removed all the code for horizontal scrolling here, since is was a crock
! * anyway.
! *
! * Chris D. Peterson 11/13/88
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
*** 59,65 ****
static XtResource resources[] = {
{XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.foreground),
! XtRString, "Black"},
{XtNinnerWidth, XtCWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.inner_width),
XtRString, "100"},
--- 64,70 ----
static XtResource resources[] = {
{XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.foreground),
! XtRString, "XtDefaultForeground"},
{XtNinnerWidth, XtCWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.inner_width),
XtRString, "100"},
*** 69,83 ****
{XtNforceBars, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.force_bars),
XtRString, "FALSE"},
- {XtNallowHoriz, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.allow_horiz),
- XtRString, "FALSE"},
{XtNallowVert, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.allow_vert),
XtRString, "FALSE"},
- {XtNuseBottom, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.use_bottom),
- XtRString, "FALSE"},
{XtNuseRight, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
XtOffset(ScrollByLineWidget, scroll_by_line.use_right),
XtRString, "FALSE"},
--- 74,82 ----
*** 101,113 ****
- static void HorizontalThumb();
static Boolean ScrollVerticalText();
static void VerticalThumb();
- static void HorizontalScroll();
static void VerticalScroll();
static void Page();
static void InitializeHook();
static void Realize();
static void Resize();
static void ResetThumb();
--- 100,111 ----
static Boolean ScrollVerticalText();
static void VerticalThumb();
static void VerticalScroll();
static void Page();
static void InitializeHook();
+ static void Initialize();
static void Realize();
static void Resize();
static void ResetThumb();
*** 114,120 ****
static void Redisplay();
static void ChildExpose();
static Boolean SetValues();
- static int MergeArglists();
static Boolean Layout();
static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager();
static void ChangeManaged();
--- 112,117 ----
*** 133,139 ****
/* class_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_part_init */ NULL,
/* class_inited */ FALSE,
! /* initialize */ NULL,
/* initialize_hook */ InitializeHook,
/* realize */ Realize,
/* actions */ actions,
--- 130,136 ----
/* class_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_part_init */ NULL,
/* class_inited */ FALSE,
! /* initialize */ Initialize,
/* initialize_hook */ InitializeHook,
/* realize */ Realize,
/* actions */ actions,
*** 185,190 ****
--- 182,189 ----
/* Function Name: Layout
* Description: This function lays out the scroll_by_line widget.
* Arguments: w - the scroll_by_line widget.
+ * key - a boolean: if true then resize the widget to the child
+ * if false the resize children to fit widget.
* Returns: TRUE if successful.
*** 196,219 ****
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
Dimension width,height; /* The size that the widget would like to be */
XtGeometryResult answer; /* the answer from the parent. */
! Widget hbar,vbar,child; /* The three children of this
! scrolled widget. */
int vbar_x,vbar_y; /* The locations of the various elements. */
! int hbar_x,hbar_y;
! int child_x,child_y;
! int c_width,c_height;
Boolean make_bar;
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
! hbar = sblw->composite.children[1];
! child = sblw->composite.children[2];
height = sblw->core.height;
width = sblw->core.width;
/* set the initial scroll bar positions. */
! vbar_x = vbar_y = 0;
! hbar_x = hbar_y = 0;
/* Should I allow the vertical scrollbar to be seen */
--- 195,214 ----
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
Dimension width,height; /* The size that the widget would like to be */
XtGeometryResult answer; /* the answer from the parent. */
! Widget vbar,child; /* The two children of this scrolled widget. */
int vbar_x,vbar_y; /* The locations of the various elements. */
! int child_x;
! int c_width;
Boolean make_bar;
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
! child = sblw->composite.children[1];
height = sblw->core.height;
width = sblw->core.width;
/* set the initial scroll bar positions. */
! vbar_x = vbar_y = - vbar->core.border_width;
/* Should I allow the vertical scrollbar to be seen */
*** 238,258 ****
c_width = width - vbar->core.width -2 * vbar->core.border_width;
! /* Put Scrollbar on right side if scrolled window? */
if (sblw->scroll_by_line.use_right) {
vbar_x = width - vbar->core.width - 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
child_x = 0;
! else {
! child_x = vbar->core.width + 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
! vbar_x = 0;
! }
else {
/* Make the scroll bar dissappear, note how scroll bar is always there,
sometimes it is just that we cannot see them. */
! vbar_x = - vbar->core.width - 10;
child_x = 0;
if (key)
width = child->core.width;
--- 233,251 ----
c_width = width - vbar->core.width -2 * vbar->core.border_width;
! /* Put Scrollbar on right side if scrolled window? */
