8-Bit ASCII Standard on UNIX-POSIX

rja rja at edison.GE.COM
Thu Apr 7 23:01:40 AEST 1988

From: rja at edison.GE.COM (rja)

  I'd thought someone else would have pointed this out, but nothing has
shown up at edison to correct the misconception.  THERE IS AN 8-bit
STANDARD, ISO 8859/1.  It also has other variants (8859/2, etc.) which
support other languages.  The 8859/1 version supports nearly ALL languages
in use in Western Europe.  It is a proper superset of ASCII.

[ Actually, Guy Harris already pointed this out.  But your following
observation is quite useful.  -mod ]

For more details, please tune into the ongoing discussions in
comp.std.internat, where several people have voiced concerns over
languages NOT supported.  Nevertheless, since it is being adopted as an
X/OPEN standard and big companies like AT&T are adopting it, expect it
to take hold.

Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 47

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