if (sblw->scroll_by_line.use_right) {
vbar_x = width - vbar->core.width - 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
child_x = 0;
! else
! child_x = vbar->core.width + vbar->core.border_width;
else {
/* Make the scroll bar dissappear, note how scroll bar is always there,
sometimes it is just that we cannot see them. */
! vbar_x = - vbar->core.width - 2 * vbar->core.border_width - 10;
child_x = 0;
if (key)
width = child->core.width;
*** 260,356 ****
c_width = width;
! /* set the horizontal bar position. */
! /* should we allow the horiz. scroll bar. */
! if (sblw->scroll_by_line.allow_horiz && (child->core.width >= width ||
! sblw->scroll_by_line.force_bars)) {
! if (key)
! height = child->core.height + hbar->core.height +
! 2 * hbar->core.border_width;
! else
! c_height = height - hbar->core.height - 2 * hbar->core.border_width;
! hbar_x = child_x;
! /* Should we put the scroll bar on the bottom?? */
! if (sblw->scroll_by_line.use_bottom) {
! hbar_y = height - hbar->core.height - 2 * hbar->core.border_width;
! child_y = 0;
! }
! else {
! child_y = hbar->core.height + 2 * hbar->core.border_width;
! vbar_y = child_y;
! hbar_y = 0;
! }
! }
! else {
! /* make this scroll bar disappear. */
! hbar_y = - hbar->core.height - 10;
! child_y = 0;
! if (key)
! height = child->core.height;
! else
! c_height = height;
! }
- /* if the windows are realized we have to move them. */
- if (XtIsRealized( (Widget) sblw)) {
- XtMoveWidget(hbar,hbar_x,hbar_y);
- XtMoveWidget(vbar,vbar_x,vbar_y);
- XtMoveWidget(child,child_x,child_y);
- /* resize the children to be the correct height or width. */
- XtResizeWidget(vbar,vbar->core.width,height -
- 2 * vbar->core.border_width - vbar_y,
- vbar->core.border_width);
- XtResizeWidget(hbar,width - hbar_x -
- 2 * hbar->core.border_width,
- hbar->core.height,hbar->core.border_width);
- if (!key)
- XtResizeWidget(child, (Cardinal) c_width, (Cardinal) c_height,
- child->core.border_width);
- }
- /*
- * If they are not realized we do not need to move them then just set their
- * core values, this saves a bit of time.
- */
- else {
- hbar->core.x = hbar_x;
- hbar->core.y = hbar_y;
- vbar->core.x = vbar_x;
- vbar->core.y = vbar_y;
- child->core.x = child_x;
- child->core.y = child_y;
- /* resize the scrollbars to be the correct height or width. */
- XtResizeWidget(vbar,vbar->core.width,height -
- 2 * vbar->core.border_width - vbar_y,
- vbar->core.border_width);
- XtResizeWidget(hbar,width - hbar_x -
- 2 * hbar->core.border_width,
- hbar->core.height,hbar->core.border_width);
- if (!key) {
- child->core.width = c_width;
- child->core.height = c_height;
- }
- }
- height = height;
- width = width;
- /* set the thumb size to be correct. */
ResetThumb( (Widget) sblw);
answer = XtMakeResizeRequest( (Widget) sblw, width, height, &width, &height);
--- 253,273 ----
c_width = width;
! /* Move child and v_bar to correct location. */
! XtMoveWidget(vbar, vbar_x, vbar_y);
! XtMoveWidget(child, child_x, 0);
! /* resize the children to be the correct height or width. */
! XtResizeWidget(vbar, vbar->core.width, height, vbar->core.border_width);
! if (!key)
! XtResizeWidget(child, (Cardinal) (c_width - 20), (Cardinal) height,
! child->core.border_width);
! /* set the thumb size to be correct. */
ResetThumb( (Widget) sblw);
answer = XtMakeResizeRequest( (Widget) sblw, width, height, &width, &height);
*** 378,388 ****
float shown;
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
! Widget child,vbar,hbar;
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
! hbar = sblw->composite.children[1];
! child = sblw->composite.children[2];
/* vertical */
--- 295,304 ----
float shown;
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
! Widget child,vbar;
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
! child = sblw->composite.children[1];
/* vertical */
*** 392,409 ****
shown = 1.0;
XtScrollBarSetThumb( vbar, (float) -1, shown );
- /* horizontal */
- shown = (float) child->core.width / (float) child->core.width;
- XtScrollBarSetThumb( hbar, (float) -1, shown );
* Geometry Manager - If the height of width is changed then try a new layout.
! * else dissallow the requwest.
! *
--- 308,320 ----
shown = 1.0;
XtScrollBarSetThumb( vbar, (float) -1, shown );
* Geometry Manager - If the height of width is changed then try a new layout.
! * else dissallow the requwest.
! *
*** 440,446 ****
* then I call the redisplay routine.
! Redisplay(w->core.parent,event);
} /* ChildExpose */
--- 351,359 ----
* then I call the redisplay routine.
! if ((event->type == Expose) || (event->type == GraphicsExpose))
! Redisplay(w->core.parent, event, NULL);
} /* ChildExpose */
*** 448,456 ****
! static void Redisplay(w, event)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
--- 361,370 ----
! static void Redisplay(w, event, region)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
+ Region region;
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w;
*** 543,549 ****
* of scrolling has been turned off.
! if (vbar->core.x < 0)
switch ( direction ) {
--- 457,463 ----
* of scrolling has been turned off.
! if (vbar->core.x < - vbar->core.border_width)
switch ( direction ) {
*** 555,561 ****
case 'b':
case 'B':
/* move one page backward */
! VerticalScroll(vbar,NULL, (int) - vbar->core.height);
case 'L':
case 'l':
--- 469,475 ----
case 'b':
case 'B':
/* move one page backward */
! VerticalScroll(vbar,NULL, - (int) vbar->core.height);
case 'L':
case 'l':
*** 595,602 ****
ScrollByLineStruct sblw_struct;
Boolean move_thumb = FALSE;
- child = sblw->composite.children[2];
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
num_lines = child->core.height / sblw->scroll_by_line.font_height;
--- 509,516 ----
ScrollByLineStruct sblw_struct;
Boolean move_thumb = FALSE;
vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
+ child = sblw->composite.children[1];
num_lines = child->core.height / sblw->scroll_by_line.font_height;
*** 613,618 ****
--- 527,534 ----
max_lines = sblw->scroll_by_line.lines -
child->core.height / sblw->scroll_by_line.font_height;
+ if (max_lines < 0) max_lines = 0;
if ( new_line > max_lines ) {
new_line = max_lines;
move_thumb = TRUE;
*** 787,973 ****
! /*
! * I have not thought out the horizontal scrolling yet, I am not sure what
! * should be done here. This code is questionable.
! */
! /* Function Name: HorizontalThumb
! * Description: This function moves the postition of the interior window
! * as the vertical scroll bar is moved.
! * Arguments: w - the scrollbar widget.
! * junk - not used.
! * percent - the position of the scrollbar.
! * Returns: none.
! */
! static void
! HorizontalThumb(w,junk,percent)
! Widget w;
! caddr_t junk;
! float *percent;
- int x, y;
- Widget child,vbar;
- ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w->core.parent;
- /* reposition the client window (child[2]) */
- vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
- child = sblw->composite.children[2];
- x = (int) ( (0.0 - (*percent)) * ((float) child->core.width));
- y = child->core.y;
- /*
- * if there is a vertical scrollbar and it is on the left then
- * allow room for it .
- */
- if (vbar->core.x == 0)
- x += vbar->core.width + 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
- XtMoveWidget(child,x,y);
- }
- /* Function Name: HorizontalScroll
- * Description: This function moves the postition of the interior window
- * as the horizontal scroll bar is moved.
- * Arguments: w - the scrollbar widget.
- * junk - not used.
- * pos - the position of the cursor.
- * Returns: none.
- */
- static void
- HorizontalScroll(w,junk,pos)
- Widget w;
- caddr_t junk;
- int pos;
- {
- int x, y, min_x;
- float location;
- Widget child,vbar,hbar;
- ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w->core.parent;
- /* reposition the client window (child[2]) */
- vbar = sblw->composite.children[0];
- hbar = sblw->composite.children[1];
- child = sblw->composite.children[2];
- x = child->core.x - pos;
- y = child->core.y;
- /*
- * Keep us in bounds.
- */
- if ( x > 0 ) x = 0;
- min_x = - (child->core.width - hbar->core.width -
- 2 * vbar->core.border_width);
- if (vbar->core.y > 0) /* vertical scrollbar is on right.*/
- min_x -= vbar->core.width + 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
- if ( x < min_x ) x = min_x;
- /* reposition the thumb */
- location = 0.0 - (float) y / (float) child->core.width;
- XtScrollBarSetThumb( hbar, location , (float) -1 );
- /*
- * if there is a vertical scrollbar and it is on the left then
- * allow room for it .
- */
- if (vbar->core.x == 0)
- y += vbar->core.width + 2 * vbar->core.border_width;
- XtMoveWidget(child,x,y); /* he's my child so I can move him. */
- }
- static void InitializeHook(new, args, num_args)
- ScrollByLineWidget new;
- ArgList args;
- Cardinal *num_args;
- {
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) new;
- Widget window; /* Window widget. */
- Arg arglist[50]; /* Must be large enough for the
- arglist from the scrolled widget to
- be added to it. */
- Cardinal scrollbar_num; /* the number of scrollbar args. */
- Cardinal window_num; /* the number of window args. */
! static XtCallbackRec scrollcallback[] = { /* The scroll callback function. */
! { NULL, NULL },
! { NULL, NULL },
! };
! static XtCallbackRec thumbcallback[] = { /* The thumb callback function. */
! { NULL, NULL },
! { NULL, NULL },
! };
- sblw->scroll_by_line.line_pointer = 0; /* initial point to line 0. */
if (sblw->core.height <= 0)
sblw->core.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
if (sblw->core.width <= 0)
sblw->core.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
! scrollbar_num = 0;
! XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNheight, 10); /* changed in layout. */
! scrollbar_num++;
! XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNwidth, 16);
! scrollbar_num++;
! XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNorientation, XtorientVertical);
! scrollbar_num++;
! thumbcallback[0].callback = VerticalThumb;
! scrollcallback[0].callback = VerticalScroll;
! XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNjumpProc, thumbcallback);
! scrollbar_num++;
! XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNscrollProc, scrollcallback);
! scrollbar_num++;
! /*
! * Merge the argument lists so but have the scrollbar arglist take
! * control when there is a discrepency this causes us to get the
! * correct height and width.
! */
- scrollbar_num = MergeArglists(args, *num_args,arglist,scrollbar_num);
- XtCreateManagedWidget("Vertical Scroll Bar",
- scrollbarWidgetClass, (Widget) sblw,arglist,scrollbar_num);
- scrollbar_num = 0;
- XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNwidth, 10); /* changed in layout. */
- scrollbar_num++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNheight, 16);
- scrollbar_num++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal);
- scrollbar_num++;
- thumbcallback[0].callback = HorizontalThumb;
- scrollcallback[0].callback = HorizontalScroll;
- XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNjumpProc, thumbcallback);
- scrollbar_num++;
- XtSetArg(arglist[scrollbar_num], XtNscrollProc, scrollcallback);
- scrollbar_num++;
- /*
- * Merge the argument lists so but have the scrollbar arglist take
- * control when there is a discrepency this causes us to get the
- * correct height and width.
- */
- scrollbar_num = MergeArglists(args, *num_args,arglist,scrollbar_num);
- XtCreateManagedWidget("Horizontal Scroll Bar",
- scrollbarWidgetClass, (Widget) sblw,arglist,scrollbar_num);
window_num = 0;
XtSetArg(arglist[window_num], XtNwidth, sblw->scroll_by_line.inner_width);
--- 703,739 ----
! static void
! Initialize(req, new)
! Widget req, new;
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) new;
! sblw->scroll_by_line.line_pointer = 0; /* initially point to line 0. */
if (sblw->core.height <= 0)
sblw->core.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
if (sblw->core.width <= 0)
sblw->core.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ } /* Initialize. */
! static void
! InitializeHook(new, args, num_args)
! ScrollByLineWidget new;
! ArgList args;
! Cardinal *num_args;
! {
! ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) new;
! Widget window, s_bar; /* Window widget, and scollbar. */
! Arg arglist[10]; /* an arglist. */
! ArgList merged_list, XtMergeArgLists(); /* The merged arglist. */
! Cardinal window_num, merged_num; /* The number of window args. */
! s_bar = XtCreateManagedWidget("verticalScrollBar", scrollbarWidgetClass,
! (Widget) sblw, args, *num_args);
! XtAddCallback(s_bar, XtNjumpProc, VerticalThumb, NULL);
! XtAddCallback(s_bar, XtNscrollProc, VerticalScroll, NULL);
window_num = 0;
XtSetArg(arglist[window_num], XtNwidth, sblw->scroll_by_line.inner_width);
*** 975,988 ****
XtSetArg(arglist[window_num], XtNborderWidth, 0);
! window = XtCreateWidget("Window with file",widgetClass,(Widget) sblw,arglist,
! window_num);
! /* We want expose events for this window also. */
! XtAddEventHandler(window, (Cardinal) ExposureMask, FALSE, ChildExpose, NULL);
} /* InitializeHook */
--- 741,764 ----
XtSetArg(arglist[window_num], XtNborderWidth, 0);
+ /*
+ * I hope this will cause my args to override those passed to the SBL widget.
+ */
! merged_list = XtMergeArgLists(args, *num_args, arglist, window_num);
! merged_num = *num_args + window_num;
! window = XtCreateWidget("windowWithFile",widgetClass,(Widget) sblw,
! merged_list, merged_num);
+ XtFree(merged_list); /* done, free it. */
! /*
! * We want expose (and graphic exposuer) events for this window also.
! */
! XtAddEventHandler(window, (Cardinal) ExposureMask, TRUE, ChildExpose, NULL);
} /* InitializeHook */
*** 1023,1078 ****
} /* Set Values */
- /* Function Name: MergeArglists
- * Description: This function merges two arglists.
- * Arguments: from,num_from - the number and list of args for the source.
- * to,num_to - the number and list of argument for the
- * destination.
- * Returns: new number of argument in to.
- */
- /* Note: This function will be very unhappy with you if 'to' is not
- * large enough to contain 'from', you will end up with pointers
- * in space.
- */
- static int
- MergeArglists(from,num_from,to,num_to)
- Arg from[],to[];
- Cardinal num_from,num_to;
- {
- int i,j; /* a counter. */
- /* When there are two similar values ignore the from value. */
- i = 0;
- while ( i < num_from ) {
- j = 0;
- while ( j < num_to ) {
- if ( !strcmp(from[i].name,to[j].name) ) {
- /* if they are the same then goto next on the from list,
- i.e. ignore this entry, do not add to to list. */
- i++;
- if ( i > num_from)
- j = num_to + 100;
- else {
- j = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- /* add to to list */
- if (j < num_to + 100) {
- to[num_to].value = from[i].value;
- to[num_to].name = from[i].name;
- num_to++;
- i++;
- }
- }
- return(num_to);
- }
/* Public Routines. */
/* Function Name: XtScrollByLineWidget()
--- 799,804 ----
*** 1087,1093 ****
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w; /* the sblw widget. */
! return(sblw->composite.children[2]);
/* Function Name: XtResetScrollByLine
--- 813,819 ----
ScrollByLineWidget sblw = (ScrollByLineWidget) w; /* the sblw widget. */
! return(sblw->composite.children[1]);
/* Function Name: XtResetScrollByLine
*** 1114,1118 ****
(float) sblw->scroll_by_line.lines;
XtScrollBarSetThumb( vbar, location , (float) -1 );
! ResetThumb(w);
--- 840,844 ----
(float) sblw->scroll_by_line.lines;
XtScrollBarSetThumb( vbar, location , (float) -1 );
! Layout(w, FALSE); /* see if new layout is required. */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17182 Fri Jan 6 18:56:42 1989
--- clients/xman/handler.c Fri Jan 6 18:42:02 1989
*** 1,7 ****
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: handler.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 17:47:50 jim Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: handler.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:00 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,26 ****
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: handler.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:11:58 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
--- 20,26 ----
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: handler.c,v 4.6 89/01/06 12:17:27 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
*** 84,91 ****
* I did not have a two state or toggle widget, which is the way this
* should really be done. 1/22/88 - CDP.
- ChangeLabel(man_globals->label,
- man_globals->section_name[man_globals->current_directory]);
if (man_globals->both_shown == TRUE) {
label_str = SHOW_BOTH;
if (man_globals->dir_shown)
--- 84,89 ----
*** 98,104 ****
Widget dir = man_globals->manpagewidgets.directory;
label_str = SHOW_ONE;
! XtPanedSetMinMax(dir,directory_height,directory_height);
if (!man_globals->dir_shown) {
--- 96,103 ----
Widget dir = man_globals->manpagewidgets.directory;
label_str = SHOW_ONE;
! XtPanedSetMinMax(dir, resources.directory_height,
! resources.directory_height);
if (!man_globals->dir_shown) {
*** 116,121 ****
--- 115,125 ----
* is up so very little time is wasted in the extra popdown call later.
XtPopdown( XtParent(XtParent(w)) );
+ if (man_globals->dir_shown)
+ ChangeLabel(man_globals->label,
+ man_globals->section_name[man_globals->current_directory]);
+ else
+ ChangeLabel(man_globals->label, man_globals->manpage_title);
ChangeLabel(man_globals->both_shown_button, label_str);
/* if both are shown there is no need to switch between the two. */
*** 156,161 ****
--- 160,167 ----
#define OFF_OF_TOP 25
+ /* ARGSUSED */
Widget w;
*** 188,193 ****
--- 194,201 ----
* Returns: none
+ /* ARGSUSED */
Widget w;
*** 226,232 ****
else if ( !strcmp(Name(w),CANCEL) )
file = NULL;
! PrintWarning("Unknown widget");
/* popdown the search widget */
--- 234,240 ----
else if ( !strcmp(Name(w),CANCEL) )
file = NULL;
! PrintError("Unknown widget, in Search Box.");
/* popdown the search widget */
*** 254,270 ****
! if (!man_globals->both_shown) {
- }
- XtSetSensitive(man_globals->both_shown_button,TRUE);
- if (!man_globals->both_shown) {
man_globals->dir_shown = FALSE;
MakeLong( XtParent(man_globals->both_shown_button) );
--- 262,280 ----
! if (man_globals->both_shown) {
! ChangeLabel(man_globals->label,
! man_globals->section_name[man_globals->current_directory]);
! }
! else {
man_globals->dir_shown = FALSE;
+ XtSetSensitive(man_globals->both_shown_button,TRUE);
MakeLong( XtParent(man_globals->both_shown_button) );
*** 309,314 ****
--- 319,326 ----
* Returns: none.
+ /* ARGSUSED */
GotoManpage(w, global_pointer, event)
Widget w;
*** 350,358 ****
ManpageGlobals * man_globals = (ManpageGlobals *) global_pointer;
XtListReturnStruct * ret_struct = (XtListReturnStruct *) ret_val;
! file = FindFilename(man_globals, ret_struct->string,
! man_globals->current_directory,
! &(manual[man_globals->current_directory].entries[ret_struct->index]));
PutUpManpage(man_globals, file);
--- 362,369 ----
ManpageGlobals * man_globals = (ManpageGlobals *) global_pointer;
XtListReturnStruct * ret_struct = (XtListReturnStruct *) ret_val;
! file = FindFilename(man_globals,
! manual[man_globals->current_directory].entries[ret_struct->index]);
PutUpManpage(man_globals, file);
*** 378,391 ****
int current_box;
menu_struct = (MenuCallbackStruct *) pointer;
man_globals = (ManpageGlobals *) menu_struct->data;
- /* The callback numbers go from 0 to n - 1 but I want from 1 to n */
number = menu_struct->number;
- number++;
current_box = man_globals->current_directory;
/* We have used this guy, pop down the menu. */
--- 389,397 ----
*** 392,407 ****
if (number != current_box) {
/* This is the only one that we know has a parent. */
! parent = XtParent(man_globals->manpagewidgets.box[1]);
MakeDirectoryBox(man_globals, parent,
man_globals->manpagewidgets.box + number, number);
man_globals->current_directory = number;
- ChangeLabel(man_globals->label, man_globals->section_name[number]);
XtPopdown( XtParent(XtParent(w)) );
--- 398,414 ----
if (number != current_box) {
/* This is the only one that we know has a parent. */
! parent = XtParent(man_globals->manpagewidgets.box[INITIAL_DIR]);
MakeDirectoryBox(man_globals, parent,
man_globals->manpagewidgets.box + number, number);
! XtListUnhighlight(man_globals->manpagewidgets.box[current_box]);
! ChangeLabel(man_globals->label, man_globals->section_name[number]);
man_globals->current_directory = number;
XtPopdown( XtParent(XtParent(w)) );
*** 422,427 ****
--- 429,436 ----
* Returns: none
+ /* ARGSUSED */
Widget w;
*** 453,458 ****
--- 462,469 ----
* junk - the callback and closure date are not used.
* Returns: none.
+ /* ARGSUSED */
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17197 Fri Jan 6 18:56:47 1989
--- clients/xman/main.c Fri Jan 6 18:42:11 1989
*** 1,7 ****
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: main.c,v 1.3 88/10/20 10:05:04 swick Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: main.c,v 1.4 89/01/06 18:42:08 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 20,26 ****
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: main.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:12:26 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
--- 20,26 ----
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: main.c,v 4.5 88/12/19 13:47:28 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
*** 31,63 ****
static void ArgError();
! /* XtOffset() hack for ibmrt BandAidCompiler */
static XtResource my_resources[] = {
{"manualFontNormal", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! (Cardinal) &(fonts.normal), XtRString, MANPAGE_NORMAL},
{"manualFontBold", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! (Cardinal) &(fonts.bold), XtRString, MANPAGE_BOLD},
{"manualFontItalic", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! (Cardinal) &(fonts.italic), XtRString, MANPAGE_ITALIC},
{"directoryFontNormal", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! (Cardinal) &(fonts.directory), XtRString, DIRECTORY_NORMAL},
{"bothShown", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
! (Cardinal) &both_shown_initial, XtRString, "False"},
{"directoryHeight", "DirectoryHeight", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
! (Cardinal) &directory_height, XtRString, "150"},
{"topCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! (Cardinal) &(cursors.top), XtRString, XMAN_CURSOR},
{"helpCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! (Cardinal) &(cursors.help), XtRString, HELP_CURSOR},
{"manpageCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! (Cardinal) &(cursors.manpage), XtRString, MANPAGE_CURSOR},
{"searchEntryCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! (Cardinal) &(cursors.search_entry), XtRString, SEARCH_ENTRY_CURSOR},
{"helpFile", XtCFile, XtRString, sizeof(char *),
! (Cardinal) &(help_file), XtRString, HELPFILE},
{"topBox", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
! (Cardinal) &top_box_active, XtRString, "True"},
--- 31,63 ----
static void ArgError();
! #define Offset(field) (XtOffset(Xman_Resources *, field))
static XtResource my_resources[] = {
{"manualFontNormal", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! Offset(fonts.normal), XtRString, MANPAGE_NORMAL},
{"manualFontBold", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! Offset(fonts.bold), XtRString, MANPAGE_BOLD},
{"manualFontItalic", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! Offset(fonts.italic), XtRString, MANPAGE_ITALIC},
{"directoryFontNormal", XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
! Offset(fonts.directory), XtRString, DIRECTORY_NORMAL},
{"bothShown", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
! Offset(both_shown_initial), XtRString, "False"},
{"directoryHeight", "DirectoryHeight", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
! Offset(directory_height), XtRString, "150"},
{"topCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! Offset(cursors.top), XtRString, XMAN_CURSOR},
{"helpCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! Offset(cursors.help), XtRString, HELP_CURSOR},
{"manpageCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! Offset(cursors.manpage), XtRString, MANPAGE_CURSOR},
{"searchEntryCursor", XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
! Offset(cursors.search_entry), XtRString, SEARCH_ENTRY_CURSOR},
{"helpFile", XtCFile, XtRString, sizeof(char *),
! Offset(help_file), XtRString, HELPFILE},
{"topBox", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
! Offset(top_box_active), XtRString, "True"},
*** 85,134 ****
char ** argv;
int argc;
! Widget top_menu;
! top_menu = XtInitialize(TOPBOXNAME,"XMan",
! xman_options, XtNumber(xman_options),
! (unsigned int*) &argc,argv);
if (argc != 1) {
ArgError(argc, argv);
! XtGetApplicationResources( (Widget) top_menu, (caddr_t) NULL,
my_resources, XtNumber(my_resources),
NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
- if (!fonts.normal)
- XtError("failed to get the manualFontNormal font");
- if (!fonts.bold)
- fonts.bold = fonts.normal;
- if (!fonts.italic)
- fonts.italic = fonts.bold;
- if (!fonts.directory)
- fonts.directory = fonts.normal;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("debugging mode\n");
- XSynchronize( XtDisplay(top_menu), TRUE);
! /* set default width and height. */
! default_width = DisplayWidth(XtDisplay(top_menu),
! XtDisplay(top_menu)->default_screen);
! default_width /= 2;
! default_height=DisplayHeight(XtDisplay(top_menu),
! XtDisplay(top_menu)->default_screen);
default_height *= 3;
default_height /= 4;
sections = Man();
! MakeTopMenuWidget(top_menu);
! if (top_box_active) {
! XtRealizeWidget(top_menu);
! AddCursor(top_menu,cursors.top);
--- 85,133 ----
char ** argv;
int argc;
! initial_widget = XtInitialize(NULL, "XMan",
! xman_options, XtNumber(xman_options),
! (unsigned int*) &argc,argv);
if (argc != 1) {
ArgError(argc, argv);
! XtGetApplicationResources( initial_widget, (caddr_t) &resources,
my_resources, XtNumber(my_resources),
NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
+ if (!resources.fonts.normal)
+ PrintError("Failed to get the manualFontNormal font");
+ if (!resources.fonts.bold)
+ resources.fonts.bold = resources.fonts.normal;
+ if (!resources.fonts.italic)
+ resources.fonts.italic = resources.fonts.bold;
+ if (!resources.fonts.directory)
+ resources.fonts.directory = resources.fonts.normal;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("debugging mode\n");
! /*
! * Set the default width and height.
! * I am not real happy with this method, but it will usually do something
! * reasonable, if not the "right" thing. It is not a real big issue since
! * it is easy to change the values with resources or command line options.
! * NOTE: if you are in a 100 dpi display you will lose.
! */
! default_width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
! default_height=DisplayHeight(XtDisplay(initial_widget),
! XtDisplay(initial_widget)->default_screen);
default_height *= 3;
default_height /= 4;
sections = Man();
! if (resources.top_box_active) {
! MakeTopMenuWidget();
*** 138,144 ****
* the screen so that if this user does not have a top box then when he
* removes all his manual pages we can kill off the xman process.
* To make things easier we will consider the top box a shown manual page
! * here, but since you cannot remove it, man_page_show only goes to zero when
* no top box is present.
--- 137,143 ----
* the screen so that if this user does not have a top box then when he
* removes all his manual pages we can kill off the xman process.
* To make things easier we will consider the top box a shown manual page
! * here, but since you cannot remove it, man_page_shown only goes to zero when
* no top box is present.
*** 174,180 ****
int argc;
int i;
- char * prog;
static char **syntax, *syntax_def[] = {
"-helpfile <filename>", "Specifies the helpfile to use.",
--- 173,178 ----
*** 205,217 ****
for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++)
(void) printf("This argument is unknown to Xman: %s\n", argv[i]);
- if ( (prog = rindex(argv[0], '/')) == NULL)
- prog = argv[0];
(void) printf("\nKnown arguments are:\n");
while ( *syntax != NULL ) {
! printf("%-20s - %s\n", syntax[0], syntax[1]);
syntax += 2;
--- 203,212 ----
for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++)
(void) printf("This argument is unknown to Xman: %s\n", argv[i]);
(void) printf("\nKnown arguments are:\n");
while ( *syntax != NULL ) {
! printf("%-30s - %s\n", syntax[0], syntax[1]);
syntax += 2;
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a17248 Fri Jan 6 18:57:03 1989
--- clients/xman/search.c Fri Jan 6 18:42:29 1989
*** 1,7 ****
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: search.c,v 1.2 88/09/04 20:27:33 swick Exp $
* $oHeader: search.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:19 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--- 1,7 ----
* xman - X window system manual page display program.
! * $XConsortium: search.c,v 1.3 89/01/06 18:42:28 kit Exp $
* $oHeader: search.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:19 kit Exp $
* Copyright 1987, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*** 21,27 ****
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: search.c,v 4.0 88/08/31 22:13:19 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
--- 21,27 ----
#if ( !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
! static char rcs_version[] = "$Athena: search.c,v 4.7 89/01/06 15:59:02 kit Exp $";
#include "globals.h"
*** 35,41 ****
#define SEARCHARGS 10
FILE * DoManualSearch();
! struct entry * BEntrySearch();
/* Function Name: MakeSearchWidget
* Description: This Function Creates the Search Widget.
--- 35,41 ----
#define SEARCHARGS 10
FILE * DoManualSearch();
! static int BEntrySearch();
/* Function Name: MakeSearchWidget
* Description: This Function Creates the Search Widget.
*** 66,72 ****
popup_shell = XtCreatePopupShell(SEARCHNAME, transientShellWidgetClass,
parent, arglist, num_args);
! box = XtCreateWidget("box",boxWidgetClass, popup_shell,NULL,0);
num_args = 0;
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNborderWidth, 0);
--- 66,72 ----
popup_shell = XtCreatePopupShell(SEARCHNAME, transientShellWidgetClass,
parent, arglist, num_args);
! box = XtCreateWidget("box",boxWidgetClass, popup_shell,NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
num_args = 0;
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNborderWidth, 0);
*** 81,87 ****
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNeditType, XttextEdit);
! man_globals->search_string = INIT_SEARCH_STRING;
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNstring, man_globals->search_string);
--- 81,87 ----
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNeditType, XttextEdit);
! strcpy(man_globals->search_string, INIT_SEARCH_STRING);
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNstring, man_globals->search_string);
*** 90,96 ****
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNlength, SEARCH_STRING_LENGTH);
! XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNcursor, cursors.search_entry);
text = XtCreateWidget("textWidgetSearch",asciiStringWidgetClass,
--- 90,96 ----
XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNlength, SEARCH_STRING_LENGTH);
! XtSetArg(arglist[num_args], XtNcursor, resources.cursors.search_entry);
text = XtCreateWidget("textWidgetSearch",asciiStringWidgetClass,
*** 156,172 ****
answer = XtMakeResizeRequest(text, width, height, &width, &height);
! switch(answer) {
! case XtGeometryYes:
! case XtGeometryNo:
! break;
! case XtGeometryAlmost:
! (void) XtMakeResizeRequest(text, width, height, &width, &height);
! }
! AddCursor(popup_shell,cursors.search_entry);
/* Function Name: DoSearch
--- 156,172 ----
answer = XtMakeResizeRequest(text, width, height, &width, &height);
! switch(answer) {
! case XtGeometryYes:
! case XtGeometryNo:
! break;
! case XtGeometryAlmost:
! (void) XtMakeResizeRequest(text, width, height, &width, &height);
! }
! AddCursor(popup_shell,resources.cursors.search_entry);
/* Function Name: DoSearch
*** 212,218 ****
if (!strcmp(man_globals->search_string,"") ||
(man_globals->search_string[0] == ' ')) {
! PrintWarning("You want me to search for what???");
--- 212,218 ----
if (!strcmp(man_globals->search_string,"") ||
(man_globals->search_string[0] == ' ')) {
! PrintWarning(man_globals, "You want me to search for what???");
*** 228,235 ****
if (type == APROPOS) {
! sprintf(cmdbuf,"%s %s %s | %s > %s",APROPOSCOMMAND,path,
! man_globals->search_string,APROPOSFILTER,mantmp);
sprintf(label,"Results of apropos search on: %s",
--- 228,234 ----
if (type == APROPOS) {
! sprintf(cmdbuf, APROPOSFILTER, path, man_globals->search_string, mantmp);
sprintf(label,"Results of apropos search on: %s",
*** 272,278 ****
if (flag) {
file = NULL;
- /* PrintWarning(string_buf); */
--- 271,276 ----
*** 285,291 ****
file = DoManualSearch(man_globals);
if (file == NULL) {
sprintf(string_buf,"No manual entry for %s.",man_globals->search_string);
- /* PrintWarning(string_buf); */
--- 283,288 ----
*** 299,338 ****
* Returns: the filename of the man page.
ManpageGlobals *man_globals;
! struct entry * entry = NULL;
! char *string, *name;
! int i;
! FILE * file;
/* search current section first. */
string = man_globals->search_string;
i = man_globals->current_directory;
! entry = BEntrySearch(string, manual[i].entries, manual[i].nentries);
/* search other sections. */
! if (entry == NULL) {
i = -1; /* At the exit of the loop i needs to
be the one we used. */
do {
if (i == man_globals->current_directory) i++;
! entry = BEntrySearch(string, manual[i].entries, manual[i].nentries);
! } while ( (i < sections) && (entry == NULL) );
! if (entry == NULL)
! return(NULL);
! name = CreateManpageName(entry->label);
! file = FindFilename(man_globals, name, i, entry);
! free(name);
! return(file);
/* Function Name: BEntrySearch
--- 296,344 ----
* Returns: the filename of the man page.
+ #define NO_ENTRY -100
ManpageGlobals *man_globals;
! char *string;
! int e_num = NO_ENTRY;
! int i, initial_entry;
/* search current section first. */
string = man_globals->search_string;
i = man_globals->current_directory;
! e_num = BEntrySearch(string, manual[i].entries, manual[i].nentries);
/* search other sections. */
! if (e_num == NO_ENTRY) {
i = -1; /* At the exit of the loop i needs to
be the one we used. */
do {
if (i == man_globals->current_directory) i++;
! e_num = BEntrySearch(string, manual[i].entries, manual[i].nentries);
! } while ( (i < sections) && (e_num == NO_ENTRY) );
! if (e_num == NO_ENTRY)
! return(NULL);
! /*
! * Manual page found in some other section, unhighlight the current one.
! */
! XtListUnhighlight(
! man_globals->manpagewidgets.box[man_globals->current_directory]);
! else {
! /*
! * Highlight the element we are searching for if it is in the directory
! * listing currently being shown.
! */
! XtListHighlight(man_globals->manpagewidgets.box[i], e_num);
! }
! return(FindFilename(man_globals, manual[i].entries[e_num]));
/* Function Name: BEntrySearch
*** 343,377 ****
* Returns: a pointer to the entry found.
! struct entry *
BEntrySearch(string, first, number)
char * string;
! struct entry * first;
int number;
! int check, cmp;
! char * c, label[BUFSIZ];
while (TRUE) {
! if (number == 0)
! return(NULL); /* didn't find it. */
check = number/2;
! strcpy (label, first[check].label);
! c = index(label, '.');
! if (c != NULL);
! *c = '\0';
! cmp = strcmp(string, label);
! if ( cmp == 0 )
! return(&(first[check]));
! else if (cmp < 0)
number = check;
! else /* cmp > 0 */ {
! first = &(first[check + 1]);
number -= ( check + 1 );
--- 349,391 ----
* Returns: a pointer to the entry found.
! static int
BEntrySearch(string, first, number)
char * string;
! char ** first;
int number;
! int check, cmp, len_cmp, global_number;
! char *head, *tail;
+ global_number = 0;
while (TRUE) {
! if (number == 0) {
! return(NO_ENTRY); /* didn't find it. */
! }
check = number/2;
! head = rindex(first[ global_number + check ], '/');
! if (head == NULL)
! PrintError("index failure in BEntrySearch");
! head++;
! tail = rindex(head, '.');
! if (tail == NULL)
! PrintError("index failure in BEntrySearch");
! cmp = strncmp(string, head, (tail - head));
! len_cmp = strlen(string) - (int) (tail - head);
! if ( cmp == 0 && len_cmp == 0) {
! return(global_number + check);
! }
! else if ( cmp < 0 || ((cmp == 0) && (len_cmp < 0)) )
number = check;
! else /* cmp > 0 || ((cmp == 0) && (len_cmp > 0)) */ {
! global_number += (check + 1);
number -= ( check + 1 );
Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew) Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
Moderator of comp.sources.x
More information about the Comp.sources.x
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